Seven Sins System

Chapter 87: I Want You To be Mine

Chapter 87: I Want You To be Mine

Seven Sins System Chapter 87. I Want You To be Mine

Evie's PoV

After Evie got out of the changing room, instead of immediately returning to her dorm, she decided to head back to the arena and planned to say a thing or two to Dr. Allen. Or rather she wanted to explain why she was in his locker. She was afraid that he would stay away from her after this incident. Better, she could ask him to return together as an apology.

Arriving in front of the arena, Evie's steps stopped. Her gaze was fixed on Dr. Allen who was busy training Fiona. Julia and her team were on the bench. But of all, it was Julia's gaze that was the most different from the others. Even though she realized that she had no right to it, jealousy filled her heart so she decided to leave without a word.

Even though today she did well and Dr. Allen complimented her several times over her good reflexes, somehow she didn't feel happy at all. Her steps felt heavy as what she saw in the arena kept replaying in her head. Still, since she was a quiet student. She didn't show any of her emotions on her face.

Quitely, she entered her room which was slightly smaller than the mentor's. Since she was the only one staying there, there wasn't much stuff in the entrance or dining room, or kitchen. Previously, she had it, but her roommate took a long leave at the end of semester one to treat her sick mother and she hadn't been back ever since.

Yes. She lied to Dr. Allen when she said she had a roommate. That night, she was curious about what he was doing after she heard what Dr. Allen said in front of the hospital. So she asked her next-door's friend to go to the convenience store and reasoned that she needed more pens. But when they just came in, she said she left her wallet in her room so she had to go back to the room to get it. While actually, she wanted to go out to spy on Dr. Allen from a distance. Especially since she realized he was standing on his balcony alone.

As for the reason why she asked her friend to accompany her, it was because she knew how sharp Dr. Allen was. Behind his calm appearance and friendly smile, she knew Dr. Allen was a good observer and leader. It frightened her. But that was also the reason why she fell in love with him.

Plus, aside from his good build body and his look, his ability as a combat doctor was beyond exceptional. And his speed was the same as a melee DPS. He also cared for his students and knew how to handle the trio. He was the perfect man.

She could understand why so many people were attracted to and fell in love with him. It kinda irritated her. She wanted to have him and made him belong to her alone. But she didn't know how to make a man as perfect as he submitted to her. Kidnapping him was definitely impossible since he was stronger than her. Drugging him was also impossible since his knowledge of medicine and poison was more than her. Not to mention, he had the skill to neutralize poison and negative status. The only way was to make him fall in love with her. But once again, how? How to make him fall in love with her while she felt she was nothing compared to the sexy mentor, Miss Julia, or even her team leader, Claire?

Deciding to escape from reality, Evie put down her bag and sat down in front of her desk. Her eyes fell on the huge board in front of her. It was filled with Dr. Allen's photos since he started to enter this academy. There were at least more than 100 photos neatly lined up there. All of them were in various poses. When he ate. When he spoke. When he daydreamed. When he fought. But her favorite was when he fought in the last duel.

Unfortunately, she failed when she tried to put the small camera in his locker. She did it so she could get his nude photos. Even though she had used Claire to cover up what she had done, it failed.

His photos were not her only collection. A body pillow covered in a printed pillowcase was also lying on the bed. Likewise with two head pillows with his photos. His photos also adorned her laptop's wallpaper. Unfortunately, she couldn't put it as her phone's wallpaper.

A smile grew on her lips as her eyes stared at the photos in front of her. Her heart was beating fast. Her cheeks blushed. This time instead of what she saw in the arena, her mind drifted away to what was happening in the changing room. How close they were. How he intimidated her and how he could see her face up close. It was a rare moment and she would not be able to forget it for the rest of her life.

Slowly, her hand reached out to those photos and rubbed them gently.

"Allen," she whispered. She didn't know when she could call him only by his name. Not as her mentor or the academy's doctor.

Then a long exhale out of her mouth.

"I should take the opportunity to kiss him or confess my feelings to him," she said in disappointment. But she couldn't say anything either since she was too nervous and was afraid that he would keep his distance from her.

Trying to shake off the mixed-up feeling in her heart, Evie opened her laptop and clicked on a hidden folder in a pile of other programs. There were at least ten document files in there and all of them were her fanfiction stories. She even posted one of them on an online platform to let him know about her existence. But she didn't expect it to turn into something big. Even many people think it was Miss Aria who wrote it. While everything she wrote was just a coincidence.

She shifted her mouse to open an unfinished story. In that story, he was less intimidating and she was much-much more powerful than him. So she could kidnap him and make him her own, just like her dream.

As she looked at her story's cover, she whispered.

"Allen… Can you make me your only one?"

Author note:

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