
Chapter 152: The Duke

Chapter 152: The Duke


Regina's attack pierced the mana barriers before hitting the node and destroying it.

In front of the destructive power of her beam attack, nothing managed to stand.

Bloed could feel the magic circle on the city shaking slightly before recovering to normal. It was evident that destroying this node was effective, but the magic circle could be destroyed only if the three nodes were down.

At that moment, a figure came from the site of the explosion and rushed towards the skies at great speed.

Regina frowned and formed several weapons of energy around her, but Bloed stopped her.

"Let her go."


"Even if you are stronger than her, you will be unable to kill a demigod quickly if she is hellbent in escaping. Now, our priority is to destroy the other two nodes. Besides, I managed to get a look at her and her injuries are very serious. She will not be a threat anymore."

Regina thought for a moment and nodded before returning to Leto's back.

Before leaving, Bloed glanced at the stunned city guards briefly before giving an order to Leto.

"Go to the city hall."

The metallic wolf nodded and turned around at full speed.

In the city hall.

When Charise, Kallevang, and knights of the church of fate arrived at the city hall, they met with an army ready to fight them.

Moreover, in front of that army, a demigod was standing with two swords on his hands.

"Hugo," Kallevang whispered with a grave expression. Hugo was the name of the strongest of the three demigods serving to Diadel Duchy. He was a twin-sword user famous for his fierce and lightning-fast attacks.

Hugo heaved a sigh. " Saintess, Mr. Kallevang. I never expected to have you as my enemies."

"Hugo, why are you still defending the duke!?" Charise yelled with an ice-cold look. "Can't you see the atrocities he is doing!?"

"Please, don't ask such a foolish thing," Hugo said. "As a demigod, I will not change my mind easily. There is no use in trying to convince me of turning against my master."

"You are right," Kallevang said and took a step forward, his bulky body and heavy armor creating an intimidating aura around him. "So, I think it's better if I kill you. Saintess, I'll leave the node and the duke to you."

"Be careful."

Kallevang nodded. He then unsheathed the greatsword on his back and narrowed his eyes.

The next second


His greatsword clashed against the twin swords of his opponent!

The battle between the two demigods became fierce instantly. Both Kallevang and Hugo clashed a few times before bringing their battle to the clouds to avoid affecting the people around them.

At the same time, the knights of the church of fate surged forward like a wave, crashing against the men of the duke in a bloody battle.

Charise also moved at that moment. She cast an unknown spell and her presence was concealed from the battle, allowing her to move through the battlefield and enter the city hall without being noticed by anyone.

Perhaps, the demigod Hugo would have noticed her if he was still here, but nobody else in this battlefield had that ability.

As soon as she entered the city hall, though, she felt a chill on her spine.

" How unlucky." A deep voice reached to Charise's ears. "To think that despite all my preparations and after masking the fate of this city we still ended attracting the madmen of the goddess Axalia."

"Duke Diadel," Charise muttered angrily.

"Saintess." The duke returned the greeting and turned towards her, showing Charise his current state.

His back was straight, as though protecting the node behind him, and he emitted an air of nobility. Despite his old age, the duke still appeared dignified and filled with wisdom, like a sage instead of the madmen behind the holocaust in this city.

Around him, several chains of mana filled the city hall. The chains glowed with multiple colors, and a slight bloody light showed itself occasionally. When Charise observed more closely, she realized that the end of the chains was connected to each of the duke's limbs and his chest.

"Beautiful, right?" The duke said. "This magic circle gathers the souls of the people that had died in this city tonight before sending them to the chains that are connected to my body. A true artwork. Even I'm impressed by its design."

"I find it repugnant, instead." Charise sneered. "I can't believe someone I once thought was a virtuous person is doing such a repulsive act like devouring the souls of others What is your purpose? I don't think you are doing this in a whim."

The duke stared at Charise briefly before smirking. "You don't understand, saintess. What I'm doing is for the greater good. You see, since I started to govern this duchy, the lives of the people have improved, there are almost no poor people, and banditry has fallen to the lowest level in history. This duchy was transformed from the trash it was once to the paradise it's today!

"But, there is too much I need to do yet. I need to build more roads, to create schools, to train a powerful army. There are still many things thus duchy still needs. Unfortunately, I'm too old. I can feel I'm going to die soon, saintess."

Charise frowned, but then, a look of realization appeared on her face.


"It looks like you realized it, huh. You are right. These souls are being used to increase my lifespan." The duke smiled wickedly. Then, under the stunned gaze of Charise, he took off his robe, revealing his naked chest with a strange-looking creature twisting inside this.

"One year ago, someone came and brought it to me. This creature can absorb the souls of other living beings to grow stronger, and when it's inserted on my chest, that strength is transferred to me!

"Do you know, saintess? I have been stuck at the peak of A-Rank for thirty years! For thirty years, my cultivation has not taken a single step forward! I just need a step, a step to become a demigod and transcend humanity! A step to increase my lifespan!

"But although this creature can absorb souls to become stronger, even it can't help me to break through the limits of humans so easily. Thus, I needed souls. A lot of souls. Hundreds and thousands of souls to take that step! And now... Now I'm very close! I can feel my strength growing! Soon, soon I'll become a demigod!"

Charise's face turned ugly. "You are crazy! You even dared to use the Blight! Don't you know the monster in your chest can bring destruction to the world!?"

"You don't need to worry about that, saintess. Everything is under my control." The duke chuckled.

But at that moment, the node in the city hall shook. The duke was stunned. Immediately after, though, he was enraged.

"The node!"

Charise, who saw that, smirked. "Everything is under your control, huh." Then, her face took a chilling semblance. "But you are right, I don't need to worry about that. I only need to kill you."

Looking up at the sky, Charise joined her hands and prayed.


Instantly, her aura exploded powerfully, filling the city hall with a sacred presence.


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