SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Successfully Tamed & Some Trouble?! (18+)

Successfully Tamed & Some Trouble?! (18+)

Rending Cross Slash! Hu Tao shouted with his arms crossed in an x shape as he swiped at Jing from above. 

Jing looked up to see a large crisscross shaped qi attack headed straight for her! Even if she tried to dodge, it would be no use. The encapsulating technique trapped her inside like a rat to be sliced and diced up into millions of pieces. North, south, east, and west were all blocked off. The only choices she had was to submit to her fate or counter with her own attack. 

Fngch! Jing responded in kind. 

Jing spun like a graceful pinwheel as Hu Taos attack reached her. The purple qi enveloping her body allowed her to fight against the dominating slashes. The more she spun, the further it was pushed back by her spinning kicks. 

You gotta be fucking with me! Hu Tao exclaimed. 

He watched as Jing was pushing back his claw technique and couldnt stop himself from grinning. Hu Tao broke through his own technique and started spinning like a windmill towards Jing, taking her technique for himself! It took no more than just a few seconds for this prodigy to figure out the workings of Jings technique. Calling him anything but a monster would be doing a disservice to the creature known as Hu Tao! His talent is truly abominable! 

The two spinning figures fought against each other. One purple and the other dark red. Slowly pushing each other back but none taking the advantage. 

Is she getting stronger too!? I should be ripping her into pieces by now! What the hell is going on with this freaky bitch!? Hu Tao thought. 

His instincts warned him to immediately disengage and flee to a safe distance. Hu Taos instincts have never done him wrong. Every battle, every encounter, every dangerous situation he was in, counting on his instincts is how hes managed to stay alive. If it werent for these instincts, he would already be dead inside a ditch and forgotten to the world.  

FUCK THAT! He responded to his instincts as he urged all the qi in his body to completely tear Jing apart. 

Jing swiped her foot to the left. This stopped both her and Hu Taos spinning. Making them both hang in the middle of the air but with Hu Tao completely off balance. Jing slammed her foot into the stomach of Hu Tao, making him spit up a mixture of blood and saliva from the power of her unrestrained strength. She held him up in the air with her leg completely raised and Hu Taos hung on her foot.  

This is the end doggy.  

Jing struck Hu Tao with her other foot and began to rapidly kick him with both of her feet. Each kick slightly stronger than the last and each leg getting faster and faster. It didnt take long for her feet to turn into nothing but a blur as Hu Taos body was lifted higher and higher. He was as helpless as a small pup that fell into a wild river. He could only submit to the force of nature that was Jings power. 

Jing continued to unleash lightning speed kicks until a spark could be seen from her legs that soon ignited her feet on fire! Her excitement was through the roof. The joy she was feeling couldnt be topped. This power! This strength! The powerless dog beneath her feet! His looks of anguish and torment! His defiant eyes that still havent completely given up.  

Yes!!!! She couldnt stop herself from grabbing her breast and squeezing. 

She reared both of her legs back and latched them around Hu Taos neck. The two of them began spinning wildly as they fell back down towards the floor. A sickening wood-splintering crash was the only sound heard from Hu Taos house once they reached the ground.  

Mhmm... Jings pupils looked as if they turned into hearts.  

Her hand was delicately moving inside the lower parts of her robe as she relished from the sight of Hu Taos head trapped in the flooring and his miniscule and desperate attempts of struggling to get back up. But no matter how much pain he was feeling nor how passionately his willpower was burning, he couldnt will a single jin of strength to rise. 

A purple aura could be seen dragging Hu Taos black beast into its body as the three-headed pup tried to claw itself away. Jing was too lost in her ecstasy to even notice that she has long broken into the initial realm for her cultivation technique. If she was paying attention, she would have realized that when she was kicking Hu Tao in the air that was when she gained enough understanding to break past the elementary stage for the technique. 

Jings eyes were focused directly on Hu Taos lower robes as her fingers started moving faster and her breaths became more rapid. She walked over and stood over his feeble body. She used the tip of her toes to stroke the masculine imprint on his robes, intensifying the feeling sparking through her entire body. Whether Hu Tao was conscious or willing didnt matter to Jing at all right now. The only thing on her mind was giving herself to the pleasure that was plaguing her body and mind. 

In between her toes, she could feel Hu Taos little friend growing as she rubbed at a faster pace. Her moans were unrestrained and she could feel herself nearing the edge. She raised her leg back and struck Hu Tao in the chest, making him weakly cry out and crash into the wall. That cry was all she needed left, as her body erupted in a wave of pleasure and caused her body to shake uncontrollably. 

But she wasnt done just yet, her fingers continued moving in and out as she repeatedly kicked the slumped over Hu Tao. His whimpers and small acts of resistance by trying to grab her leg only aided her in her moment. She couldnt stop herself from screaming loudly as it felt like multiple lightning strikes raged through her entire body in a ripple of heavenly satisfaction. 

It would only take her a few seconds before her mind cleared up and her body returned back to normal. She looked over at Hu Taos knocked out body. This turned out better than she thought it would. Recruiting Hu Tao has only brought advantages for her. 

Shes reached the initial realm in her leg and whip art and cultivation technique. Shes gained some valuable combat experience. A powerful tool at her disposal. The only thing she needs to do now is refine some things for him to use as she did for the rest of her followers. Shell also need some new stuff for herself.  

After having that battle, shes realized that she needs something more than just relying on her whip and body. Shell need a movement art, an auxiliary art, and a body art. There is no reason for her not to go all the way and gain herself a full set of martial techniques. She wont be gifting her followers with much though.  

Shes not their mother. If they want better martial arts or resources, they should go take it for themselves. She plans on having them all meet each other once this business with Tang Wuying is finished. It wouldnt be bad if they all realized the purpose of her gathering them and got to know each other. Shell be regularly sending them out in groups of two or three so, some bonding or introductions will be needed. 


The fishing lure gently fell into the small pond. The fishermans eyes were closed shut and had a serene and calm disposition to them. It was Lei Zhi. He was peacefully fishing to past the time while also reading through the gifts Jing brought him.  

Any normal person who knows of Lei Zhi may be confused watching him in his current state. How can a blind man read? He was just pressing his fingers across the pages inside the book but was also somehow able to understand it? What nonsense is this?! No one could read just by dragging their finger across a page. 

But Lei Zhi could! This is all because of Jings strange auxiliary martial art she gave him. Just by making physical contact with the strange technique, his entire view of the world erupted in a magnificent explosion! Previously his entire vision of the world was nothing but blackness and sounds, but after coming in contact with the martial art, the world quite literally started to come alive around him.  

He could see! His surroundings were being built inside his mind as his enhanced senses took it all in. His smell, hearing, touch, and even taste became so much more now. He didnt even need his vision back anymore! With this auxiliary martial art, he can see far more than he has ever seen in his whole life.  

He can see the fishes swimming in the pond. He can visualize an outline of their entire bodies and even tell the difference between each fish swimming in the pond. He can feel each character within the Xiangqi martial technique with just his finger and based on faint ink impressions can read the entire manual without an issue! He can even hear the heartbeats of the 4 gentlemen behind him! 

Wait what? 

Lei Zhi turned his head towards the unexpected visitors. They suddenly froze in surprise. They must have not expected him to have known they were behind him. The middle one coughed and started speaking. 

You have better ears than I thought fool, but that doesnt matter much. Give us the stones you have. He spoke rudely. 

Lei Zhi recognized this voice. It was the voice of the misguided youth who slapped him and stole his spirit stones before. It seems they have yet to change their ways but then again why would they? It isnt as if they have a respectable role model or figure to look up to. Not in this sect anyway... 

Ive already gave you my stones. I cant give you anymore until this month is over. Lei Zhi responded politely. 

Kek! The leader of the youths laughed and soon after the 3 others started laughing along with him. 

Lei Zhi tilted his head in confusion. 

You think were stupid you blind fossil!? We know you have some hidden around here. Otherwise there would be no way you would have made it to the fourth stage. 

You take Young Master Sying for a fool?! It seems we should give you more than just one slap this time around for daring to lie! 

Ive had some fortune in my cultivation last night young lords. Please believe me. Lei Zhi said with a small smile. He was indeed lying. Jing gifted him a nice number of spirit stones along with the martial techniques she left. 

They didnt like that answer. He could see their faces scrunch up into a knot realizing that they might have wasted their time here. He slowly got up and faced the four young lords.  

Perhaps they will just let it go. He thought hopefully. 

Beat him half to death and then search the area. Sying commanded. 

Yes sir! The three cackled like a pack of hyenas as they menacingly walked towards Lei Zhi. 

Lei Zhi watched as they cracked their knuckles and smashed their fists together before suddenly attacking him 1 at a time. Lei Zhi calmly dodged the leaping punch of the first youth. He heard him land behind him and looked at him with an expression of shock. All of them were shocked at this. 

Theres no need for violence. We can solve this without needing to harm one another. 

DIE! The young man who missed his punch tried again with the same strategy as before and missed once again. 

What the hell is going on!? Arent you blind!? Sying asked with confusion and rage. 

Correct young master Sying. I am blind. Now, can we agree to stop the violence and make peace with each other? Lei Zhi asked. 

Attack him all at once! I dont believe that he can avoid all of you at the same time. Sying ordered. 

Lei Zhi was surrounded on all sides. The rowdy youths may not understand how hes able to dodge attacks while being blind but they know that he cant avoid all three of them at the same time! They leapt towards Lei Zhi together. A sad sigh exited from the older gentleman. 

I suppose a humiliating experience should be enough to get these wild kids under control.  

Lei Zhis figure became blurry and mysterious. It was as if a white haze was covering him as he disappeared from the three-way pincer attack between the youths. They couldnt fathom how exactly did that old blind fool get away from them and before they could react, they all crashed into each other and fell into an undignified heap.  

What are you idiots doing?! Sying yelled. 

They quickly scrambled themselves free of each other and tried to locate Lei Zhi. He appeared right in front of them with his fishing pole behind his back.  

This movement art is called Xiangqi. Its a complex and mysterious art thats meant to lead your opponents exactly where you want them without them being any wiser. 

No one asked! Just die already! 

The rude young man took out his sword and charged towards Lei Zhi. The feisty youth slashed at the blind old man without restraint. Lei Zhi weaved and dodged around the blade with a calm exterior. Not a single drip of sweat appeared on his forehead as he avoided the sharp steel. While his opponent on the other hand, was dripping with sweat. 

Got you now! Lei Zhi heard behind him. 

One of the other young lords appeared behind him with his sword raised high, ready to cleave Lei Zhi in half! While the other was ready to pierce straight through his chest with his blade. 

I think not. Lei Zhi responded as he disappeared and appeared behind the third youth. 


The two young lords that Lei Zhi left alone, clashed blades once he vanished from his previous spot. Lei Zhi kicked the third youth in the behind to the other young lords, making them crash into each other once more and fall to the ground. 

Useless! All of you! Ill deal with you myself. Sying said as he ran towards Lei Zhi. 

Sying was a 5th stage cultivator. One stage above Lei Zhi. Normally when facing a cultivator at a higher stage than ones self its regularly recommended to retreat or dont battle at all. The only exceptions to this rule are when the lower ranked cultivator is a genius or has treasures capable of protecting themselves.  

Depending on how you look at it, Lei Zhi could be one of these exceptions. If you count the pink fishing rod given to him by Jing. The only reason he knew it was pink was because of the teasing comments made over the past 2 weeks when he walked around with it. Even though he could see, he still couldnt see colors. Lei Zhi wasnt disappointed about that though, he was just grateful he could see anything at all. 

He couldnt possibly fathom how such a pretty sounding young girl could produce such a strange thing though. The baffling and cryptic rod was anything but normal. Lei Zhi has lived a relatively long life for an untalented cultivator and he can say that this rod is nothing like the many treasures across the Evergreen continent. He didnt know if he could classify it as a spirit weapon or a spirit tool because it functioned as both a spirit weapon and a spirit tool. 

Lei Zhi was perfectly confident in being able to hold his own in a battle with just his fishing rod without even using its hidden abilities. Apparently, there were fishing martial techniques in the world. Strange thing wasnt it? Lei Zhi wouldnt have believe it either if he didnt read the book for himself. That little girl held more mysteries to her than most her age. 

Stop avoiding me and fight you coward! Sying shouted as he attempted to gut straight through Lei Zhis stomach with his martial art, Iron Eagles Steel Talon. 

Lei Zhi refocused his attention back to the battle. Avoiding Sying with Xiangqi wasnt a good idea in the long run. His qi reserves were average at best and looking at the vigorous stamina this young man was using to try and reap his life, it wouldnt be long before all his qi was drained and his innards are scooped out by the young master. 

Lei Zhi hopped away from Sying and pulled out his fishing rod. The sharp barbed hook hung in the air from the fishing line. Its pinkness shined in the sunlight as a mystical aura seemed to take hold of it. Syings eyes sharpened once he saw Lei Zhi taking it out. He also chose to get serious as a silver aura glowed around his claws. It wasnt as if he was talking Lei Zhi seriously when he brought out the fishing rod, it was just that he was fed up with him running around like a little weasel. 

Do you truly wish to not just walk away young lord Sying? You will not be young forever and soon the karmic retribution of your unforgiving actions will come to pay back the evil you have done to others. Lei Zhi asked. 

Shut your mouth you senile blind bat! With my brother and uncle behind me in this sect, Im basically untouchable. You shouldve just rolled over and gave me what I wanted. Now youll have to die for your stubborness. Sying ran towards Lei Zhi with a crazed glint in his eyes. 

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