Seven Sins System

Chapter 339: More Than Punishment

Chapter 339: More Than Punishment

Seven Sins System Chapter 339. More Than Punishment 

Puriel stared at my outstretched hand, hesitating for a moment before locking eyes with me. "You better not mess with me," she warned, though she still took my hand.

She dove into the woman's memories, and it was like watching a twisted horror movie. Scenes of neglect, abuse, and straight-up evil played out in front of her, all orchestrated by this woman.

Puriel's eyes widened as she realized how bad it really was. As a goddess, she could sense the state of someone's heart—whether they were good or evil—but she couldn't dig into their memories like I could. This was new territory for her.

"Oh no..." she whispered, barely audible. She dropped my hand, looking pale, clearly shaken by what she'd just seen. The cruelty had hit her hard.

Unfazed, I threw out a suggestion. "Maybe we should try something different. Something that'll make sure she can't hurt anyone else," I offered, letting Puriel mull it over.

"You mean... kill her?" Puriel asked, worry plastered across her face.

I shot her a dry smile. "No, not kill her. But maybe we could go with something a bit more... creative. What do you think?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking confused.

I leaned back, propping myself on the table, my mind already spinning with ideas. "Well, there's this all-male tribe in the shadow realm. They're pretty close to going extinct, and they, uh, need a female to, you know... keep the tribe going. The problem is, they're super picky," I said, grinning at the thought.

Puriel frowned, still not quite getting it. "And your solution is...?"

With a sweet smile, I laid it out. "Well, this woman here," I gestured towards the mortal, "is perfectly capable of reproduction. No issues there. So, why not help out this tribe by sending her their way? Seems like a win-win."

Puriel's face was a mix of concern and confusion. "Wait... you're sending her to an all-male demon tribe for... reproduction?" She sounded like she couldn't believe what I was saying.

I shrugged, grinning. "Yep. Desperate times call for desperate measures, or in this case, desperate demons," I chuckled.

Her frown deepened. "This feels... wrong. Are you sure this is an appropriate punishment?" she asked, clearly wrestling with her sense of justice.

I waved it off. "Hey, it's within the rules. I'm not breaking any deals here. Plus, it'll keep her away from the kids," I pointed out.

"Yes, but— You want to take her to your realm?" she confirmed, looking more skeptical by the second.

"Yeah, she's destined for my realm eventually. Might as well fast-track it. She'll meet her end when it's time. Technically, I'm not breaking any rules," I said casually, gesturing toward the woman like it was no big deal.

"But bringing a mortal into your realm...?" Puriel trailed off, clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

I laughed at her hesitation. "That's not against our deal either," I reminded her, a devilish grin spreading across my face. "Remember that whole 'what's dark stays in the shadows, what's pure stays in the light' nonsense? Yeah, that went out the window the second we stepped into this realm. So technically, we're already bending the rules. What's one more little detour, huh?" I winked. "As long as you keep quiet, no one's gonna know."

Her response was quick and predictable. "I refuse!" she snapped, standing her ground, as usual.

"Alright, then the deal's off. I'll just let her keep torturing those kids until they can't take it anymore," I said with a shrug, knowing exactly how to push her buttons. I knew Puriel couldn't turn her back on those kids, no matter how much she hated making deals with me.

"Wait!" she blurted, the desperation clear in her voice. The moral conflict was tearing her apart, and I knew I had her.

I turned to her with an exaggerated sigh. "Make up your mind, Puriel. Time's ticking, and those kids are still stuck with her," I pushed, laying on the pressure.

Her eyes flickered between me and the woman, torn between her sense of justice and the harsh reality of the situation. It was like watching a divine soap opera, and I had front-row seats.

"I agree," Puriel finally said, her voice heavy with reluctance.

A sly grin crept across my face. 'Well, that was fast,' I thought to myself. Aloud, I added, "Great! Wish me luck. Hope the tribe's not too picky this time—they're harder to please than I am. But hey, can't let them die out. They're too important for the balance in my realm."

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