Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 155: Excellent Teamwork!

Chapter 155: Excellent Teamwork!

Hearing Marvin's words, the countenance of his changed in an instant. If previously they were in a mood to joke then right now, they were in a serious mood to kill.

"I will draw their attention. Sisters, bro is dashing forward in a straight line. Support him by simultaneously attacking newborn ants that are on his left and right sides!" Fatty Liam exclaimed.

Following Marvin's instructions, Fatty Liam and Xiao Xie moved like the wind and split up from the team, they both moved to the other side of the cave as fast as they possibly could.

"Got It!"

"Okay! We never planned to just stay here and wait for the arrival of the royal guard."

The two beauties exclaimed as they looked at more than a hundred ants with an expression of excitement. Leilani Twilight raised her hands in front of her and magic power burst forth at an incredible speed, twisting and compressing, condensing into small orbs that whisked through the air and landed on dozens of newborn ants. Upon impact, the sphere exploded and every newborn ants in range of the attack died as their body parts flew across the air.

A few of them came crashing down at Leilani. At that very moment, Bai Yue created a shield of ice in front of them.


Leilani saw cracks appearing in the ice shield as the body parts slammed on them.

"Don't resist!" Leilani shouted as she jumped backward, pulling Bai Yue along with her by trying a thread of mana around her slender waist.

In the few seconds that it took for them to jump back by a few meters, the ice shield cracked and the heavy body parts crashed on the ground with a dull thud and raised dust.

"Damn! What should we do now?" Bai Yue said as a lot of newborn ants came out of the dusty clouds. They were charging towards them.

"I'll defend. You'll attack." Leilani's petite arms raised and moved in a circle as magic power bursts burst forth from her body, erecting a blue shield around them.

"We'll counterattack once they attack your shield! Right?" Bai Yue asked as ice weapons manifested around her and chilled her surroundings.

"You are correct," Leilani said. "Be attentive!"

As they prepared to defeat the army of newborn ants with the basic combat tactic of counterattacking while dodging, two childish voices sounded in their ears.

"Don't panic. We got this!" Xiao Xie and Fatty Liam said.

As soon as they said those words, Fatty Liam unleashed his charged-up uncontrollable fire ability. However, the special gauntlet given to him by his grandfather controlled the destructive power of his ability and also directed the trajectory of his flames towards the newborn ants surrounding Marvin, as well as the one heading towards his sisters-in-law.

At the same time, Xiao Xie also utilized the most basic form of using magic power and attacked the newborn magical beasts. Although she couldn't use her innate destructive ability as she needed to reach her prime to use them, she could still control magic power and condense them into vines with sharp and launch them as life reaping piercing projectiles.

A destructive wave of flame swept through most parts of the cave. The flame rained down on the newborns' ants like droplets of water splattering on the ground when it is raining. Fatty Liam's flames were so powerful that it even melted the floor. The reverberating echoes of his flames exploding echoes throughout the cave as the newborn ants were set ablaze and screamed out loud as they turned to ashes.

"Hehe, where do you think you're running?" Xiao Xie said as viciousness leaked out of her slanted eyes. "How dare you all betray the hand that fed you?!"

The few newborn ants that were left alive, were all killed by the vine-like projectiles launched and guided by her mental strength. The sharp edge of the vine pierced their brains through the eyes.

Fatty Liam's eyebrows raised in consideration. Was it really okay to leave this beast alive? Humans and beasts with intelligence were standing on the opposite end of the same scale. They could never be allies. He thought that it would be better to put an end to Xiao Xie here and now as she was a beast, as well as the fact that she was cruel and insidious, but he didn't take actions as her life and death was something that only his bro had the right to decide.

"Wow, you guys did great." Bai Yue said as she looked at her party's member standing on the opposite end.

"Your fire ability is disastrous. You took down more than half of the Queen's forces in a few moments." Leilani's praised Fatty Liam as her pretty eyes traced the otherworldly figure of her beloved husband rushing through the remaining newborns to reach the queen.

Fatty Liam cheekily smiled. "It's still a pain as I can't control my ability at all. Besides, I can only use my ability one last time today, once the five minutes cooldown of my fire-controlling gauntlet ends," he said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

There were millions of ability users in this world. Yet, he was the only one that couldn't control his ability. The fact was that he hurt himself multiple times while using his ability in the past, and that's the reason why his grandfather utilized a lot of the family's wealth to get a weaponsmith to create the fire controlling gauntlets for his most liked grandson.

"You shouldn't be feeling sad. Your fire attacks matched the destructive power of ability manipulators. You'll be able to overpower higher-ranked ability manipulators once you become an ability manipulator because of the destructive powers of your flames. What more could you even ask for?" Xiao Xie said as she looked at Fatty Liam in bafflement.

This human possessed an overpowering ability!

Why is he feeling sad?

As soon as she said those words, Fatty Liam's eyes brightened as he thought about the advantages that will soon follow once he opens all his magic power channels and becomes an ability manipulator.

"I will be able to control my ability without the help of external items!" He exclaimed.

On the front of the battlefield, Marvin dodged the attacks thrown at him, gracefully covering the distance between the queen and himself.

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