Simulation Towards Immortality In A Group Chat

Chapter 523 - 171: Two Peculiarities! The Doomed Cultivation Realm! (10,000-word Chapter!) _6

Chapter 523 - 171: Two Peculiarities! The Doomed Cultivation Realm! (10,000-word Chapter!) _6

"What's the point of saying all this? You can't destroy this world without dying yourself. And there's no way for me to help you deal with him here."

Shop Strange looked at Wang Ping with irritation, unhappy that he had been called out on his own shortcomings, and snorted coldly.

"You don't have a way? Isn't your power the ability to grant wishes? What if I ask you to generate a purifying force? Can't it be done?"

Wang Ping squinted his eyes, not believing Shop Strange's words, and spoke slowly.

Father used to say, you need magic to fight magic.

Now is the time to make use of the Strange to fight the Strange.

"Ha, you make it sound so easy. My power has rules. You have to pay the corresponding price in order to generate the power to fight him, and you clearly can't afford it."

Shop Strange sneered.

"How much World Source do I need to fight him?"

Wang Ping asked slowly.

"World Source!?"

Upon hearing the words "World Source," Shop Strange was instantly invigorated, rubbing his hands together and giggling.

"If you want to use World Source to generate power, it's not impossible. But, at least this much?"

As Shop Strange said this, he held up one finger.

"How much is that?"

Wang Ping raised an eyebrow.

Damn it, without the connection to Alpha in the life simulation, he had no idea what the unit of World Source was now.

Group points clearly didn't apply in this situation.

"One thousand jin of World Source. Also, you can't let your companions cheat during the trade, they have to draw cards fairly."

Shop Strange grinned and spoke.

"Heh, do you think I'm an idiot?"

Wang Ping sneered.

Although Wang Ping didn't know how many Group points were equal to one thousand jin of World Source, it would definitely not be a small amount. It was clear that this guy saw him as easy prey.

"Take it or leave it."

Shop Strange pursed his lips, looking at him like he was born poor.

Wang Ping's temples throbbed, wanting to slap this guy on the spot.

However, Wang Ping seemed to remember something and directly used his power to reach out to Shop Strange.

Unfortunately, Wang Ping's power dissipated the moment it touched Shop Strange.

"What, if you can't pay, then you want to use force? Like I said before, in the shop, I am invincible."

Shop Strange sneered.

"And, by the way, let me remind you. As I have said before, everyone who enters the shop must draw a card. And you haven't drawn yet."

"Is there no way to forcibly hold you? It seems we need some unconventional methods."

Wang Ping didn't pay heed to Shop Strange's words, frowned slightly, and thought to himself.

"If I want you to sleep with a woman, can this wish be included in the cards?"

Wang Ping looked at Strange and said calmly.


At Wang Ping's words, Chen Kang, Ye Xiaofan, Chen Si, and Wu Jun were all stunned.

Mr. Wang, this is too audacious, isn't it?

What a bizarre wish.

"Are you serious?"

Shop Strange asked with an amused expression.

"Of course, I'm serious."

Wang Ping spoke calmly, and all you need to do is answer me if it's possible or not.

"Of course, as long as I can accept your wish and it's within the range of my abilities, I can grant it in the form of a card. Once you draw that card, whether I like it or not, I have to do it."

Shop Strange nodded and said.

"But I need you to add one more thing. It must be done in the shop. I will never leave the shop."

Shop Strange said seriously.

"Heh, of course, it will be in the shop."

Wang Ping said meaningfully.

"Well, let's get you started with the card drawing. Your wish is pretty low-grade, so you don't have to pay any hefty price. I'll just randomly draw a little of their cultivation. However, if you draw a bad card, you'll have your hands full with the curse. I'm really looking forward to you becoming my puppet."

Shop Strange spoke sinisterly.

Wang Ping didn't say much and chose to draw a card directly.

He had terrible luck, drawing the card that would turn him into a puppet.

Then, under the excited gaze of Shop Strange, Wang Ping gradually lost consciousness.

At that moment, the luminescent screen appeared, and the text simulation also appeared.

[Ding, because you have turned into a puppet and lost your soul, the simulation ends here.]

With the appearance of these words, Wang Ping suddenly awoke and was freed from the immersive simulation.


After Wang Ping regained his senses, he took a deep breath.

The feeling of losing one's soul was incredibly strange and palpitation-inducing, enough to make even the current him feel apprehensive.

Fortunately, it was just a simulation; if it were real, he would have had to rely on Wu Jun's golden finger to save him.

However, Wu Jun's golden finger could not always randomly rescue souls.

"Mr. Wang, how did it go?"

Seeing Wang Ping recover, Qin Tian asked worriedly.

"I found a way to kill Strange."

Wang Ping glanced at Qin Tian and replied.

Upon hearing this, everyone showed expressions of delight.


Wang Ping hesitated and looked at Qin Tian again.

Right now, Chen Kang, Cai Yonglong, Chen Si, and Wu Jun had not absorbed the Spiritual Energy and were still relying on their own energy to protect themselves.

But Qin Tian and Ye Xiaofan were already in deep trouble.

"What 'however'+"

Qin Tian felt a knot in his heart.

"Sigh, Qin Tian, your and Ye Xiaofan's situation is really bad."

Wang Ping sighed and detailed the content of the simulation.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces changed, and they felt a wave of nausea based on Wang Ping's description.

Qin Tian was especially pale, shocked to the core.

Had he really fallen into the trap?

How could this be possible?

"One world, two Stranges, and one of them has grown into a big boss, it's too dangerous..."

Cai Yonglong looked at Qin Tian with pity and sighed.

"Am I... am I going to die?"

Qin Tian's eyes lost their focus.

"You won't die. You'll just become an indescribable monster that even you won't know."

Wang Ping shook his head and said.

"That's even worse than dying." Qin Tian's mental state collapsed.

Everyone else fell silent, silently thickening their energy barrier to protect themselves, preventing the absorption of any outer world Spiritual Energy and the possibility of contact with it.

"Alpha, Qin Tian and Ye Xiaofan have been affected by Strange's power. Can't you detect it? Also, they've been to worlds with Spiritual Energy. Are other worlds contaminated too?"

As Qin Tian was collapsing, Wang Ping quietly asked Alpha in his heart.

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