Second World

Chapter 198 - 198. The One Behind The Robbing

Accompanied by the expectation of hefty profits, Jack continued on his noble crusade to search for the other robber teams and delivered them justice, while making profits on the side.

When he entered the small woods outside East gate where he had fought the Warriors of Solidarity a few days ago, the sun had started to set. The soft and orange light of the sunset was filtered through the sparse leaves in the woods, it created a peaceful atmosphere despite some monsters roaming around it.

Jack weaved through the scattered monsters as he made his way. He soon found a group of blue dots that remained stationary. He purposefully walked closed to the group so they could see him. As expected, the blue dots came approaching.

There were six of them. There was a woman within the team this time. Jack pretended to ignore them as he continued walking.

One of them came blocking his path. "Where are you going, friend?"

"I'm looking for people," Jack answered.

"Who are you looking for? Maybe we can help," the guy who was blocking him said with a grin.

A friend next to him appeared to have notice something before he said to the guy, "say, didn't this person seemed similar to the description given by the manager?"

"Huh?" The guy seemed to have noticed something as well.

The other five started to huddle together with the first guy who blocked Jack's path. "Could it really be him?" One of them asked.

"So you guys are part of the robber gang? Who is this manager you guys mentioned?" Jack asked.

"It really is you?!" They brandished their weapons.

Judging by their reaction, he should not worry about harming the wrong person. He also took out his longsword and shield, and proceeded to engage them. This gang was similarly dull as the two other teams he had taken care of. They were still crowded together when the fighting started. Jack easily hit them all with Swing.

It took Jack even less time to deal with this lot than the ones before. Same as before, Jack needed to kill one of them to instill fear into them. They soon acquiesced and let Jack intruded into their inventory bags. Jack cleaned them up without pity, and kicked them away after.

He recovered tons of equipment, ingredients, materials, and 8 gold, 12 silver, 7 copper coins. With this newest acquisition, he had a total of 36 gold coins now.

He was back to loaded again, he truly had to thank these robbers. If he could continue this endeavor for a few more days, he could give Amy's Bakery another upgrade. But he knew this was just short-term work. The group behind these robbers would have prepared for him soon, just like how the bunch he had just chased away recognized him. In fact, he thought maybe he should stop now. They would surely take action soon.

After considering it for a while, Jack decided to go look for one more team before calling it quits, his large bag could still fit a lot more loots. The night had arrived, but he decided to spend a few more hours roaming before returning with his spoils.

Jack went South towards the outskirt of Mount Thenias. He had to fight through several lizardmen and goblins here as their frequency was much higher. He climbed a small distance up the foot of the mountain. He could still see the capital from the ledge.

There was no sign of another robber team, maybe he had scared them away with his continuous hunting on their gang? If that was the case, he should pat himself with a job well done for taking out those trashes and contributing to society. It was just a pity he could not reap further profits.

There was another way down the mountain that would bring him close to the East gate entrance of the capital. He traversed through that steep rocky path. He walked leisurely as he vanquished any monsters he met on the way, before he noticed a group of blue dots at the front of this path.

They were motionless as if watching the road, similar to how the robber teams were. Could this be another of the robber teams? But their numbers were a lot. There were probably no less than thirty blue dots there. If they were the robber team, this was probably a team put together to deal with him. Maybe this manager that they mentioned had had enough with his harassment and finally took action.

Jack thought about how he should approach this lot. He took out a whetstone to apply on his sword which increased its already insane damage. He also ate Sweet Dumpling which he had bought from Elli, it increased his damage further by 10% and reduce the cooldown time of all his skills by 10% for the next 6 hours.

After making this preparation, he then walked forward at them brazenly. If they happened to not be the robber group, he would just waste one whetstone and one Sweet Dumpling, a small price to pay.

He could see the many figures who stood scattered around the road he was on. The group noticed him as he walked over, they all looked towards him in a hostile manner. Jack continued to walk forward without a care. One of them went away, before soon returning with several other people.

Jack scanned them, most of them were level 14 and 15 basic class players. There were four level 16 basic class players. Surprisingly, there were two level 16 advanced class players, and more notably, these two advanced class players had a guild tag under their name.

Supervisor Faithstooge (Knight), level 16

HP: 462

Guild: Corporate United

Associate Trustaide (Healer), level 16

HP: 260

Guild: Corporate United

Knight and Healer, two classes that he had never fought before. And Corporate United? Was them the one behind these teams of robbers? He had also seen Trustaide before, when he helped Silverwing to acquire the Guild Creation Token. This group of people crowded together and formed a wall that blocked Jack's path.

'Peniel, how to use the Recording Stone?' Jack suddenly asked the fairy in his mind after seeing the two persons from the famous guild.

"Eh? Why are you asking about the recording stone at this time? Anyway, it was a simple tool, you just need to reach out at it with your mind to activate it."

'Can it still record things if I didn't take the stone out?'

"It can, it will automatically record everything around your vicinity in the duration when the stone is active."

Jack was relieved, it would be awkward if he had to take the stone out to record things. People would have guessed he was up to something.

"Is there a party here? Fancy seeing so many people out here," Jack greeted the group who had blocked him.

"Don't you try to act dumb!" One of them exclaimed, then said to the two Corporate United people. "he is the one that had been robbing us!"

Jack looked closely at the person who just talked. He indeed knew this guy, he was in the second team which he had stripped off their belongings. After further checking, he noticed a few from the first and third teams as well.

"Oh, it's you!" Jack uttered. "no wonder I felt happy when seeing you. It's actually the guy who had given me many presents!"

The person's face turned dark when he heard Jack's words.

"Wait! Why is it you?" One of them called out.

Jack took a look at the person. The guy looked familiar. He was level 14, Jack read his alias, and exclaimed, "Ogre? wasn't you the one that tried to rob me during the tutorial period? Wait, if you are here, then…"

He looked around and indeed, he saw the skinny man that goes by the name Mouse. He was sneaking at his back, apparently getting ready to backstab him.

"So you two still end up as robbers in your second life? Can't you two clowns find a different and more honest job? I will hate to kill you again. No, wait, actually I think I will enjoy it," Jack said to them with ridicule, but he was actually apprehensive. He remembered he had used Magician's skills to killed Ogre. Now meeting him here, would he expose his dual-class?

But the guy didn't seem to remark about it, could he had forgotten? Or there was a possibility that he thought Jack was simply using a unique item to copy a Magician's spell. Nevertheless, Jack was not planning to remind him. He was still planning to keep his dual-class a secret for a while longer.

"Can't you see around you, punk? You are the one that will be killed," Ogre hissed as he brandished his axe.

"Silence!" Faithstooge came forward as he stood on a nearby small hill imposingly, he was wearing a set of bright-color heavy armors, making him looked like those white knights in the old medieval shows that were portrayed to uphold justice and vanquish evils.

He looked down at Jack with his chin lifted high and said, "robbery is a despicable act, I hope you can repent from your erroneous ways. Return what you have stolen from them and gave them some compensation, we can consider the matter settled then."

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