Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 341: Champion Part One

Chapter 341: Champion Part One

341. Champion Part One

The Remembered Order Company was one of the Three Honorable Companies of the Human lands. That meant that they were one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. On their own, they were greater than any smaller nation in might, and with all the Three Honorable Companies combined, they rivaled even the greatest empire in the Human lands today.

Yet, this army was all that they managed to muster up. Barely even a hundred thousand adventurers heeded the call of the Remembered Order Company. Mori Gladius didnt believe it at first. He thought more wouldve come to their aid. But no.

It was a startling wake up call to the leader of the Remembered Order Company. Just a few hundred years ago, theyd been able to amass half a million adventurers at the same time during their war with the Forsaken Company. Half a million. And many of them were far higher-leveled than the soldiers youd find in an ordinary army.

Throughout the course of that war, the number of adventurers theyd called upon likely numbered in over a million. It was a war that had taken so many lives pointless deaths. Perhaps that was why so few adventurers listened to the Remembered Order Company now. They had once been a selfish organization that only cared to bolster its own position. This only changed with the previous leadership Moris Master. The previous leader of the Remembered Order Company.

The Watcher. Before the Watcher had become reclusive, hed been in charge of the Remembered Order Company. Hed made many great reforms that changed the very principles and foundations of their philosophy. And Mori Gladius was proud to have been mentored by the Watcher, taking on the responsibility of upholding these principles of honor and justice for the company.

But it seemed that over a thousand years of having the same reputation meant that it persisted, even if it was no longer true. Mori Gladius could speculate all he wanted, but it changed nothing. The only thing he could do to bring more adventurers to their cause was to offer rewards. Gold, artifacts, power.

It was tedious, but that was why the adventurers in his army came. Hed sent his second-in-command to gather more adventurers from beyond the Eastern Kingdoms, however this would be the bulk of their forces.

And here they were, charging straight into the fray. They had no backup. No support. Nothing. Westshield was being razed to the ground by the Primeval Demon, and Mori Gladius was going to do everything in his power to save as many innocent lives as he could.

There was a roar. A Drake charged through the streets of Westshield, chasing a little girl carrying a doll. She screamed as the Drakes maw drew closer to her.

Get back!

Mori yelled as he leapt forward. He thrusted his glinting spear, impaling the Drake before it could clamp its maws around the little girl. The Drake fell, and Mor Gladius carried the girl back.

Are you alright?

He set her down next to a group of adventurers from his company. She looked up at him, eyes welling up.

M-my mama she was right behind me

She managed to start out. Mori Gladius pursed his lips. He turned to one of the adventurers closest to him. Another Elite. Scarlet the Red Rose. A Level 151 [Rogue]. Mori spoke to her as he drew back.

Protect the girl. Ill find her mother.

But Sir

He didnt listen. He was running off further into the city in an instant. He left behind his entourage of Diamond Ranked adventurers, pressing further on into the raging fires. A building collapsed next to him, but he didnt even flinch. His gambeson shone, protecting him from the flames.

Up ahead, he caught sight of a shadowed figure. It looked vaguely like a woman. His eyes widened as he shouted.

Over here!

The figure jerked. It turned to face him. And he came to a halt.


The [Crypt Horror] leapt at him. Mori Gladius was quick to react. He crushed its head with a backfist without even using his spear. Then he stared at the dessicated corpse of a woman.

I Im sorry.

He closed his eyes, bowing to the dead woman.

Ill make sure your daughter is in safe hands.

That was all he said before he heard a growl. He looked up at the encroaching [Crypt Lords] and [Crypt Horrors]. The leader of the Remembered Order Company stared at his foes. At enemies not even half his level. They gave him threatening looks. And he balled his hands into a fist.

I am Mori Gladius. Leader of the Remembered Order Company. The Champion of the Human Lands a Level 168 [Divine Spearmaster].

Motes of light wisped off him like eddying flakes of golden snow. His Divine Essence burned, and he glared at the undead.

Do you really think you stand a chance against me?

They didnt understand his question. And it was their demise. In an instant, Mori Gladius shot out. Like a bolt of lightning. He zapped from one undead to another, decapitating them and slicing off their limbs with poise. He came to a halt, and the mass of undead fell behind him, one after another.

He twirled his spear, straightening to his feet. He eyed the dead undead they hadnt even been a challenge. But still, he was upset. Upset because he knew he could wipe out thousands and thousands of them all at once. Yet, he couldnt. Perhaps if Helena Warshade was here, shed be able to cast a grand spell capable of wiping out even the entire city.

But he was more acclimated to fighting single opponents. So all he could do was swing his spear and hope that he moved fast enough.

If only the Watcher was here

He knew Master wouldve easily ended the Primeval Demon threat, here and now. But the Watcher wasnt here. Mori Gladius was the one who was here the one whod been left in charge of the Remembered Order Company. If he was the only person who could stand up to the Primeval Demon at this moment, then so be it.

Taking a step forward, he spun around to return to the others. Then he paused as a golden blast wiped a nearby street clean of monsters. He looked up and saw five flaming figures zipping through the air. They flew one after another like a troupe that was dancing through the sky.

The Salvos clones silently laughed as they blew apart the monsters filling the city. Their flames lit up the dark crimson sky. Like fireworks. And Mori Gladius sighed in relief.

Right. Im not the only one here.

He almost felt like smiling. A sense of relief washed over him as one of the Salvos clones flew higher and higher. She incinerated a group of Mindreapers, grinning triumphantly as she cast her gaze over the battlefield.

Then there was a flash. A flicker of a bright light. Mori Gladius blinked, recognizing the aura of divinity in an instant. A tingling sensation crept up his skin as he watched the Salvos clone drop slowly before exploding.

There was another flash another swing of the Sword of Alexander. It tore through the golden explosion with ease. Mori stared up at the floating figure as it emerged uncsathed from the fire. A giant deformed insect. Like a fly, but with crooked arms next to its wings. It stared down at Mori with its bulbous eyes, almost condescending.

The Primeval Demon.

I looked up at Belzu from four different locations. Through the eyes of my four clones. Well, I had five clones before he killed one of them with a sneak attack. And I had another clone that was quite far off, looking over Jaakko, Helen, and Zack, making sure they survived this battle.

But even though I wasnt physically there myself, his presence still struck fear into me. There was a creeping sense of dread crawling all over my skin. It almost felt familiar. Like what I had wielded before, but was used against me. It took me a moment to realize what the source of that feeling was. I only realized what it was when the next flash of light came.

Belzu looked down at the clone closest to him. The fourth clone. Shed just incinerated a group of Mindreapers thatd been hovering closer to the ground, and his eyes flickered. His anger was clear. He didnt even need to speak. The giant blade tore the earth, ripping apart the streets and felling the nearby houses.

It was the Sword of Alexander.

That was right I sensed the magic that was being emanated from the Mythic Grade artifact. Or, more specifically, I recognized its Divine Essence. I never noticed that odd aura beforehand. But perhaps it was because I had now attuned myself to the Breastplate of Alexander and had my own Divine Essence, I could now discern just what that power was.

My clone barely avoided the attack. She flew into a nearby burning building, trying to hide herself in the flames. But Belzu didnt remain idle. He pointed at the direction of the fleeing clone, whispering softly.

[Forlorn Execution].

I blinked as a crimson energy trailed after my clone, following her wherever she went. She tried to dodge out of the way, but it quickly circled around her. She halted, trapped by the red energy. It took on an ethereal shape like an armored warrior made out of mist. It raised a giant axe, and my clone blasted it with a cone of golden flames.

The ethereal warrior just swung down. I flinched as she was cut in half. I stumbled back, watching my clone fall seeing the world tumble around her. I coughed once and covered my mouth.

A voice drew my attention from the side. Saffron placed a hand on my shoulder, a worried look on her face.

Are you alright, Salvos?

I stared at her. At the room I was in. Here I was, in the safety of Alyras throne room. Yet, when I looked down at the palm of my hand, I saw blood. My blood. And a dizziness nearly made me collapse to the ground.

Im fine.

Shaking my head, I produced a healing potion and downed it. My vision returned to my remaining clones. The three I had left. They stared at the falling clone at her intact body, with nothing surrounding her. Then I looked through her eyes at the fading world. At the red figure looming over her, as she fell after being cut in half.

Illusions and curses, I reminded myself of Belzus magic. This is going to be more dangerous than I thought itd be.

Belzu laughed as he watched the second of the five clones fall out of the air. Even though they were apparitions made of fire even though they vaguely resembled a Human he knew who it truly was supposed to be. The pesky Archdemon whod already gotten in his way twice now.

Or perhaps it had been three times if he included what shed done to his Mindreapers back in the Brilsum Ruins.

Either way, he knew it was her. And while she mightve hidden away in some far off place, it didnt matter. The clones were connected to her in some way. Hed be able to harm her as long as that was the case. That was the power of curses.

Perhaps if she disconnected herself from her clones shed somehow be able to avoid the attacks. But it didnt matter to Belzu here and now. He raised the Sword of Alexander, eyeing the next closest clone.

The clone dove out of the way as he swung the sword. Even from afar, the slash tore at the earth. Its Divine Essence coalesced like a giant blade of light. The destruction it caused was immense. The air whipped around violently, fanning the flames that rose amidst the burning city.

Belzu didnt let up. He brought up the Sword of Alexander once again as the Salvos clone burst up from the fire. She pointed at him, unleashing a volley of flaming weapons his way. With a single swing, he tore apart the salvo.

His eyes flickered. Behind him, the other two Salvos clones launched their own attack. A combined blast of golden flame it shot out at him like a raging inferno, weaving together in a spiral and becoming a single fiery cone. Belzu braced himself and watched as the illusion was destroyed.

The Salvos clones blinked. Theyd miss the real Primeval Demon entirely. They scattered as hovered just over them, bringing down the fury of the Sword of Alexander their way. Once more, the giant blade of light slashed out. Once more, the clones barely escaped. They spread out, darting across the city as Belzu watched.

He clicked his mandibles together.

You may hide, Archdemon. But I will find you. I assure you of that.

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