Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 337: Weird Woman

Chapter 337: Weird Woman

337. Weird Woman

Princess Rana Alyras was the sole daughter of Artik Alyras, the king of Alyras. She was his only heir, and that meant shed inherit his throne when he passed. He doted on her because of that. He always made sure her every needs and wants were tended to. And while she truly appreciated his affections when she was young, now that she was soon-to-be turning eighteen, she wished he was harsher on her.

A lifetime of luxury had made her soft. She was sheltered, and because of that, she wasnt sure how to carry herself as a real princess. Shed met with other members of royalty when they came to visit Alyras. They were nothing like her.

Even now, as Rana prepared for tonights feast, she was panicking. She looked in the mirror at her dress and bit her lower lip.

Do you really think this is fine, Sevika?

She turned to the maid standing next to her. Sevika just sighed.

I already told you, your highness, you look perfectly fine.

But I cant just be fine, Sevika. I hear that the Veridians will be there! And not just them but the Merrysters and Norwoods too! Theyre three of the Greater Vampire Families! I have to impress them.

The maid massaged her temples. For other nobles, such a reaction from a mere servant would probably be considered quite rude. But Sevika was practically Ranas best friend despite their relationship. Sevika spoke exasperatedly.

Youre wearing the finest garments that all of Alyras has to offer. And youre a princess. No one is going to judge you by what you wear.

Rana shook her head, turning away from the maid.

You just dont get it, do you? Its a feast with some of the most important people in the world!

She started down the hallway as her long silk dress barely hovered over the ground.

No one and I mean no one at the feast is going to care that Im a princess.

Im going to meet a princess!

I happily skipped behind Saffron as we hopped off the carriage. There was a large archway leading into the palace, and already dozens of nobles from the Vampire families were pouring in. Saffron Merryster followed after me, dressed in an elegant pink dress that matched her tress.

Salvos, havent you met plenty of princesses before? Why are you this excited to meet another princess?

Wha what are you saying?

I paused, turning around to face my companion. Behind her, her butler Matthew, Daniel Song, and Amanda followed. Crocus Merryster and the rest of his family had gone ahead of us, traveling with Zin and a few of the Norwoods. Daniel shook his head.

I dont know, Salvos. I just thought youd have gotten over your obsession with princesses by now. Havent you met Faith?

I did! And shes the most amazing Human Ive ever met!

I nodded eagerly. Both my companions just stared at me. I cocked my head, giving them a confused look. Saffron started past me.

Whatever. Just try to behave yourself, alright?

Will do!

I raised a hand, following her down the gilded hallway as she led the way. Eventually, we arrived at the feast itself. A grand ballroom. One that was filled with over a thousand guests. And I totally wasnt going to make a scene while in here.

Im so nervous

The princess shifted as she waited just outside of the feast hall. She breathed slowly, practicing a few meditation techniques her personal tutor had taught her. Sevika nudged her forward.

Hurry up already. The king is waiting to introduce you to his guests.

I got it, I got it. I just have never been to very many parties before, let alone one of this size.

Rana exhaled, finally steeling herself just enough to take a step forward. Then she paused.

Actually, I changed my mind. Give me another

But Sevika pushed her out. The princess stumbled through the curtain, wide-eyed before shooting a glare back at her maid. Sevika carried herself with poise as she stepped out after Rana.


King Artik, the princess has arrived at the feast.

Sevika spoke calmly past Rana. The princess froze. She slowly spun around, face burning as she faced the throne. Artik Alyras rose from his seat, disengaging from his conversation with two well-dressed figures. He smiled as he turned to his daughter.

There you are, Rana.

F-Father! I apologize for my lateness. I ran into a problem with the laces

It is fine. Come, Rana, say hello to lady Anya Veridian and Ulli Veridian. You remember them, right?

He ushered the princess forward. Rana stiffly walked up to the two figures. She recognized them from their reputation alone. Anya Veridian, the head of the Veridian Family. And Ulli was both her husband and former butler. Their romance had been scandalous when it was announced, but now, everyone treated Ulli Veridian with the same respect as any other lord.

Y-yes. It is a pleasure to meet you once again, lady and lord Veridian.

Was that even the right way to greet them? Rana didnt know they were the most powerful nobles in all of the Helbir Plains! Even her father didnt have as much influence over the countries here as they did!

Greetings princess Rana.

Anya smiled as she bowed back at the princess.

It really has been so long since I last saw you. You were but this height back then.

She brought her hand up to her waist. Rana bit her lower lip. That wasnt right. She met lady Anya when she was fifteen years old. But she couldnt bring herself to correct the head of the Veridian Family.

King Artik smiled as he gestured past the Veridians. Towards a nearby table.

Now, Rana, Im sure youre hungry as you havent had a meal all day much to our [Chef]s chagrin. You may take a seat, and Sevika will serve you anything that you wish.

Thank you, Father.

Rana barely squeaked out, glad that she was given an out from the conversation. Not like she wouldve even been invited into it. It sounded important. And, well, unfortunately Rana wasnt very useful.

Yes, lady Anya. My sources tell me that the Primeval Demon was recently seen entering Shedos.

This is alarming. Hopefully we can meet up with Helena Warshades forces before

See, princess Rana? That wasnt so hard. You held a conversation. Good job.

Sevika spoke, interrupting the princess eavesdropping. Rana blinked, then scowled.

Oh, hush Sevika. I embarrassed myself because of you.

I highly doubt anyone paid attention to you stumbling out from behind the throne, princess Rana. Everyone seems to be preoccupied with their own conversations.

That was true. Rana scanned the room, taking in the various figures she recognized present.

Thats Lord Crocus Merryster from the Merryster Family!

She stared at the man walking around in plate armor. He was close to Elite in level. Over Level 130. And while he was a Lord, he was also a decorated soldier of Nixas army when it still existed. That was why he was dressed that way.

Amazing. I heard he was at the Fall of Nightsveil. And he survived it. He must be higher-leveled than even Zura

Zura was Alyras highest-leveled general. They were a small nation state, after all. They havent had an Elite from the country in the last thousand years.

And next to him thats Zin and Gannon Norwood!

Rana recognized the [Druid] and the senator of Shedos immediately. She expected Zin to be dressed in leaves or to be wearing animal fur, but surprisingly, the [Druid] wore a regular dress.

They really are here too

For a moment, Rana thought about getting up and introducing herself to them. But she immediately thought better of the idea and marched straight to her table. No, Ill definitely make a fool of myself. Best to limit all social interaction for the night. That is the only way Ill make a good impression.

Yes, princess Rana. You were given a guest list, and their names were clearly on it.

Sevika piped up from behind Rana. The princess rolled her eyes.

I just thought they wouldnt actually show up, alright?

She returned to looking around the large hall with starry-eyes. She saw so many people she heard about. Powerful people. Many of whom she never imagined shed ever meet.

Thats Jana Dok, head of one of the most influential lesser Vampire family. They were a thrall to the Slydrifts when they were still around, werent they? And thats Serrin Tash. And thats Selene Leo. And thats Alvan Marin wait, why is he here? I thought his family hated the Norwoods?

Rana listed out name after name after name. She watched them all as they conversed, busying themselves while interacting with one another.

And here I am, all on my own this is even more embarrassing than I thought itd be.

She flushed as she sat at the empty table. Sevikas face didnt change as she responded.

Youre seriously going to be moaning about everything tonight, aren't you?

You just dont understand what its like to be in my position, Sevika.

The princess crossed her arms. The maid nodded.

Indeed. I do not know what its like to be born into the most affluent and powerful family in the country. Your life is truly a travesty.

You know what I meant by that!

Maybe. Maybe not. Now if youll excuse me, Ill go and bring you some food.

Sevika drew back, excusing herself. Rana blinked and raised a hand.

Wait, Sevika! Dont leave me alone

But the maid was already gone. And the princess of Alyras found herself truly alone this time, awkwardly sitting at an empty table as the room bustled around her.

...what do I do?

Rana muttered, wanting to slump over in embarrassment. But to keep up appearances, she couldnt. She just hoped no one would pay attention to the lone princess seated by herself


Fortunately for her, everyones attention was diverted elsewhere as a high-pitched shriek erupted from the corner of the room.

I licked my fingers, watching as the plump lady ran away from the buffet table. Her screaming was causing a commotion. A scene in this grand feast. Seriously, what an idiot. Meanwhile, here I was, behaving myself quietly as I munched on the last of my snack.

What are you doing, Salvos?!

Saffron, for whatever reason, ran up to me in a panic. I cocked my head, turning to her.

Me? Im just eating. See?

I held up a large mosquito as it dangled in between my fingers. Its wings flapped, trying to get away, but I stuffed it into my mouth. There was a crunch as bit down on the mosquito.

Mmm, delicious.

Salvos, thats

She just stared at me as her eyes bulged out of their sockets. Those who were standing closest to us paled at the sight. A man gagged, stumbling forward, as a woman covered her childs eyes. I raised a brow.

This is a feast, right? Whats wrong with having a snack or two?

Where did you even get that bug? I couldve sworn there was an anti-insect zone set up around the feast.

I caught it before we entered of course!

I happily exclaimed. Then I produced a few dead flies in the palm of my hand with [Dimensional Pocket].

I also have this

Alright, thats enough.

Saffron just grabbed me by the hand before I could munch on the rest of my snacks. She dragged me away from the watching crowd, profusely apologizing to the onlookers.

Sorry! Shes an adventurer! Shes just too used to her weird eating habits!

Willy followed us, laughing the entire way until we were away from the buffet table. We stood closer to the throne now, and I frowned.

Hey! I was eating!

I dont what made you think that was a good idea, but I asked you not to make a scene, Salvos. Whats going on with you? I know youre smarter than that.

Nothings wrong with me. Maybe something is wrong with you guys, huh? Ever thought about that?

I stuck a tongue out at Saffron. She massaged her temples.

And youre wearing your blue jacket too

The young noble paused. She eyed me carefully before shaking her head.

I dont know whats going on youve been acting strange for the past few days but whatever it is, well talk about it later, alright?


I harrumphed. Saffron gestured past me, sighing. Willy just laughed behind us.

Just please behave yourself until then, please.

Ugh, I will.

Thank you.

Saffron smiled and patted me on the shoulder. Then she turned around and returned to the feast. I spotted a nearby table right by the throne. There was only one person seated there. A young woman. I grumbled, dragging myself there as Willy flitted behind me.

I was told there was going to be a princess. Where is she anyway?

I really wanted to befriend her and maybe ask if she could make me her sister.

Rana stared at the weird woman with the blue clothes as she approached the empty table. There was a glowing spark floating above her shoulder, and she said something in an annoyed voice under her breath.

The princess tensed up, unsure of what to do. That woman had eaten a giant mosquito in a single gulp. Even worse Rana didnt even recognize her. And she especially didnt know what to say to her once she sat down.

Sevika please save me, the princess begged.

Unfortunately, the weird woman took a seat, and Rana was helpless to do anything but sit there quietly.

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