Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 449: Fifth World: Vanishing From The Face Of The Earth

Chapter 449: Fifth World: Vanishing From The Face Of The Earth

'What happened to the 0.001%?' he asked eyeing the sinister monks with deep-seated hate in his eyes.

'That is for when you don't listen to me... remember that. Now go,' said the system urging Wen Qinxi to launch his attack.

As soon as he reached the three monks he heard the system's instructions clearly but something was wrong. Maybe it was just his ears.

'And a one and a two and a three slide right, hard elbow left, kick back, twirl and swing magic frost in a perfect arc...,' said the system making Wen Qinxi vexed as he followed its instructions. To be fair, it worked but why did it sound more like a dance cheorgraphy?

'I think the only thing missing is an 80s exercise music,' said Wen Qinxi in a sarcastic tone but to his surprise, the system began to play a workout song from you guessed it, the 80s. That wasn't even the worst of it. Jolie was following the steps as it said them out loud which undoubtedly looked like a morning show exercise TV programme.

Wen Qinxi, "...."

Jolie seemed to be enjoying itself which was highly infectious. He was also starting to get into it when all the bad guys were defeated. The monks suffered huge losses battling with Wen Qinxi.

Seeing that the monks were defeated, Mingxia who had been watching this entire time couldn't help but run for her life. She wanted to run away earlier but she was mesmerised by Zhao Zhi's graceful elegance while fighting. He was like an immortal transcended from heaven grasping her undivided attention.

She could finally understand why Qie Ranzhe would fall for Zhao Zhi. She might have understood but she couldn't accept it. She truly believed that no one in this world loved her sect leader as much as she did and therefore deserved to be with him.

No one else could love Qie Ranzhe the way she did or so she thought. If she knew this Zhao Zhi had endured mech battles, dealt with psycho bitches and died for Qie Ranzhe through four lives she would be shocked to death.

"Uh uh, no! Where the fuck do you think you are going?" he said freezing her in place literally. How could she think of running after starting all this shit?

"You are a monster! If you care for sect leader Qie then you should leave the Qie sect before the demon king kills us all," she said but Wen Qinxi wasn't listening to her rubbish. He was about to drag her back to where Qie Ranzhe and the others were fighting when he heard a commotion coming from Qie Ranzhe's Pavilion.

"Reflect on your bad behaviour, " he said before riding magic frost to the Pavillion. As soon as he arrived there he stumbled as he got off magic frost after feeling a stinging pain and someone calling Lian-er over and over again in a soft voice. Wen Qinxi found he was feeling unwell but he had to get Qie Xieling so he steadied himself and walked into the Pavilion.

As expected, it was a war zone inside the bedroom he left Qie Xieling in. A monk was trying to get to Qie Xieling but the kid was incredibly fast. Wen Qinxi didn't waste time twisting the monk's neck in a flash. As soon as he achieved this his body felt weak as he leaned against the wall.

"Shixiong!" yelled Qie Xieling as he rushed to Zhao Zhi's side. Zhao Zhi was clutching his chest tightly like he was having a heart attack. Not knowing what to do, Qie Xieling took out some spirit re-plenishing pills and gave them all to Zhao Zhi but his Shixiong refused struggling to stand up.

"Take me outside," said Wen Qinxi feeling like he was going to die in the very next instant. He was starting to speculate that he was poisoned and wasn't aware of it. As soon as they stepped outside, Wen Qinxi was suddenly attracted to the nearest water body. He strongly felt his pain would be relieved as long as he got into the water.

Qie Xieling was extremely panicked not knowing what to do. He looked up to find his father but Qie Ranzhe was engaged in battle with a monk. He couldn't cry out to him lest he distracts his father. "Shixiong, Shixiong," called out Qie Xieling in a panicked voice, "Shixiong, what should I do?"

Looking at Wen Qinxi's appearance right now you wouldn't believe he was the same man who was following the system's instructions in something similar to a dance routine fending off three monks. Well, four if you count the monk who cowered on the ground after one stab.

The attack was so sudden and the pain grew stronger and stronger making him feel like his chest was going to give birth to an alien baby like in the SciFi movies.

"The lake," he said in a tremulous voice. Qie Xieling understood and took him to the nearest lake at a snail's pace.

This allowed the taoist priest to notice a defenceless Zhao Zhi prompting him to attack and finish the job. This was his duty, a job appointed to him by the heavens to eliminate evil and protect the mortal realm. Having noticed that Qie Ranzhe hadn't spotted Zhao Zhi yet he took the opportunity to send one of his vicious rings in the pair's direction.

It was like a frisbee on steroids, the ring made a crackling sound as it spun in the air towards Zhao Zhi.

Like a heat-seeking missile, this ring would never miss its target once it locked on with only a handful of people able to dodge. From the Taoist priest's point of view, Zhao Zhi was a dead man but he completely forgot that Zhao Zhi had a big advantage. Now that he remembered who he was he could open teleportation portals in any water body be it a lake, river, sea or stream.

And that is exactly what Wen Qinxi did when he saw that ring flying in their direction. It was then that Qie Ranzhe noticed something was wrong. He vanished from where he stood attempting to rescue his son and Zhao Zhi but he was too late or rather Wen Qinxi was faster pulling Qie Xieling into the portal which vanished into thin air as soon as they fell in.

The ring missed the portal by a split second slashing the surface of the lake. Qie Ranzhe re-appeared in front of where the pair disappeared but it was already too late. They were gone and he had no idea where they would end up.

That in itself frightened and angered him at the same time. He could no longer sense his son's Qi. It was as though he had vanished from the face of the earth which was unacceptable.

His chest tightened as an inexplicable blazing fire rose within him like a raging storm. He had never provoked anyone and kept to himself avoiding trouble but trouble still found him. This was entirely that Taoist priest's fault and once he decided that it meant this man wasn't going to walk out of here alive.

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