Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 301: Divine

Chapter 301: Divine

301. Divine

Valda sighed as she sat in the library of Mavos Academys Central Square. A textbook laid unopened before her. Her notes were scattered on the desk, a jumbled mess that she couldnt be bothered to sift through.

This sucks

She murmured. Across from her, Eve, one of her best friends, raised a brow.

This is unlike you, Valda. Usually Id be the one snoozing during one of our study sessions together.

What even is the point in studying?

The fifteen-year-old girl scowled. She was a genius whod enrolled in Mavos Academy six years younger than most of her freshmen counterparts. Eve, for example, was turning 22 this year, while she was turning 16.

And yet, despite being a supposed hard working genius, Valda was refusing to study. She didnt budge, barely looking at her friend.

Our entire semester was canceled. There really is no reason to study for the next five months until our next semester begins. Its ridiculous. I wouldve graduated next year if not for this.

Well, to be fair, there is a Primeval Demon skulking around our borders.

Eve shrugged. Valda snorted.

Mavos Academy is the most prestigious magical institution in the world for a reason. It has never fallen, even under siege, throughout all of history. Even during the First Great Kobold Invasion or even when the Demon King himself came to the Mortal Realm.

Right, but thats because of the Immortal King Alexanders intervention both times.

That is true And yet, Valda found herself shaking her head.

Still, we dont know where the Primeval Demon is going. Its trapped in Inoria right now. Has been for the past month. And if it cant get past Inoria, then it doesnt stand much of a chance when the Vaun Qieur Empire mobilizes the full might of its army to put an end to this threat.

But havent you been hearing the rumors?

Her friend leaned forward. Eve whispered conspiratorially, glancing over at the door of the study room.

My aunt shes a senator, right? Well, she told me theres more than just a single Primeval Demon. There have been sightings of other Demons many of them at over Level 100. Dozens of them. Maybe even hundreds.

She shuddered as Valdas eyes narrowed.

That sounded insane to think about. That there were that many Demons no, Archdemons present in the world. And even still

The Adventurers Guild approximates that there are ten thousand Diamond Rank adventurers currently registered in the world. Thats not to mention the thousands that are working in the military such as the Swordsguard Forces of the Vaun Qieur Empire. Or the non-combatants. Or those who work in assassin groups or mercenary armies.

Valda waved a hand off dismissively. Eve rolled her eyes.

Youre acting as though all the Diamond Ranked individuals in the world are going to collectively work together to stop this threat. Unlike the Demons, we arent so organized. And if there are already that many Archdemons present in the Mortal Realm

There was a pause. Eve closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. Even Valda understood the implications.

Just how many of them are there, hiding away, and waiting in the Netherworld? Surely you understand the gravity of the situation, right?

The fifteen-year-old girl pursed her lips. She shuffled her feet.

I know that, its just

It was that her school life the life in Mavos Academy she so looked forward to, that shed worked towards for her fourteen years was ruined. And just accepting it upsetted her.

Worse than that, it would also admit that admit that

Maybe Saffron was right

Did you say something?


Valda sighed again. She rested her chin on the palm of her hand, glancing out of the study rooms window, and taking in the rest of the library. Columns of bookshelves rose up to the ceiling, creating a forest of books.

I just wish someone would deal with that Primeval Demon already...

Footfalls echoed in the hallway just beyond as she massaged her temples. She glanced up as the door swung open, Jeremiah, Marie, and Jonas leaping into the room.


What are you guys doing here?

She blinked.

Guess whos back at Mavos Academy?

Her eyes lit up as she exchanged a glance with Eve.

A [Hero] could.

Salvos is back.

I strolled through Mavos Academy, heading for the Tower of Truth at the Central Square. I needed to speak with Clayton Skyshredder about Centinas situation. To get his help, of course. Unfortunately, I found myself constantly being interrupted on the way there.

Excuse me sorry, Im in a bit of a rush.

Hey, is that Salvos?

The Diamond Ranked adventurer? I thought she died to that Primeval Demon!

Those were just rumors. I saw her on campus after the fall of Nightsveil. She never left Mavos Academy.

But wait, her level how

It was nice, of course. Hearing people praise me always placed me in a good mood. Except, not only were they praising me from afar, people were blocking my way to ask question.

Salvos! Werent you Level 110 just a few months ago? When did you get to Level 130?

I glanced over at the man who approached me. I didnt recognize him.

Um, I got to Level 130 twenty hours ago?

He stood in my way as I tried to get around him. Even though I made it clearly obvious that I was in a rush, he still barred my path, speaking to me with familiarity.

Amazing. And to think you reached Level 100 just last year

Thanks. Um, do I know you?

I cocked my head. The man deflated.

Wait, you dont remember me?

He didnt look like anyone I knew. And that was because he wasnt anyone I knew.

Well, we never spoke so I guess that makes sense. I was in your enchantment class last semester

Sorry, Im in a rush. Gotta go!

I dashed around him as he called out.


But I didnt care. I didnt know who he was, so it didnt really matter to me. I wasnt going to stop for just anyone. Only for people I knew.

I arrived at Central Square moments later, only to run into someone I actually knew.


A familiar voice called out to me. I looked over at Valda as she strutted over, waving. I blinked. She was accompanied by her friends. And this time, I had to stop to chat.

Valda! And Eve, Jeremiah, Marie, and Jonas too. How are you guys doing?

I smiled, hugging them one after the other. Valda stepped back, eyes wide.

Amazing, Salvos. Youre already at Level 130. Howd you do it? I mean where have you been?

Oh, Ive just been busy. You know, fighting Centinels.

Fighting Centinels?

They exchanged confused glances. I nodded.

Yep. At the Bloodied Gulf. Ive been there for the past few weeks. Or months. Hard to keep track of time down there.

You were at the Bloodied Gulf?!

Eve gasped. They stared at me, a mixture of bewilderment and amazement in their eyes. I beamed, clapping my hands together.

Anyway, thats what I was up to. I do hope you guys have been doing well in your classes. Im a bit late, but I cant wait to catch up.

Valda hesitated. She shuffled her feet, scowling.

About that

Whats wrong?

I gave her an inquisitive glance. She didnt meet my gaze. Eve snorted.

Valdas upset because there havent been any classes for the past month.

There hasnt?


Valda spoke as she crossed her arms.

They canceled the entire semester. Weve been given some work to study on our own, but classes will only resume half a year from now.


Well, that was good. It meant I wasnt late for my classes. I didnt need to catch up in the middle of a semester like when I first enrolled. However, Valda wasnt enthused about it.

Its just so stupid. Why must this happen when Im in school? Why couldnt it happen after I graduated.

Her friends agreed with her. I watched them mutter amongst themselves, upset about this turn of events. I felt a bit bad. I didnt really get it, but I knew they were unhappy about their current predicament. I couldnt slinked away amidst their chatter, but instead I stepped forward to reassure them

Dont worry, Valda.

I placed a hand on the blonde girls shoulder. She looked up at me as I smiled.

Ill deal with the Primeval Demon. Then everything will be resolved.

Her eyes went round at that. Eve frowned.

Wait, but thats not

You can do it, Salvos.

Valda cut her friend off. She met my gaze, exclaiming.

If anyone can do it, you can!

I took a step back, nodding.

Yep! Ill see you later, alright? I need to speak with Clayton about, um, something important. Bye!

With that, I took my leave. Valda watched me enter the Tower of Truth.

Do you really believe that, Valda?

Eve faced the blonde girl, unconvinced. Yet, Valda was adamant.

Salvos is a [Hero], remember?

We think shes a [Hero]. We have no proof of that, yet.

You saw how quickly she leveled it only makes sense. She killed the Lich, and she ventured into the Bloodied Gulf. And if shes not a [Hero]...

Valdas eyes fixed on the silver-haired woman as she ran through Central Square, finally arriving at the Tower of Truth.

Then shes a guardian. Someone who protects. A sentinel. Secelys Sentinel.

Eves eyes flickered.

That kind of makes sense to me.

I arrived at the Tower of Truth, leaving the ruckus behind me. This was where the staff of Mavos Academy were gathered, and they were far more professional. They didnt stop me at each step. Even if I recognized a few of the faces there.

Specifically, Veronica Adash. Former princess of the fallen kingdom of Adash. She was both a student and a teacher in Mavos Academy. And she guided me to Claytons office.

To think that youd surpass my level in such a short amount of time

She shook her head.

I kind of expected it, but Im still surprised.

I raised my chin, grinning.

Well, I did get some help to get here. But Im very strong now. Look.

Rainbow-colored flames coalesced around my fingertips. Veronica frowned.

Ive never seen magic like that before. It almost feels different.


I inspected the iridescent embers. It felt like it radiated regular magic. Strong magic. But alright, maybe a bit irregular. It reminded me a bit of the Dreaded Goblet. Huh.

Hes in here.

Veronica came to a stop by a double door. I bowed my head at her.

Thank you.

Of course.

She leaned forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.

And if you ever wish to pay me back, just let me know when your father is back in town.

I froze. Then I nodded robotically.

Um, sure.

With that, I hurriedly rapped on the door and waited for Claytons voice to leak through.


The Headmaster spoke as if he was right next to me,even though he was inside. Some kind of noise amplification magic. I pushed the double doors open, stepping inside.


I greeted him, waving. Then I paused.

I mean, um, Headmaster Skyshredder?

I wasnt sure how these titles worked. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy turned to face me. Hed been standing by the tinted glass window, overlooking the school.

Welcome back. It seems youve been busy while youve been gone.

Yep! Killing [Ancient Centinels] and stuff.

He didnt seem too impressed by it, although he fractionally raised a single brow.

Truly, you know not what risk means, do you?

He flicked a finger, using magic to pull open a seat for me. I sat down across from him as he settled into his desk.

Well, I do. I was kind of forced into that situation. But, also, I did have um, something to help me out so it wasnt just completely stupid.

The Breastplate of Alexander saved my life more than once. I wouldnt have gotten out of the Bloodied Gulf without it.

Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you, Headmaster. Please, just hear me out, alright?

Clayton Skyshredder creased his brows. Then he placed his arms on his desk.

Very well. But first

He leaned forward, eyes fixed on me.

Tell me, Salvos: why do I sense Divine Essence coming from you?

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