Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 180: Surprise

Chapter 180: Surprise

"Alfred, are you sure this is the right move? The Gods are missing. We don't know if this is a trap. Why do you insist on attacking that place?" a man asked.

"According to my prophecy, that place will become our downfall, we need to get rid of that place and the God's daughter in it! Mr. Deus, you just wait here, I will go there and take care of everything, they are just bunches of demigods, there is no way they can win against us!" Alfred the god of prophecy said.

"Alright, take Astro with you, just in case the Gods attack," The man said before returning to his place.

"Astro, let's go," Alfred said to a silent girl at the back.

Both Gods took a teleportation portal directly to the mini-world gate. The technology-based teleportation could take them anywhere on earth without another gate on the other side.

"Sir! We are so sorry," twenty demigods bowed at the man when they sensed his appearance.

"the other got killed already? Tsk, even though I already foresee this, but your performance is really pathetic! Move, let me do this!" the god of prophecy said as he was about to blast the gate open.

He conjured cause-effect energy in his hand and sent it toward the gate of the mini-world. It flies slowly forward.

The moment it touched the gate, it exploded outward, and the mountain shook. Space seemed to distort as the energy contained tried to destroy the gate.

But to his surprise, the gate did not get destroyed; it stands there unscratched, or more like growing brighter.

"What? Did I put less power to that attack than I supposed to?" he wondered.

He used both of his hands and conjured a giant ball of energy before he threw it at the gate. The energy exploded and ate at everything around it, even the mountain top got eaten in the explosion too.

"What is happening here?!" He was shocked as the gate stood strong. It was floating where it was supposed to be.

"Astro help me! We need to destroy this door so they will come out!" he asked the girl for help.

"There is no need, they are here," she said coldly.

The god of prophecy turned back to the gate, and it swung open. Hundreds of ice swords flew out of the gate.

He dodged each sword perfectly as he could, each of them coming, "Pathetic! Do"

Ge was about to jeer at his assailant when a giant hammer hit him on the back of his head and sent him crashing to the ground.

Once the dust settled and he got out of the crater he created, he found four people and three giant creatures out of the gate.

"How is this possible? I did not see it coming!" the god of prophecy was shocked.

"Do you think you are the only one who can know what the future holds? Once I know what is coming, it's easy to change it!" A girl with a cat's ear and tail said.

"You!? You are the girl in the prophecy!" the man said in surprise as he tried to go after the girl.

But to his dismay, a giant cat with two tails blocked his path. It was so fast that it exceeded his predictive ability.

"a Lesser Titan! How is this possible!" The man recognized Mia's nature.

Sol had helped the cat to be a Titan since it's the only way it could live forever, with the unlimited resources of the Hydra, he could just feed her with its meat for a long time.

"Do you think your group of lesser gods and lesser titan can beat me? I have become a minor God! There is no way you can beat me!" he shouted when a giant hound appeared in front of him and bit at him.

He hurriedly conjured a barrier, but it cracked because of the hound's strength, "Another lesser Demi titan?!" he was shocked by the hellhound's strength.

Suddenly he had an awful premonition as he got a prophecy. Blood mist suddenly appeared around him as a blood wolf appeared beside him and attacked him.

Different from the titan. He could see a girl inside the blood wolf, Moon was conjuring the blood wolf to attack God.

He tried to defend himself but to his surprise, his barrier got corroded by the blood and he was attacked by the blood wolf.

"Minor God! Since when did they have a minor god?!" he lamented as he turned at his friend.

"Astro, Help! They are ganking on me!" He asked for help.

The girl turned to look at him in slow-motion as purple energy around her slowed her down, Nerodia had targeted her first.

But she exploded in power, it caused the purple energy around her to disperse as she was covered in a dark aura.

"I'm Astro, the Goddess of Power! Identify yourself!" the girl declared.

Nerodia smiled, "Nerodia, the goddess of timelessness, and it seems your time is about to end."

They clashed with their power instead of their fist, Nerodia tried to affect her time while the girl tried to brute force her way out of it.

"Damn, it! This is not supposed to happen! We need to buy some time! Deus should come if we wait!" Alfred thought.

The fight continued when he noticed a man standing by the gate unmoving; he recognized the man.

"That man! The man asshole! I will kill him!" he thought as he tried to shake off the group's attack and went after Sol.

But Moon did not let him get to Sol, Sol was busy and it would not be good for others to interrupt him.

The surrounding ice seemed to crystallize, and the temperature dropped, but it soon evaporated into nothing.

At first, it just affected their surroundings, and people would think that it was just the aftereffect of their fight.

But the phenomenon spread, it happened everywhere and anywhere, just like a wave, it became bigger and bigger, soon it covered nearby cities, then it spread to the whole continent.

Soon, the whole earth was covered in the same phenomenon. Ice started to crystalize before it evaporated into nothing.

People look wide-eyed as the white world they got used to suddenly gone. Color returned to the world, taking the cold with it.

"What is happening?!" Everyone thought as the sky grew brighter and white light spread through half of the earth.

Power pulsed through Sol's body as he just advanced to be a minor God, "Finally! I thought this time would never come. Even after a hundred years, I did not have enough domain. Now I'm back to this world, my domain finally evolved!" He celebrated.

Alfred suddenly stops on his step. As he got another prophecy, he will be turned into a statue in his prophecy. No matter what he does, his fate can't be changed.

The heat started to leave his body. He tried to stop it with his energy, but it could not do anything against the pulling.

The heat in his body was pulled to the sky. He looked up to find a sun was shining in the sky.

"What is that sun?!" he looked in shock as the white sun absorbed heat from his body. As a God, losing heat was not fatal, but it weakened him a lot as his power was sapped away along with the heat.

"Astro! Help me!" he asked for help once more, but to his surprise, the goddess of power, the one who was supposed to be able to overpower everything, was unmoving.

She was frozen in time, and unable to start her power. The sun ice gave Nerodia a chance for a decisive move.

The goddess of power could not start her power, which made her unable to break free from the Goddess' power of time.

"I need to get Deus to protect me!" The God tried to run away with his power, but suddenly, Sol appeared in front of him.

He was faster than anything the god knew, "The hell?!"

He looked down to find there was a hole in his chest, Sol looked at him with his heart in hand.

"you remembered my promise? It's been a hundred years, now it's time for me to fulfill it!"

He crushed the heart to frozen shards; the god did not die but in unbelievable agony; he tried to free himself, but Sol pulled another organ and crushed it too.

"Oops, my hand slipped. I was looking for your divinity. Let me try again," he said in scorn as he kept pulling things out of the man's body.

"Huh? Another miss? Sorry, this is my first time, so I'm kind of walking blindly here," Sol said.

He was already about to end the man, but he kept pulling the wrong things.

"Need help?" A man sounded behind him.

Sol turned around to find a man, and he knew the man instinctually without the man saying who he was.

"A major God! Deus!" Sol thought to himself as the man reached out, and the god of prophecy's divinity got ripped out of his body before the God of machine pushed it into himself.

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