Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 390: I Cant

Chapter 390: I Can't

Aaron had tried and failed to concentrate on work all morning. He was too nervous about what day it was. He had been progressively more of a wreck since the beginning of May, feeling like his time with his wife was about to be cut short yet again.

He knew it wasn't logical but he couldn't shake the feeling. He would be fine as soon as tomorrow came. Keeley would make it through the day exactly like her father had two years ago.

As he logged onto the internet to check something for a report he was writing, a breaking news banner flashed across his screen about a huge wreck involving nine cars and multiple reported fatalities already on the Long Island Expressway.

He had been in too much of a daze following Keeley's death to remember much about this but supposedly it was one of the worst wrecks in New York City history. He forgot that happened today. A seemingly insignificant car accident in a back alley elsewhere in the city had entirely consumed his being. But he wasn't the only one who lost a loved one to an accident on June 16th, 2019.

Needing a distraction, he decided to text Jennica and ask how his kids were doing.

'They're not with me. I had to take Noah to the dentist'

Panic flooded his heart for some reason. Not with her? Where were they? Who were they with? The only people Keeley could have possibly taken them to in the middle of the day like this were Nova or Alice. Who lived in Long Island.

Aaron stared at the screen in horror. No. He was overthinking things. It would be too much of a horrible coincidence for his wife to die in a car accident twice on the same day. She probably took them to Nova since she was closer.

He was just about to text her when he got a call from Keeley's phone. He pounced on it eagerly.

"Sweetheart, how did the doctor's appointment go?" he asked, trying to keep his voice casual. She didn't need to know how far away his thoughts had flown. She was annoyed with his paranoia as is.

"Is this Keeley Hale's husband?" an unfamiliar male voice asked.

Aaron's heart dropped to his stomach. No. No way. Not again. This couldn't be happening to him again!

"Yes. Where is she? What happened?" he demanded, his heart rate rising in his panic.

"Mr. Hale, your wife got into an accident on the Long Island Expressway. She is currently undergoing emergency treatment and is on the way to North Shore University Hospital. She asked me to call you before losing consciousness."

Emergency treatment. She was still alive. She asked for him. A tiny bit of hope fluttered in his chest even though his panic threatened to consume him.

Even when something so horrible happened Keeley's first concern was still making sure he was okay. His heart threatened to crack in half. It took him more than a full minute to remember she was pregnant in his panic. His only concern had been the woman he loved.

"Is she going to be okay? Is the baby going to be okay?"

A monitor started beeping crazily in the background and the paramedic's voice became strained. "I have to go, Mr. Hale. Please come to the hospital immediately."

"Wait—!" It was too late. He had been hung up on.

He frantically rushed out the door without remembering his wallet or keys, nearly bowling over Aiden who was about to come in.

"Boss man, what's the rush?"

"Don't talk to me, I have to go!" he hollered impatiently.

He patted his pockets in a frenzy. Wallet. Keys. He needed those to drive.

Aaron whirled back around and dug them out of his coat pocket before dashing back out the door. Aiden grabbed his wrist. He was about to punch his friend for holding him up when he needed to be at the hospital when Aiden took his keys away.

"You're not in your right mind. I'll drive; tell me where to go," he said firmly.

Aaron numbly made it to the car but broke down into sobs the second all the witnesses but Aiden were gone.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

Aaron spoke haltingly between sobs. Aiden barely understood a word he was saying. "Someone called me on Keeley's phone. She was in that big accident…they hung up on me…there was a lot of beeping. I'm going to lose her again. I can't do it. I can't."

His sobbing grew worse and he couldn't get any more words out. He knew something was going to happen today. He knew it and he couldn't protect her again.

How was he supposed to live without her a second time? How had Robert done it? How did he manage to raise his daughter after losing his entire world in one horrible instant? The twins still needed him but he couldn't go on without her.

"Calm down, dude. I need to know which hospital we're going to."

Aaron pulled himself together enough to get the words out before breaking down again. Keeley. Keeley. She couldn't leave him again. Not again.

When they parked at the hospital, Aiden had to pull Aaron—who had already fallen apart thinking his wife was dead—by the collar of his shirt to get him to the emergency room.

"Look," he told the lady at the front desk angrily after she refused to tell him anything. "I don't care what the procedures are or how busy you are. My friend is having a panic attack because he thinks his wife is dead and I need you to tell me what happened to her RIGHT NOW."

Aaron had never heard the usually happy-go-lucky sound anything like this before. He was really looking out for his friend. But Aaron was too far into his grief to feel touched by that.

"Keeley Hale is currently in surgery," the woman sighed. "That's all I know. They can't do anything about her injuries until that baby is out of her in case it's still alive. Now please, go take a seat."

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