Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Situ Jia, who was standing nearby, was horrified: He could not open a single vortex as a soldier, but Ying Xingjue relied on his perception to forcefully tear apart so many vortexes, and even the barrier was still stable without any problems.

“Go.” Ying Xingjue tore a hole in the surrounding whirlpool and sent the Imperial Military Academy team out.

Finally, Ji Chuyu led the team away from the barrier, leaving Ying Xingjue alone to go in the other direction.

As soon as they came out of the barrier, they instantly felt the power of the cold wave center. The A-class mechas were shaky even while standing.

Everyone in the Imperial Military Academy looked back at the whirlpool that was gradually moving away. Ying Xingjue alone held up such a large physical barrier to resist the cold wave.

It was the first time for even the people of the Imperial Military Academy to truly see the terrifying power of a super 3S level commander.

For some reason, Tai Wude silently compared Wei San with the main commander Ying Xingjue. Ying Xingjue should be the strongest commander in the Federation today, without a doubt.

Wei San.…..seems to be quite powerful, she suddenly jumped to level 3S. There are so many 3s-level soldiers this year. If you really want to choose from them, Tai Wude thinks Wei San will be the strongest in the future.

There was no reason, he simply felt that if Wei San got serious about beating people, no one could beat her.


Those high-speed whirlpools did not chase the Imperial Military Academy team, but left with Ying Xingjue.

The whirlpool seems to be extremely interested in materializing the barrier, or in other words, the Ying Xingjue that establishes the barrier.

The Imperial Military Academy troops were exposed to the center of the cold wave, and the commanders could still sense and connect with Ying Xingjue, follow his command, and change their formations in time.

However, after the Imperial Military Academy team walked for a while, they found that new vortexes had formed and occasionally attacked them.

According to the formation given by Ying Xingjue, everyone moved forward while resisting the whirlpool.

Huo Jian cut off the arm of the mecha soldier who was vortexed in, then stretched out his hand to pull him back: “Seal the fracture.”

The mecha soldier whose arm was severed immediately took emergency measures to the wound of the mecha to prevent the cold air from invading.

The Imperial Military Academy’s combat preparation package has always been rich. Their team’s march is easier than that of the Damocles Military Academy who also broke out of the heart of the cold wave, and the damage rate of the mechas is also much lower.

“Here we go again.” Situ Jia looked at the vortex rising on the ground and led the team forward.

Everyone has no way to fight the vortex and can only avoid it.

There was someone in the school team who reacted only half a beat later, and was caught by the whirlpool and got churned away.

“These whirlpools.…..” Gong Yijue had a bad guess, “They seem to be conscious.”

“Consciousness?” Situ Jia turned his head, “You mean these are alive?”

“First they targeted the barrier, and now they target the lone mechas.” Gong Yijue closed his eyes, “You have all seen the mutated plants on the Guyu track, why can’t the vortex flow be conscious?”

Huo Shan, who was behind, came forward with two more school team soldiers who were about to be churned into the whirlpools. He asked directly: “Is the whirlpool current or the cold wave conscious?”

Gong Yijue felt suffocated. The whirlpool flow still made him think outside the box. If the frigid cold was conscious.…..

“Get out first.” Ji Chuyu interrupted their conversation. There was only one goal now, to escape from the center of the cold wave.

Every time the Imperial Military Academy team was delayed inside, these vortexes began to intensify and become more numerous.

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