Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 348: Companion Reunion

Chapter 348: Companion Reunion

348. Companion Reunion

How long has it been? A year? Maybe two?

For Edithe Dawnrise, it hadnt felt like itd been too long since shed gone off to deal with the company war. A year was a relatively short amount of time for her. But for Salvos the silver-haired woman clinging onto Edithe? A year was a significant chunk of her life thus far.

Edithe returned the hug, speaking in a soft voice.

Youve grown quite a lot since we last met, havent you?

I have!

Salvos exclaimed. Her arms wrapped tighter around the red-haired woman. Edithe smiled warmly. She saw how far Salvos had come the silver-haired girl was now Level 132, standing taller, straighter.

In Edithes eyes, Salvos was like a child. Shed grow so much in such a short amount of time. Edithe could only imagine all the things Salvos had been through since they last met. All the things Salvos had learned. All the things Salvos had overcome.

There were a myriad of questions Edithe wanted to ask. So, so many. But their reunion was cut short. A sharp voice interrupted them.

Salvos, why did you just destroy the?

A pink-haired woman stepped over the destroyed door. One of the Merrysters. She sighed exasperatedly, before turning to Helena Warshade.

I apologize for my friends reckless action. She is just a bit excitable.

I can tell.

The leader of the Rising Veterans Company didnt bat an eye, but Edithe could tell by what she thought of Salvos from the tone of her voice alone. Helena Warshade wasnt impressed in the slightest.

I have heard of you.

She faced the silver-haired girl without so much as curiosity as she did the brusqueness she always carried.

You have reached great heights and gained the notoriety nearly equal that of an Elite in such a short amount of time. Salvos, Secelys Sentinel. The girl who reached Diamond from Gold in a year. Who slayed the Lich. Who dove into the Bloodied Gulf and killed an [Ancient Centinel].

Edithes eyes widened when she heard the last part. A susurration ran through the gathered adventurers. Disbelief and shock.

Seriously? But shes only Level 132

She killed the Lich! Of course she could

But the Bloodied Gulf is even more dangerous than

It sounded incredibly ridiculous, but Edithe believed it. If it was Salvos, then anything was possible. The red-haired woman looked at her friend with a grin.

Youve been busy, huh?

I have! I also have made plenty of friends also, sorry Saffron. I just couldnt wait.

Salvos nodded at the Merryster woman. Edithe raised a brow at that. I did not expect that, she thought. Helena Warshade continued as the crowd quietened.

Your reputation precedes you, Salvos Secelys Sentinel. And, yet, you are not at all how I envisioned you would be.

Edithe gulped. She looked over at Salvos with worry, unsure whether she should speak up. She expected the silver-haired girl to lash out, or maybe react immaturely to the mention of her name. But Salvos just scratched the back of her head.

Oops, yep. I made a mess. I didnt mean to make a scene! Its nice to meet you, though. Youre the leader of the Rising Veterans?

She gave Helena Warshade an inquisitive look. Edithe pursed her lips, and the leader of the Rising Veterans answered simply.

That is correct. I am Helena Warshade of the Rising Veterans Company. One of the Three Honorable Companies.

Helena Warshade remained cool and poised, even in the face of Salvos carefree nature that was until Salvos tapped a finger on her chin and spoke.

Huh. I actually met another leader of an Honorable Company. His name was Mori Gladius. Do you know him?

And Helenas guard just dropped. She slowly stepped forward with narrowed eyes.

You knew Mori Gladius?

Not really? I met him at Westshield. And, um, we didnt get to speak. But he was very strong! We fought against Belzu together!

Salvos nodded, and even Edithe paused to register her words. Was Salvos being serious? She was at the fall of Westshield? Nobody believed it. Again, murmurs rose from the crowd of gathered adventurers. Edithe herself wasnt sure she believed it fully. It couldve been a misunderstanding, right?

Helena Warshade frowned.

Belzu the Primeval Demon? You were there? When Mori

She faced Salvos, not finishing her sentence. Salvos lowered her head.

My clones were. I tried my best, but

Salvos shifted back. She actually deflated a bit as she continued.

I couldnt really help out much. Especially when that other Primeval Demon showed up. It attacked Mori from behind when he had Belzu cornered. Im, um, sorry.

Edithe didnt expect to hear the sincerity in Salvos voice. The silver-haired girl had grown more than just in strength since they last saw each other. Was this empathy? Or was Salvos just pretending to be empathetic? Either way, Edithe looked at her friend in a different light.

Helena Warshade closed her eyes. She remained silent as the murmurs grew louder and louder. Eventually, she raised her head and steeled herself.

I see. You have no reason to apologize. He fought the Primeval Demon, but it wasnt enough. Because we werent aware of the second Primeval Demon. It was an oversight. We will not let that mistake happen again.

She spun around, leaving it at that. She approached the king who just entered the room, getting his servants to clean up the mess Salvos caused. Now that that was over, Edithe heard the susurration die down. She raised a hand, speaking to her friend.



Salvos interrupted the red-haired woman before she could continue the demeanor from earlier returning.

So much has happened since we last saw each other. You need to meet Saffron. And Willy. All of them!

Edithe blinked a few times. She opened her mouth as Salvos pulled her to the side. But a figure stopped them. The red-haired womans expression instantly changed. She glared at the man barring their path.


One of the Elites whod been accompanying Helena. He was the Thief of the Golden Scales and hed been quite the pretentious asshole. Edithe hesitated. Was he here to cause trouble once more?

But no her expectations didnt come to pass. Orgaf smiled at Salvos, bowing his head lightly.

Greetings, true Liberator of the Plaguelands. It is an honor to meet one such as you.

Edithe stared. Wait, is he actually being nice? He held a hand out to Salvos, introducing himself.

I am Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scales, Elite Ranked adventurer. One of the greatest [Rogues] of

Yep, cool!

Salvos brushed him off. His eyes widened as he started back. Edithe looked at him as they walked past him. He watched Salvos lead Edithe to the pink-haired Merryster Lady.

Edithe, this is Saffron. I think I mentioned her to you before? A while back?

And Orgaf sputtered.

But I am

Youre Orgaf. Some thief guy, right? Nice to meet you! Anyway, Edithe. I want you to meet my other friends too! This is Saffron

Orgafs jaw dropped as Salvos completely ignored him. Edithe glanced between him and her friend. She tried to muster up anything any kind of reaction. Then she just laughed. Orgaf gritted his teeth. He looked like he was about to explode in anger, but a man stepped up to him.

Ah, you must be Orgaf. I am king Artik Alyras

He was trapped in a conversation with the king of Alyras. He couldnt excuse himself without appearing rude, so all he could do was bite back whatever he wanted to say. Edithe shook her head, turning at her friends voice.

Edithe? Edithe? Hello?

Salvos waved a hand in front of the red-haired woman. Edithe smiled.

Sorry, Salvos. I was just distracted. What were you saying?

This is Saffron! Saffron Merryster! I dont think youve met her before, but shes that noble I met after you left Hazelbury!

Edithe stared at the pink-haired woman. The fact that Salvos could befriend a noble boggled Edithes mind, let alone a Lady of the Merryster Family. One of the Greater Vampire Families. Saffron raised her dress as she bowed at Edithe.

Greetings, Edithe Dawnrise. Salvos has told me a lot about you. And I have heard of your achievement as well.

Salvos leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially.

Also, dont tell anyone, but shes secretly a Vampire!


The Merryster Lady hissed. Edithe watched as they bickered, trying to work her jaw.

What? Edithes my companion! Its fine!

I know, but still

Saffron groaned as Salvos protested. Slowly, Edithe raised her hand and spoke over the two.

I, uh, already knew that. So theres no need to worry, Lady Saffron.

Salvos beamed.


You still should ask for my permission first.

Saffron rolled her eyes. She drew back and addressed Edithe.

And, please, theres no need for formalities. A friend of Salvos is a friend of mine.

Edithe was dragged away a moment later by Salvos. The red-haired woman found herself standing in front of an elegantly dressed young woman. The young woman was adorned in jewelry, standing out even more than Anya Veridian.

Also, Edithe, meet princess Rana Alyras!

The red-haired womans eyes widened. A princess? The actual princess of Alyras? So Salvos befriended not just a Lady of the Merryster Family, but the sole princess of Alyras?

Honestly, Edithe didnt know what to say. Which was good, since Salvos kept going on.

I met her just yesterday, actually. But shes really amazing! Shes a princess! And shes very fun! And shes very smart! And, also, did I mention shes a princess?

You, uh, did, Salvos.

Edithe spoke as she scratched her cheek. She wasnt sure how to address the princess. Speaking to royalty was a very delicate matter, which made the fact that Salvos somehow didnt completely alienate them even more impressive.

Rana Alyras wasnt as refined as Saffron. In fact, she stuttered as she jerked to a bow.

I-its a pleasure to meet y-you, Edithe Dawnrise. To meet with another of the Liberator of the Plaguelands I-I am so honored to meet you.

She flushed as she realized she repeated herself. Edithe watched the princess bury her head in her hands and pretended she heard nothing.

Princess Rana Alyras, thank you for welcoming us here today.

As soon as Edithe was finished speaking, she found herself being whirled around to face another of Salvos friends. This time it wasnt a Human. Edithe stared at a glowing ball of blue flames. A [Will O Wisp].

This is Willy! I met him at the Bloodied Gulf! Hes a

A Grand Spirit of Diligence.

Edithe gasped. Her breath was caught in her throat. While she was surprised by the princess and the Lady, this actually left her breathless. She stared up at the [Will O Wisp] with awe and admiration.

Honored Spirit, I thank you for looking after my friend. Your presence is a blessing to us all.

She spoke as she kneeled on the ground, remembering her teachings from her caretaker Williams instructions on how to treat a Level 100 Grand Spirit from the Den of Souls. Willy paused. He spoke slowly in response.

Rise, mortal child, for it is through our Lords blessings that I am here.

Praise be the Spirit Lord.

Edithe replied automatically. It was like she was once again in Viechesters Sanctum of Elements, surrounded by [Priests]. Reciting scripture. But it was how shed been raised. And she got to her feet.

Salvos glanced between them.

Huh. Why are you speaking in full sentences, Willy?


The [Will O Wisp]s flames dimmed. He flitted away, and Salvos shrugged. The silver-haired girl grabbed Edithe once again, but this time, her eyes were sparkling as she led Edithe past the princess and the Lady. At the back of the group was a man. A familiar young man.

He looked like he was close to Edithes age. Slightly younger, perhaps. His black hair was styled back looking like itd been recently trimmed. He had a longsword sheathed at his sword. Edithe faced him, and he adjusted his gambeson. Her eyes went round.

His Class was hidden, of course. He appeared as a [Warrior], but if his level was correct, he was just about 10 levels above Edithe. That was a surprise, considering his true Class.


Edithe stared at her friend. The [Hero]. A young man from another world. Neither of them looked like they knew what to say. They were friends, but both were too awkward to just step forward and hug each other as Salvos would in their situations. Finally, Edithe just chuckled.

It seems weve both fallen quite far behind from Salvos, havent we?

I know. Please dont remind me of that.

Daniel Song sighed. Then he smiled at her. They both hugged each other, greeting each other after a year-or-so apart.

I see youre Level 100 now, Edithe.

And you look more confident. You even cut your hair.

Well, it was getting quite messy

The two were abruptly cut off as a third figure joined them. Salvos joined their hug, her lips curled up. She was smiling from ear-to-ear. Her embrace was tight as though she didnt want to let go. Edithe and Daniel both smiled at that.

The three of them stood together in that ballroom, hugging. The Saviors of Silvergrove. The Liberators of the Plaguelands. The three of them allies by circumstances, but friends through hardship. The adventurers.

They were finally together again.

Were back, and Belzu cant defeat us this time!

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