Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 315: Catching Up

Chapter 315: Catching Up

315. Catching Up

Daniel Song flinched as he watched the Nebular Spear impale Simag. It ran through the Archdemon, propelling him into the side of the mountain. His corpse pinned on the rock as a plume of dust and debris shot up.

Salvos shook her head. She strode forward with a sigh.

No levels. That sucks.


The [Will O Wisp] asked, flitting back to the ground. Daniel found himself being lowered as the golden flaming figures descended.

Yep! My clones can deal with the rest of the Demons.

Salvos waved a hand dismissively as Daniel was settled to the ground. The young man blinked.

Your clones?

Well, theyre not exactly clones. Theyre made from fire and not made from me. Id say theyre weaker copycats. Fakers.

She huffed, and one of the clones shook a fist at her. The other clone rolled her eyes and ushered the first clone forward. Together, they took off to deal with the fleeing Demons. The real Salvos beamed.

Theyre useful, though. Very helpful.

I see.

Daniel wasnt sure what to say. He watched the Salvos clones go, unleashing a storm of golden flames in the distance. He turned back to the real Salvos, and finally, he approached her.

Salvos, I

He hesitated. The young man glanced over at princess Faith and prince Bel. They were being tended to by Garland as the man and woman accompanying Salvos huddled over.

If not for them if not for Salvos arriving just in time theyd all be dead right now. Even though Daniel had tried his hardest, he wouldve failed in protecting them. He couldnt save anyone. Quite the [Hero], he was.

It was probably such a pathetic display. He used to be able to fight alongside Salvos. She probably thought he was so weak right now. He was almost ashamed to even speak with her. He averted his gaze, hanging his head

And he paused. He felt a pair of arms wrapping around him. Daniel blinked and looked up to see the silver-haired girl laughing. She hugged him with a smile.

Hey, Daniel.

He slowly hugged her back. That was right. It had been a while since he last saw her. He mustve forgotten what she was like. Even if the way she thought was alien to him even if she was well, Salvos, in how she acted. She still truly cared for him

Salvos cocked her head.

How have you been doing?

Daniel returned the smile.

Not going to lie, I havent been doing great. But now that youre here Im sure Ill do much better.

I wasnt really sure how long itd been since I last saw Daniel. But hed changed a lot since then. He hadnt leveled much, but I could tell that he managed to grow in other ways. I could tell just from the look he wore on his face.

Salvos, do you have any healing potions? My friends theyre hurt.

I drew back from him and blinked.

Um, sure Willy!

I called out to the [Will O Wisp]. Willy sighed and flitted over to check on them. Daniel watched as a green fire shot out, slowly landing on those who were injured.

What is that?

That? Thats Willy. Hes a [Will O Wisp].

I knew that much. But how did you meet him? Is he Edithes summon?

I shook my head.

Nope. I havent seen Edithe since we split up in Viechester when I last saw you. I met Willy while in the Bloodied Gulf.

You were in the actually, I shouldnt even be questioning it.

Daniel chuckled. He looked over at one of the injured Humans. A woman with brown hair. He sighed in relief as her injuries closed up. The other injured man recovered as well thanks to Willys green flames. Willow and Zane helped him up. And behind him was

Princess Faith!

My eyes widened. I excitedly tugged at Daniels shirt, pulling him over to greet the princess.

Do you remember me? We met one time like a year and a half ago its me, Salvos!

She looked up at me weakly. Her skin was pale like shed been dipped in freezing cold water. But otherwise she was mostly fine. A thin smile spread across her lips as she nodded.

I remember you, Salvos. You left quite the impression on me when we met back then. Of course Id remember you.

She remembers me, Daniel! A princess remembers me!

I was practically bouncing on my toes as I turned to my companion. He scratched the back of his head.

Uh, yeah

I apologize for this unsightly scene.

Faith laughed, almost bitterly. She drew to her feet, helping the boy with her her brother, probably up and bowed with him.

Thank you for saving us. We would be dead without your aid.

Oh, dont mention it at all. When I heard you guys were in trouble, I came as quickly as I could. With help, of course.

I gestured at the two resistance members who accompanied me. They flushed, averting their gaze as princess Faith turned to them. She bowed her head at them as well.

Thank you to the both of you. I recognize you. You worked for Duke Landry, didnt you? You were his bodyguards.

Willow exchanged a glance with Zane. She straightened, nodding stiffly.

Y-yes. We gathered whoever we could after Ertos fell to rebel against Inoria. Gavyn Windborne is with us too hes our leader.

Is that so? Im glad to hear hes still alive.

Faith sighed, smiling. She raised her left hand and patted both the resistance members on the shoulders.

Good work. Youre fighting the good fight.

My eyes flickered. I stared at Faith for a moment. Something was amiss. She was

And I gasped.

Faith your right hand! Its gone!

The princess blinked. She shifted back, hiding her right arm behind her back.

This is

What happened?

I ran up to her, inspecting the stub where her hand should be. Faith shook her head,

Its fine. It happens during war. This is nothing to worry about.

No this isnt right! Here

I reached into my [Dimensional Pocket] and produced a glinting elixir. One that pulsed with magic. Faiths eyes grew wide. Willow stepped back.

Thats a

Potion of Regeneration.

The princess spoke, meeting my gaze.

Are you sure you want to give this to me? A Potion of Regeneration is worth

Its fine! Youre a princess! You should use it!

I raised her arm, pouring the Potion of Regeneration until there was only a little bit left in the bottle. It was still enough for recovering maybe a body part or two.

Faith stared as her hand regrew from the stub. She flexed her newly regenerated hand before turning to me. Her lips quivered. She opened her mouth.


And tears streamed down her cheeks. I was taken aback.

Um, what?

Adventurer Salvos, I am forever in your debt.

She bowed once again, deeper than before. Then she turned to Daniel.

And [Hero] Daniel Song, I owe you more than just my life. You owed nothing to me. Yet, you saved me. You risked your life for us.

Faith held her brothers hand tightly.

Thank you.

Daniel hesitated. He scratched his cheeks, not really looking at either the princess or the prince.

I arrived too late. I shouldve come sooner. There is nothing to thank me for. I couldve done more to prevent what happened at Ertos.

But you did what you could, and thanks to that, my brother and I are alive today. So, again, thank you.

Faith was insistent. I nudged Daniel on the shoulder.

Just accept it.

I smiled at him.

Sometimes, you just have to accept it when others praise you,

Not like there should be any reason for others to not praise me. But Daniel always grew shy and aloof when he was lauded for his actions. He nodded slowly.

Right. I was just uh, doing what [Hero]s do.

I watched as he cringed as he said that. Faith didnt seem to mind, and her brother even brightened. Willow and Zane just respectfully lowered their heads. The [Warrior] whod been with Faith and Daniel crossed his arms approvingly. But someone laughed.

Even you were embarrassed by that.

A brown-haired woman strode up to us from behind. The injured woman healed by Willy.


Daniel shot a glare at her. I raised a brow.

Whos this?


Im his girlfriend. We met at a bar

She smirked, hugging his arm. Daniel flushed, and I blinked.

Nice! Im Salvos, its nice to meet you.

I proffered her a hand. Amanda paused, staring at it.

You arent jealous?

No. Why would I be?

I tilted my head. Daniels shoulders sagged for whatever reason. Then he shrugged Amanda off him.

Shes not my girlfriend, Salvos. Shes an assassin who was hired to kill me. We fought, a few things happened, and now were working together and Im forced to deal with her crap.

She drew back from him, harrumphing. I tapped a finger on my chin.

Huh. Neat.

I glanced over at the group of Humans. Then I looked up to see my clones returning from dealing with the last of the fleeing Demons. I nodded at Willy and clasped my hands together.

Alright. Now that all thats settled, we should go back to the hideout.

Faith stepped forward, looking towards the northeast.

We cant stay in Elutra, Salvos. We need to leave this country. Inoria is relentless. They wont stop. Theyll keep sending Demons after us until were dead.

And we will leave for Shedos.

I agreed with her.

Were just going back to grab the other resistance members first. Then well all go to Shedos together.

Youll what? How will you do that?

She blinked blinked. I gestured at Willy.

Dont worry, I have help. Its not too much trouble.


Faith acquiesced. My wings unfurled from my back as we began to take off.

Anyway, we dont have to worry too much about more Demons coming after us. After all, according to Simag, theyre going to be preoccupied, right?

Wait, what are you talking about, Salvos?

Daniel narrowed his eyes. I glanced over at him.

The Demons Simag said that theyre busy dealing with Belzu. So, we will probably be fine.

There was silence. A long pause. Everyone exchanged glances. Princess Faith pursed her lips. Then Bel the former prince of Elutra raised a hand.

Whos Belzu?

Belzu could feel his army slowing. Their numbers had been depleted slowly whittled away as the Primeval Demon made his way through Inoria. He didnt think itd have taken this long to arrive at Shedos, but he didnt think that Regnorex would already be making a move so soon.

Levithus was in the Mortal Realm. A [Hellprince] of the Netherworld. One of Regnorexs generals. And he was here to put an end to Belzus rebellion.

Hed led an ambush that forced Belzu into Inoria. Away from other Human nations and into the den of Demons. The only reason why Belzu still lived was because of the weapon he held in his hand.

The Sword of Alexander. It had been enough to repel Levithus assault. But not at the cost of many of Belzus Mindreapers.

He had to replenish his army somehow. He needed to still grow stronger. His current strength wasnt nearly enough to dethrone the Demon King.

Beluzs bulbous eyes flickered. He spotted a city up ahead a relatively large city. It didnt have much defenses, but it was teeming with life. With Humans. Individuals who could be turned into his soldiers. Be it in undeath, or be it through what was left of his Mindreapers.

And he decided on his next destination.

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