Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

The group of five walked towards the aircraft, with Wei San dragging a broadcasting equipment at the back and following behind.

The sound of the announcement slowly drifted inside the aircraft.

When the staff left, a lot of people had gathered inside. At first they could hear a little bit of sound, but now the broadcast was clear and articulate. Anyone who was not deaf could hear the broadcast congratulating Damocles.

“I don’t think there are any of us from Damocles inside.” The soldier tilted his head and said to Wei San.

The people next to them along the way seemed to be all staff members from Pingtong Academy.

“What?” Wei San’s ears were blocked by the sound of the radio and she couldn’t quite hear what the soldier was saying.

After a few times, the soldier simply shouted loudly: “These are all pretentious criminals from Pingtong Academy!”

Wei San heard it.

Not only did she hear it, but everyone in the aisle around her and the staff in front also heard it.

“.….” The overturned soldier immediately supported the commander and coughed desperately, as if he was not the one who spoke just now.

The students from five military academies held a private vote, and Pingtong Academy ranked first in pretentiousness, beating the Imperial Military Academy.

These people always like to suppress their nature and conduct comprehensive military management. The Imperial Military Academy is very competitive, but the students still have their own personalities.

Moreover, in addition to the perception level, the people of Pingtong Academy also have distinctions in status.

“This is recognized by everyone.” The soldier whispered to Wei San, “You can’t blame me.”

…… .

“People from Damocles Military Academy?” A rescuer rushed over, “Can you turn off the radio first?”

Wei San caught a glimpse of the two stripes and one star on his military uniform, and knew that he was a major-level rescuer, a member of the Second District, and affiliated with the Imperial Star.

The staff in charge of the aircraft came from the same background as the military academy team below, and the staff at the exchange office came from different military academies. As for the rescuers, they are all assigned to different aircraft according to drawing lots.

Wei San turned off the radio and straightened up: “Are all the military academies trapped inside?”

“Samuel Military Academy and South Percy Military Academy took the initiative to leave.” The major said, “I don’t know if they went out in the end. All our communications are unusable.”

The major took over the staff and took them to the rest area: “You can stay inside. The aircraft is being repaired. Once it is repaired, you may have a chance to go out.”

“We want mecha energy supplies.” Wei San said directly.

“I remember you are level 3S.” The major stared at her for a long time, “I can give you energy, but you must go out and look for others with us.”

Wei San raised her eyebrows. This major’s target was obviously the Imperial Military Academy.

“Alright.” Wei San just wanted to find the group from Damocles Military Academy.

After they rested in the aircraft for a period of time, Wei San asked the soldiers and the commander to stay inside: “I’m going to search. You guys stay here. Keep the broadcasting equipment safe. You have to play it for everyone to listen to when we get out.”

“Your mecha energy.” The major gave Wei San enough energy to last four days, as well as an old-fashioned communication device. “This can contact me within a certain range.”

There are resources in the exchange office inside the aircraft. After the crash, the rescuers immediately control all resources and are responsible for redistribution.

Wei San packed up: “Is there any nutrient solution?”

The major paused his hand and said: “Get it by yourself in the corner.”

Wei San turned to look at a box of nutrient solution, walked over, picked up the whole box and put it into her combat readiness bag.

“What are you doing?” The major was shocked.

Wei San hesitated and said: “.…..drinking it?” What was wrong.

“This belongs to both of us.” The major gritted his molars and spoke slowly.

Wei San looked down at the nutrient solution in the box, took out a row and placed it in front of the major: “Is this enough?”

The major was silent.

She continued to take out a row of nutrient solutions.

The major remained silent.

Wei San opened a row and took out two bottles of nutrient solution: “I can’t give any more, Major. I’m still young and I’m growing.”

Major: “.…..”

Finally, Wei San dug around again and took out one, placed it in front of the major, turned around and walked out, regardless of the mood of the person behind her.

Wei San went out to search alone, and received a brief training from the rescuers before coming out.

They cleaned the field half a month ago and marked each completed area. Although the cold wave is coming and the mark is covered with ice and snow, you can roughly understand the location by walking slowly according to the map provided.

Even if they don’t meet anyone else, they can figure out the route and prepare for their escape.

However, Wei San has to calculate the time to return. It is possible that the aircraft will leave after being repaired and cannot exceed the communication range.

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