Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 320: Daniel’s Depth

Chapter 320: Daniel’s Depth

320. Daniel's Depth

I am Daniel Song. And I am a [Hero] from Earth.

There was a pause. Like a beat was skipped. You could hear a pin drop; the shuffling of feet. Daniel held his breath, waiting for this immortal moment to end. But it droned longer as the sea of people remained still.

Then time resumed. The surface tension broke. The silent crowd exploded into a babbling of voices. An avalanche of questions fell upon the young man from Earth.

He drew back, waving his hand and trying to placate the crowd. Each individual in the room wore different expressions. Faith was aghast. Clayton was in disbelief. Jorden was outraged, pointing at Daniel accusingly.

Salvos just tilted her head. Her confusion was evident.

Huh. Everyone is upset.

And they really were.

A [Hero]? The return of the Demon King? This is absolutely ridiculous. Did this girl hire a troupe to put on a show for us?

Jorden sputtered, glancing over at Salvos. Thorsten the [Archbishop] crossed his arms as he nodded in agreement.

If this is meant to be a practical joke, it is not amusing. There hasnt been a [Hero] summoning since Zacharius the Quisling.

I am not a liar. I am a [Hero]. I come from another world. From a place where theres no magic. No Demons. No monsters. Where Elves and Dwarves exist only in fantasy or fiction. Where Humans are the only ones who live in cities. From Earth.

The susurration died down. Clayton ran a hand through his beard.

This young man hes being serious.

But can we believe him?

Thorsten was dubious. Rightfully so. Daniel didnt blame anyone for casting any aspersions his way.

The red-haired man Lamarr of Traith peered at the young man.

You have made a bold claim, Mr Daniel Song. One that I cannot believe any sane man would lie about. But I cannot trust your words alone. Can you prove yourself to us?


Daniel answered simply. He reached over to a necklace around his neck and yanked it off. The obfuscation effect around him vanished. He smiled and spoke to the room.

You may use [Identification] on me now. That is proof enough, is it not?

Thorstens eyes widened, and Lamarr nodded. There were gasps. Murmurs filled the room. But some of those gathered still didnt believe him. Particularly, Jorden Duron and the little girl Salvos brought.

Lies. You cant possibly believe this, can you, Headmaster Skyshredder?

The Lord of Wimborne faced Clayton.

Its a trick! Hes using a Skill or artifact! He cant be a [Hero]!

The girl spoke indignantly. For some reason, she was even more upset than Jorden.

But Clayton Skyshredder shook his head. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy placed a hand on his chin in thought.

I have not heard of an artifact or a Skill thats capable of disguising ones Class as a [Hero]. Even a Necklace of Total Obfuscation which can block out [Lesser Appraisal] isnt capable of such an effect.

This cant be but there hasnt been a summoning

Jorden tried to work his jaw. But Claytons confidence killed any doubts he had left. Gallus stood up, frowning.

Perhaps this is a sign.

I beg your pardon, Sir Gallus?

Lamarr raised a brow. But Thorsten nodded in agreement, gripping his robes.

Alexanders coming to our world was never hailed by a summoning. Not by Humankind. While it was never confirmed while there are many theories as to how he came here the most commonly believed idea stated in the Book of the Beginning is that Nexeus itself called him into the world. To save Humankind from destruction.

Daniel blinked. He hadnt known that was the case. Granted, he wasnt very well-versed in theology. Not that there was much theology with the temples in the world.

Clayton narrowed his eyes, speaking in a low voice.

An ill omen, then.

That is if this is all true, this young man is the second coming of Alexander. But it does not bode well for our future.

Thorsten raised a finger. To which, the awkwardness made Daniel decide it was time to speak up.

I do not believe I am the second coming of Alexander.

The young man dismissed their speculations with a sigh, but that only brought up more questions. How did he end up in the Nexeus? If not from the world itself, then he had to have been brought over somehow.

An illegitimate summoning.

Clayton came to the conclusion on his own. His brows creased as he spoke, and Thorsten sputtered to his right.

That is but [Hero] summonings are costly and dangerous. No lone individual couldve possibly had the resources necessary to carry one out. It had to have been a powerful but desperate nation

He paused. Claytons head fractionally turned. The realization soon dawned on everyone else in the room. Daniel took in a deep breath as his eyes flickered to a frozen figure, standing to his left. The only one who hadnt spoken even once since he made his reveal.

Faith El. The former princess of the Elutra Kingdom.

Was Elutra the one responsible for this illegitimate [Hero] summoning?

Clayton interrogated her, his voice calm, but there was something simmering within him. Disappointment? Anger? Perhaps. Daniel didnt know. Behind Faith, one of the resistance members protested. Willow got to her feet, defending her princess.

It was not princess Faiths choice! King Credence made the decree and

Its fine, Willow.

Faith raised a hand, giving her a melancholic smile. Jorden, the Lord of Wimborne, stepped forward with his arms crossed.

Dont tell me

He sneered, speaking condescendingly.

Are you going to use the Demons in Inoria as an excuse to justify your illegitimate [Hero] summoning? Because that will not hold up against the Council of Cremont.

Faith nodded.

I understand that.

She faced the room, taking in all the stares. The judgmental looks. The suspicious gazes directed towards her. Then she stopped as she caught sight of Daniel. The young man looked at her with a mixture of pity and indifference. He couldnt lie and say he felt terrile for the situation he put her in.

After all, she was one of the main reasons why hed even been in the situation he currently was in. But still, Faith stood straight and spoke.

There was no legitimacy behind Elutras summoning of the [Hero] Daniel Song. I accept any and all crimes of my father. For breaking with the Council of Cremonts decree at the Fifth Council at Alexandria. And for forcing an innocent life from another world to fight in our foolish war.

Faith bowed her head. She bowed deep and low unbefitting that of a princess. But she was no longer a princess. Shed admit just as much. Daniel narrowed his eyes. Was it a scheme? Was it a ploy? He was uncertain. He bubbled with an eclectic of emotions, watching her be inundated with questions.

Yet, she continued. She didnt stop there. Her next words drew Daniels attention. More than anything else.

I never once said this, Daniel Song. More than betraying the trust of other nations because of Elutras greed. Never once have I apologized to you. The young man who was forced into the role of a [Hero]. Ripped away from his own world and everything he once knew. I am sorry.

Daniel blinked. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He stood there as Faith addressed the rest of the room once again. The emotions boiling within him cooled. He placed a hand on his chest, an odd sense of calm washing over him. And deep within, he felt only one thing. He felt at peace. For this moment, he felt nothing but tranquility.

When he regained his bearings, Faith was still steadily answering the deluge of questions headed her way.

Why did Elutra carry out a [Hero] summoning?

This is a crime equal to Inorias!

Both nations need to be punished in their actions during the war

Daniel felt the need to step in. He watched as Faith simply accepted the blame thrown her way. He started.

I believe that she

But he couldnt finish. Another voice spoke over him. Over everyone else in the room.

So what?

Salvos shrugged as heads turned her way. She glanced over at the [Will O Wisp] hovering over her shoulder.

Does any of this make sense to you too, Willy?

All stupid!

See? He thinks its dumb. And hes not very smart.


The young woman chuckled, while the Grand Spirit flitted around her head indignantly. Salvos faced the rest of the room, looking over Clayton, Lamarr, Gallus, Thorsten, Valda, Faith she held everyones gaze with no hesitation or fear in her eyes.

Alright, Elutra summoned a [Hero]. And so what?

Clayton shook his head as he explained.

I understand that, as an adventurer, these issues do not matter to you, Salvos. However, there are consequences for every action. A single unruly [Hero] could bring about great devastation to the Human lands. If this young man had been like Zacharius

Except, Daniel is not Zacharius. Hes nothing like that stupid Lich. We even killed that Lich together, didnt we? Thats why hes the Liberator of the Plaguelands!

Salvos gestured at Daniel with a grin. She spread her arms wide.

And even if thats the case, thats not the issue right now. I dont know if you guys realize this, but the big problem isnt what Elutra did years ago. Its the Primeval Demon thats currently running amok, and the Demons hiding in Inoria. We want to deal with them first before we should even think about punishing Faith, or about whatever kind of disaster Daniel would cause.

She paused, tilting her head.

Not like Daniel would do anything bad, anyway. Hes too nice.

Daniel stared at Salvos as she spoke. Her demeanor was cheerful as always. And she focused on what was important. He nodded, speaking in agreement as he looked at Clayton Skyshredder.

If you wish to keep me in check, then I am not opposed to it. But these matters are not whats important right now. We dont know where the Primeval Demon will strike next, and we need to stop the Demons in Inoria from bringing about the return of the Demon King.

The room fell silent. Even Jorden didnt argue with that. Thorsten cleared his throat.

The girl and the Grand Spirit are right.

The elderly man faced Salvos and Willy.

We are being foolish, arguing with one another over these minor issues. This Demon threat is very real. More real than we believed. I trust emperor Rowyns words, and we can confirm the veracity of it with a single question in a [Truth Zone] spell afterwards. And more than anything, I trust that a Grand Spirit wouldnt espouse or agree with these lies.

He nodded sagely, then he furrowed his brows at the [Will O Wisp].

Although why do you seem so familiar?

Willy shrank back.

D-dont know

Daniel realized something was going on, but Clayton continued.

Now, we need to discuss a plan of action. Lamarr, Gallus, Thorsten, Jorden will you bring this news of the Demon King back to your people? But I must ask that you ensure the news does not spread to the public.

It is only expected. I shall return to the Eastern Kingdoms and speak to the Seven Councilmembers.

I will try to talk to those I know within the Vaun Qieur Empire.

Lamarr and Gallus agreed. Thorsten even smiled.

As the [Archbishop] of the Den of Souls, I will speak to my people and to the [Archbishops] of the other sects.

Thank you.

Clayton lowered his head. He looked over at Jorden, waiting. The Lord of Wimborne acquiesced.

Very well. I suppose this is a matter that Shedos senate needs to discuss. I am still skeptical of some of the facts presented today, but it is undeniable that this Demon threat is far more dire than we had initially thought. We need to make preparations. Especially since we do not know where the Primeval Demon will strike next.

A voice piped up, cutting him off. Salvos raised a hand.

Oh, I actually know where Belzu is going next.


Clayton frowned. Salvos waved a hand dismissively.

Belzu the Primeval Demon. Hes headed for Shedos next. Hes coming after the Norwood Family.

And why would he do that? How do you even know this?

Jorden harrumphed, but Clayton closed his eyes.

She is correct.

Salvos paused. She looked over at him, perking up.

You know about the Vampires too, Clayton? And why is Belzu targeting them?

Yes. I had been aware of that. Or, rather, I have made inferences based on the facts I know. But I cannot leave my post in Mavos Academy. I have sent warnings to Gannon Norwood himself. He has already agreed to leave Shedos with the Greaves of Alexander so the Primeval Demon will not enter the country.

The Greaves of Alexander? Wait you mean Alexanders Treasures? I thought those were a myth.

Jorden raised a brow. Gallus, too, was puzzled.

I have been under the same impression as well.

Daniel would agree with both of them. He learned of the myth, and he always assumed that was what they were. He didnt think they were real.

But Salvos shook her head.

They are real. I even had the Breastplate of Alexander for a while!

Of course you did

The young man massaged his temples. Clayton spoke over him.

If people know that the Primeval Demon is seeking Alexanders Treasures, then there will be a panic. We must keep this discreet as well.

Very well, but

Jorden turned around. He faced Salvos, finally asking the question that mightve been in many minds.

How do you know all this? Are you not just an adventurer? Youre aware of the Primeval Demons name, youre aware of the Demons in Inoria, youre aware of the [Hero], and youre aware of Alexanders Treasures. I do not trust you.

Daniel froze. It was indeed very suspicious. The young man felt a prickle run up his spine fearing what could potentially happen next. Salvos was a prideful individual. If it was revealed she was a Demon here

But no. Salvos just beamed.

If you really want to know, its because Saffron Merryster is my companion, and I briefly fought Belzu on her behalf in Nightsveil. Also, I dont care for you.

She replied simply. Jorden sputtered.

How dare

Thats enough. The meeting shall be adjourned for today. We have gone over all the important matters, unless there are other issues that need to be brought up?

No one spoke up. With a nod, Headmaster Skyshredder clapped his hands together and spoke in a clear voice.

Then you may all take your leave.

Salvos slumped back into her chair, sighing.

Finally! Its over

And they slowly left the room.

The meeting ended. It was a meeting with various peoples of power from all around the world. Everyone had their own takeaways from the discussion that was had. Not everyone contributed much to it. In fact, Valda would say she didnt participate at all.

However, she still had her own takeaways.

Its a ruse

She told herself as she left the Tower of Truth. There was no way that low-leveled man was a [Hero]. He looked lost half the time someone was speaking. Meanwhile, Salvos had maintained her composure all the while.

Seriously, Salvos even had the Breastplate of Alexander at one point!

Thats right. Shes just using that man as a cover. She has to be the real [Hero]...

Valda was certain of it.

Daniel Song milled about the meeting room, even after it ended. There were still conversations to be had. He overheard Salvos speaking with the King of Traith.

Aw, are you really going? So I wont see you again anytime soon?

This is a matter that must be discussed in person. Unlike Gallus, I cannot simply relay this information to a contact

Amanda walked up behind the young man.

You actually had the balls to do it, huh? I must admit, I am quite impressed.

Not going to insult me today?

He faced her with an intrigued look. She shrugged.

Hey, I can be nice too, sometimes. Also, I can remind you that youre a fucking moron any other day.

Of course.

He rolled his eyes. He looked away from her, facing another woman in the room. Faith El. She stayed behind to answer any questions and clear up any misunderstandings. Jorden was hammering her with accusatory questions, but she took the brunt of it all with poise.

Why not speak with her?

Amanda asked, tilting her head. Daniel paused.


You clearly want to say something to her. I dont know what it is, but youre just sitting here, staring at her like a creep. Why not just go up to her and say what you want to say?


Daniel hesitated. He looked down at the palm of his hand. Then he steeled himself as he clenched a fist.

I will.

He got to his feet, starting past Amanda. He approached Faith as Jorden left, finally placated. The former princess drew back when Daniel reached her.



She pursed her lips. The young man greeted her curtly. Neither one spoke immediately after. They waited for the other to say something, but both hesitated. And when they gathered the courage to continue, they interrupted each other.

I truly meant what I said

I do not blame

They paused. Faith shuffled her feet, but Daniel gestured for her to continue.

You first.


The former princess took in a deep breath and spoke.

I truly meant what I said earlier. I know you do not trust me. That you think I am a conniving woman. Perhaps you are right about me. At one point, all I cared about was my self-interest. But I am truly sorry. For all that has been forced upon you.

She brought a hand to her chest and hung her head.

I am sorry, Daniel Song. From the very bottom of my heart: I apologize.

Daniel listened. He felt his chest tighten. Then relax. He nodded at her, speaking simply.

I do not blame you for what happened. I was summoned by King Credence, not you.

Faith blinked as he spoke, vaguely motioning at her.

The sins of the father should not fall upon his son. Nor should it fall to his daughter. If you had to pay retribution for your own actions, I believe you already did. There is no longer any reason for me to hold a grudge against you. That is why

He held her gaze. He saw the regret she buried deep within her, and spoke from his heart. With sincerity in his voice.

I forgive you, Faith.

Her eyes grew wide. She stood there in silence. Utterly at a loss for words. A moment passed. She said nothing. Then she laughed. A single teardrop streamed down her cheek as she brought her hand to cover her face.

Thank you, Daniel Song. For your forgiveness, and for saving my life. Whether or not you are a [Hero] no longer matters, for you are truly an admirable person.

He smiled at that. The moment dragged on as they stood before each other. Almost reminiscent of a memory long ago. When Daniel had thought he was in love when he still believed in the lies of Elutra. He returned to the present when Faith wiped away her tears and spoke.

I take it we cannot be friends, even after all this?

Daniel thought about it for a moment. Faith was a beautiful woman. She was smart, elegant, and kind. He remembered their past. Then he shook his head.


He replied with little hesitation.

We cannot.

Faith sighed not bitter. Just a soft sigh.

Thought so.

Faith couldnt lie and admit his final parting words hadnt hurt her a little bit. But she couldnt dwell on it. She had said her piece, and there were far more pressing issues to deal with. Daniel left as she returned to Willow and Gavyn. Neither of them said a word as she came to a halt.

It seems I have lost the trust for our country today.

Those who attended the meeting left with two things weighing in their mind. The first was the knowledge of the Demon Kings inevitable return that was one of the reasons why Faith had come here. But the second was the fact that Elutra had also betrayed the rest of the Human lands, breaking with the Sixth Council at Alexandria.

I know I promised you that well save our country, but it appears I failed to keep my word.

The former princess felt her lips tremble. Her gaze darkened, and she continued.

I tried, but I really didnt know what to say. I had to win their trust. And when Daniel told them the truth I-I couldnt just

She trailed off. She didnt look at either Willow or Gavyn. Shed failed the resistance.

I am sorry. You shouldnt place your faith in me. I am not fit to lead you

And she paused. She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked up as Gavyn nodded her way.

You did the right thing.

Willow agreed with him.

You had no other choice. The situation was against you. But you got the truth out there.

But I

And a smaller voice spoke over her. Emperor Rowyn approached Faith from behind, shaking his head.

You did the right thing. It was the only thing you could do. For the sake of your country, you bore all the blame. That is what a true leader does.

The boy gave her a reassuring smile.

I know you dont want to hear a lecture from me. Not from either a child or your enemy. But what you did today was admirable. I truly hope that, at the end of all this, your country can be returned to you from those evil Demons as Inoria will be returned to me.

But youre

Faith stared at him. He bowed at her.

And if the Council of Cremont decrees a crusade against your nation, I swear as the emperor of Inoria I shall ensure my country sides with you.

She spun around as Willow spoke up.

No matter what happens, you are our leader. We trust you.

Gavyn folded his arms.

And we shall retake our country no matter what.

Faith felt her lips curl up. She met their gazes.

Thank you all of you

When she spoke, a voice echoed in her head. One that made the former princess pause. That made her eyes grow wide. She clenched a fist, a myriad of emotions passing through her. Finally, she raised her chin and nodded.

I promise I will not fail you again.

[Title Available]

Title for Great Feats:

Requirements for one Title have been met!


(Fallen Queen of Elutra)

You have defended your country to the bitter end, and yet you still fight. For

I strolled alongside Willy as we left the meeting room. He hid behind me, trying to keep out of sight from Thorsten Siegfrid.

So what is that about?


The [Will O Wisp] refused to answer. I chuckled, not pressing it much further. I was just glad. Happy that it was all over.

I can finally go find Saffron maybe even tell her what happened today.

Willy and I turned a corner as I excited bounced on my toes.

I bet shell be so excited! Shell finally have a bunch of powerful people on her side

I froze. Willy stared at me, puzzled.


I nodded stiffly.

My clone

I turned to face the [Will O Wisp] with wide eyes.

Is dead.

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