Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 658: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXXXVI

Chapter 658: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXXXVI

Wen Ying glanced around and saw that the cause of the temperature change was not far away, and blazing flames came into view. They were now on a charred land, surrounded by a ring of fire. If it were ordinary fire, the monks would definitely not be afraid of it, but this fire was a little weird, blue in color, with fire scales rising in the air. If it accidentally touched the body, it would spread quickly, catching people off guard.

While she was looking at it, suddenly, several attack spells came in an instant!

As if they had made an appointment, dozens of people flashed and attacked her!

“Hand over the Bingxin Dan!” They approached menacingly.

It was obvious that she was overestimating her capabilities by using foundation building to fight against the Jiedan monk, but before Wen Ying could take action to kill her, the Jiedan monk’s attack fell on her with the force of thunder. She turned to avoid it, and the dozen or so people were already there. They gathered around her, aggressively.

Wen Ying’s lightning-dropping technique was unbearable for several people in the early stages of foundation building, and they all retreated.


Nineteen roared and pounced, blocking the three late-stage foundation builders by himself, sharing the firepower for her.

The current war situation is still not in her favor.

Although there is a difference in realm between the Jiedan monk and the Foundation Establishment monk, the interference of these “mosquitoes” will inevitably affect her judgment, but the one who really faced off against her was in the middle stage of Jiedan. She was really not as good as him in terms of powerful skills, so she had to use all her heart and soul to deal with him, and it was difficult to separate her. Nineteen was only at the fourth level, which is equivalent to the late stage of foundation building. It is not easy to defeat one against three. If he was asked to defend, these people wouldn’t be able to cause much harm to him even if they came together, but if he wanted to stop them for her and tell them not to interfere with her, he would inevitably lose sight of one.

She asked: “You think you are righteous, when did you start the bandit business?”

“Stop talking nonsense!” The Jiedan monk snorted coldly.

Although they were asking for the Bingxin Pill, their actions were deadly and without any scruples. You know, she is now a Jiedan monk, and if she offends them, they will all die in one move. None of these foundation-building monks can escape, for a pill? It’s never worth it.

She was forced to retreat step by step, approaching the edge of the fire circle. The circle of blue-scaled fire grew larger at some point, as if the nutrients in the land had been burned away, and the fire retreated. Seeing that the fire behind them weakened, Wen Ying stepped back again.

When her feet stepped on the burned land, she looked back and suddenly seemed to understand something.

At this moment, the late-stage Jiedan monk used a magic weapon to deliver a powerful attack, forcing her to follow through! At almost the same time, the foundation-building monks suddenly retreated.

Suddenly, the blue scale fire behind her came back with the force of a prairie fire. She couldn’t avoid it and was swallowed whole!

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