Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Ever since independence, the Independence Army has basically not made any big moves. Once it does, it will definitely massacre the city.

“We can’t help now, even if the students die inside.” Fan Han Star’s representative seriously said, “The people outside are more important.”

Ying Yuerong glanced at Fifth Region and Thirteenth Region, and then said to Jie Yuman: “Which of your substitutes participated in last year’s competition?”

Jie Yuman had just met Shen Tukun. She said: “There happens to be a graduate who has entered the extreme cold competition three times.”

“Call him over.” Ying Yuerong asked the leading teacher of the Imperial Military Academy to ask the substitute team.

Each venue undergoes some changes every year, and due to the special nature of the competition, the map is only the one drawn by the rescuers who clean up the venue. Ying Yuerong has not been in it for a long time, so she can only understand the internal layout by asking questions.

The Imperial Military Academy and Damocles Military Academy immediately set off and boarded three large military aircraft provided by Fan Han Star. On the way, Ying Yuerong determined the terrain of the extremely cold arena through the descriptions of the students who had been there in recent years.

Against the wind and snow, the aircraft flew slowly and at a low altitude. Even so, the visibility was still horribly low.

“what happened?”

“The aircraft is broken?”

“The cold wave has already broken out, and although the temperature has dropped, we haven’t reached the extremely cold stadium yet, so we should be fine.

Halfway through their flight, the aircraft suddenly experienced violent turbulence, and everyone was talking about what happened.

Ying Yuerong stood in front of the communication light screen and contacted the representative of Fan Han Star through a special channel to ask him about his situation, but the first few communications showed no signal.

The aircraft bumped for a few more minutes, and Ying Yuerong called Fan Han Star’s representative again. This time, someone answered, but there was a hissing sound of interference.

“Cold wave.…..the cold wave in the extremely cold stadium is gathering and breaking out. Don’t come any closer.” The representative’s face was dangling on the light screen due to signal problems.

“Hasn’t there been an outbreak before?” The leading teacher of the Imperial Military Academy frowned, “What does a gathering outbreak mean?”

The intermittent voice of the representative came over: “We don’t know the situation, but….. several patrol cameras, when crushed and rolled in, captured part of it. A cold wave was gathering above the extremely cold stadium. It was completely different from before. Don’t go in, there’s no hope.…..”

It would be dangerous to wait four days for a cold wave to enter. Now that so many cold waves have gathered and broke out together, it will be at least a month or two before it will not be dangerous to enter.

The representative wanted to say something else, but the signal was interrupted again.

The people from the Imperial Military Academy and Damocles Military Academy did not go in, not because they listened to the representatives, but because it took them a long time to get to the extreme cold track, and the exit was blocked by the eye of the cold wind, making it impossible to enter. .

Finally, Ying Yuerong asked everyone to stop and camped outside.

They will wait for this gathering cold wave to pass before entering the extremely cold arena.

“It’s so difficult for us to even park outside. They can’t hold on inside at all. How many days have it been?” Xiang Minghua walked around, “Their energy has long been used up.”

“They should be able to survive for a while after encountering the aircraft inside.” Shen Tukun was wearing the military uniform of Thirteenth Region and stood upright next to him.

Xiang Minghua pulled out a handful of hair: “With their bad luck, it is useless to enter the aircraft now. Our external aircraft can be blown away, let alone theirs.”

Now three aircraft were parked outside the extremely cold arena. The exterior of each aircraft is fixed with a special holder, otherwise it will keep moving in the direction of the wind.

As for the people inside the aircraft, they could only stare.


As time passed by, the signal station of Fan Han Star’s special channel was repaired again and again, and it took some time for news from various places to be sent.

“The Imperial Military Academy seems to be giving up.” Jie Yuman came in hurriedly.

“Ying Yuerong wants to give up?” Xiang Minghua slapped the table hard, a vein popping up on his forehead, “There are so many students inside, and she was the one who said she would bring them back even if they were corpses.”

“It’s not her.” Xie Yuman sat down and wiped his face, “Marshal Ji called and said that he didn’t want people from the military region to make unnecessary sacrifices after losing this group of students.”

“Crazy.” Xiang Minghua clenched his hands and pressed them against the table, “What do you mean by meaningless sacrifice? There are so many 3S-level students, the hope of the future of the Federation. The situation inside is not clear, and life and death are decided?”

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