Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

In a separate medical room, Ying Xingjue repeated the last examination, except that the doctor now was his personal doctor since childhood, the senior sister of the doctor for Wei San.

Have you had a lot of mood swings during this period? Xu Zhen pulled up a chair and sat next to him, asking Ying Xingjue.

Its still alright. Ying Xingjue said calmly, not like someone who would suddenly attack a doctor.

Xu Zhen called up the data on the light brain and compared it: Except for the fluctuations in perception, there are no major changes in the body. It may be that the nutrient solution has failed. Tongxuan Company has sent a new nutrient solution. I will test it first before leaving it for you.

Ying Xingjue leaned on the bedside and turned to look out the window. It was gray and even the air was cold. He could only see the gray building opposite, which was the back of the medical building.

By the way, I seemed to have met my junior brother just now. Xu Zhen spoke to herself, Jing Ti is the doctor who first discovered that there was a problem with your nutritional solution that year. I dont know what he is doing here, but I remember he went to District 13.

Xu Zhen first worked as a doctor in the Second Military Region. Later, after taking over Ying Xingjue, he resigned from the military and devoted himself to studying his situation.

Ying Xingjue lowered his eyes: The doctor is here for only one reason.

Is anyone in Damocles sick? Xu Zhen stood up, got a bottle of supplements, and put it on Ying Xingjue, Colonel Li Zes injury hasnt healed yet?

Ying Xingjue never said a word, he knew who Jing Ti was here for.

I have to train in the afternoon. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the bottle.

Xu Zhen paused and said: The drip speed has been adjusted to the maximum. Lets push back the training.

Wei San trained all afternoon and immediately ran to the doctor as soon as she finished.

Yesterday, the doctor said his greetings in advance that he would test her data after training, preferably within two minutes of training.

Wei San: Two minutes is too short, cant you come over and test? The medical building and the training ground are not close to each other.

The doctor smiled slightly: The equipment I use is from this training ground and cannot be moved. Unlike the Imperial Military Academy, they bring all their own medical equipment.

So as soon as the training was over, Wei San jumped out and ran all the way, taking a detour to the medical building. She didnt go through the door and take the elevator, but instead, climbed up the tall building with bare hands.

When Xu Zhen turned around to get the bottle for Ying Xingjue, he followed his gaze and looked out the window. He was surprised when he saw the figure climbing up the stairs quickly with bare hands: Who is that?

Ying Xingjue watched Wei San quickly climb to a certain high-rise building, and when he saw her reaching out to knock on the window, a man inside opened the window, his eyes widened, and he didnt know what they were talking about, and then let her in. The man in a white coat stuck his head out to look downstairs, then closed the window with a look of shock on his face.

Only then did he look away and answer Xu Zhens question: People from Damocles.

Xu Zhen came to his senses: Should be a soldier. Only those individual soldiers can do such reckless things.

Ying Xingjue never denied it.

The person who opened the window just now is Jing Ti. I saw it correctly before. Xu Zhen pulled off the needle on the back of Ying Xingjues hand. You can go to training, but I suggest you rest first.

Ying Xingjue stood up and walked out of the medical room. He raised his head and looked at a window on a certain floor. The handprints left on the window edge were gradually covered by the cold air and disappeared.

After a moment, he turned and walked towards the training building.

You soldiers are really The doctor asked Wei San to pick up her sleeve and put the patch on the inside of her arm, I sure admire you

Wei San: Doctor, you let me arrive in two minutes.

Cant you borrow some teachers aircraft to fly over after training? Jing Ti put various test lines on Wei San and sat down, You have to use your legs to run? The strength of a soldier is replaced by their brain, and you are indeed worthy of your reputation.

Wei San: She is also an engineer!

Sit down and dont move. Jing Ti opened a cold chain box, which contained two tubes of blood. I tested the blood I drew last time. The tube on the left is my blood.

Wei San looked at the two tubes of blood and couldnt tell the difference: So?

Theres something extra in your blood components. I cant separate it out, and I dont know if its good or bad. Jing Ti sighed, I dont know if its the reason for exceeding 3S.

The blood indicators are indeed different depending on the grade, but Wei San has more unknown ingredients.

How about you go and request for Ying Xingjues blood? Wei San suggested.

Jing Ti: I will be arrested by the guards as soon as I open my mouth.

Buy us a Boba Tea!

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