Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 267: Interlude - Edithe's Explanation (1)

Chapter 267: Interlude - Edithe's Explanation (1)

267. Interlude - Edithe's Explanation Part 1

It had been a month since the fall of Nightsveil. The news of Nixas destruction was still fresh in everybodys minds; countries were reeling from the fact that they could very much be wiped off the face of the world if they were next in the path of the Primeval Demons rampage. They were readying themselves receding back into their borders and mustering up their armies so they wouldnt be the next ones to fall.

The coalition army that had once been formed was shattered. It had been the most the nations of Humankind had cooperated with each other since the days of Alexander. They had amassed many great armies led by Elites and filled with Diamonds to fell the Primeval Demon. And each time, against all odds, Belzu had beaten back their best. Even outnumbered and outmatched, he would somehow come out victorious.

Edithe Dawnrise had been reading up on the reports the battles that had taken place between the coalition armies and the Primeval Demon. She couldnt believe what she saw. Some of the greatest generals shed heard of had been slain in battle against the Primeval Demon. Powerful adventurers Elites whod accomplished only what she could imagine defeated with ease.

Sure, it hadnt been every single great warrior and tactician in the world coming together to face Belzu, but that was nigh impossible to get. In war, you didnt send your countrys army straight into the enemys borders all at once; that was both foolish and difficult to manage.

With what Edithe was reading, she truly thought that theyd have been able to crush Belzu from the very first coalition army they sent. Just he somehow won each time.

It was ridiculous. And now, nations were too afraid to cooperate. The Vaun Qieur Empire was trying to pick up the remains and gather other countries to once again face the Primeval Demon as he barreled up north. Edithe wasnt sure where he was going, but hed fortunately been stalled at the Inoria Empire. For whatever reason, hed been more muted since he crossed the countrys borders. While he was still razing cities to the ground, he wasnt acting as outwardly as before.

Edithe remembered there being something about Inoria being related to Demons it was both a rumor and something Daniel mentioned. She never really gave it much thought, but judging from Belzus actions now, it probably had some credence to it.

Whatever the case was, this presented an opportunity to prepare for Belzu once he finally navigated through Inorias borders. After all, she knew his next destination.

The Shedos Republic. Or, just Shedos.

Hadrian shook his head as he spoke. He sat across from Edithe as the sun shone from behind his head, casting a shadow over his face. They were back in Viechester, sitting in a cafe at the citys center.

That is what Dad told me the Norwood Family guards the Greaves of Alexander. Their estate is located in Shedos, and they are likely the Primeval Demons next target.

Are you certain?

Edithe asked, leaning forward. He nodded.

The Boots of Alexander is guarded by the Veridian Family, but they are located further up north, so the Primeval Demon will likely target the Norwod Family first before going after the Veridians.

And what about the Crown of Alexander?

Its guarded by a family in the Vaun Qieur Empire but that doesnt really matter. The Crown of Alexander only works when used together with the other treasures of Alexander. On its own, it is useless. The Primeval Demon will save it for last.

I see.

Edithe massaged her temples as Hadrian finished his explanation. She honestly just wanted a drink right now to forget all her problems and it was only noon. But she couldnt just sit around and do nothing, so shed been discussing the next course of action with Hadrian.

Speaking of, he shifted slightly and glanced over at her.

So what do you think?

What do I think?

She blinked, and he averted his gaze slightly. Why was he asking her for her advice? Wasnt he the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company? But no she forgot that until recently, while Hadrian had been the leader, he still had the guidance of someone to seek out from. Baris, his father.

But now, Baris was dead. And Hadrian was lost.

Im just not sure what we should do, or if we should even do anything at all, Edithe. Im isnt this completely out of our hands?

He gestured helplessly behind him. The streets were relatively empty for this time of the day Viechester was a city that relied heavily on trade, and right now, many [Traders] and [Merchants] were too scared to travel with their wares. There were a few children out watching the occasional street performer, but it was otherwise quite barren compared to the usual sigh.

Hadrian continued.

That Primeval Demon has brought all of Humankind to its knees were just some company in the Sunmere Republic. This this isnt something we can help with, right?

Edithe stared at Hadrian. Shed known he wasnt really feeling like himself after everything hed recently been through, but this was unprecedented. The red-haired woman gritted her teeth and got to her feet.

Im honestly not sure, either. This has been a lot to take in. But if I know one thing, its that were the Valiant Dreamers. We have a duty to do what is right, always.

She shook her head, proffering Hadrian a hand. Her eyes flickered to the left as a little boy clapped at the finishing act of a stream performance.

We cannot just let others down. And were not alone in this, are we?

Just as she spoke, four figures appeared down the street. A delegation dressed in ornate clothing, bearing the insignia of a company known all throughout the Human lands.

The Rising Veterans Company. One of the Three Honorable Companies. The so-called protectors of Humankind. And they instantly set their eyes on the two members of the Valiant Dreamers Company.

Hadrian shifted and accepted Edithes hand.

Right. Thanks, Edithe.


Viechester has changed quite a bit since Ive last been here. Its a lot emptier, now.

Leopold idly commented as the group strolled down the streets of the city. Edithe glanced over at him as he flicked his long green bangs back. He was one of the members of the delegation from the Rising Veterans Company the leader of the delegation. A Level 131 [Archer]. Apparently, Hadrian had met him a long time ago.

The leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company shook his head

It is. Everyone is scared afraid. They fear what could happen to them after what theyve heard of Nixa.

Hmph, perhaps the politicians back in Varoux should learn a bit from the common folk. They are too busy squabbling amongst themselves for Sunmere to effectively take action against this Primeval Demon threat.

And thats why youre here?

Edithe turned to Leopold and the three adventurers following him. A woman with brown hair, Claire, nodded.

Indeed. We were sent by Nikodemus to reach out to your company to cooperate. Other delegations have been sent to other companies not already allied with the Rising Veterans, of course. This will require the combined efforts of more than just the Honorable Companies.

I think itll require more than just companies.

The red-haired woman pointed out with a frown. Leopold chuckled.

That is true, but while countries play their politics, well have no choice but to act. We need the strongest companies on board with us as soon as possible. And the Valiant Dreamers happen to be one of the biggest companies out there. Unless youre saying your company does not wish to fight the Primeval Demon?

Hadrian and Edithe exchanged a glance. They both spoke at the same time with determined voices.


But Hadrian hesitated after a moment.

However, we are still reeling from recent events. Im not sure if wed be as beneficial as you think wed be.

Leopold tapped a finger on his chin.

Reeling? Ah, yes, Ive heard about what happened to your father. You have my condolences.

Thank you, but thats not what I was talking about.

Hadrians eyes darted to what was up ahead. Edithe blinked as she looked up. Then she sighed.

Seriously? Please not right now.

Leopold paused as he eyed the figures waiting up ahead, just outside of the headquarters of the Valiant Dreamers Company.

Who are they?

He asked with a questioning gaze. They slowly approached Edithe, Hadrian, and the delegation from the Rising Veterans Company. The red-haired woman scowled as the man leading them took a step forward and introduced himself.

Greetings, delegation of the Rising Veterans Company. My name is Jake, and were the True Valiants Company. Also, former members of the Valiant Dreamers Company after Baris betrayal.

That was the thing Leopold mightve thought that thered be no complications when gathering adventuring companies together to face Belzu. But he didnt realize that just like countries, companies too had their own politics and issues. Edithe realized this. And she knew things going forward wouldnt be as simple as taking up arms into battle.

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