Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 526


“THEY WOULDN’T really let our daughter catch a break, huh?” Nikolai lamented while on his way to where the strong divine energy was coming from. “These gods know no boundaries.”

As soon as Nikolai and Mona felt the divine energy at the same time Neoma’s presence disappeared, the two of them quickly went out of their bedroom to

“It must be Lord Levi,” Mona, who was walking beside him, said worriedly. “This is the same energy that I felt from him when he summoned me before.”

He clenched his hands tight.

Mona told him about her encounter with the God Among Gods recently. He wasn’t happy with what he heard- especially the part where Mona was forced to kneel in front of Levi.

[How dare he do that to my Mona?]

His thoughts got interrupted when he heard the noise that Neoma’s “children” were making in front of where the kitchen was supposed to be.


Right now, a big white cube was floating in front of them.

[Gods and their love for empty, white spaces inside cubes.]


Jeno Dankworth was continuously shooting the cube with his two pistols with a silencer.

Juri Wisteria was hitting the cube nonstop with her sledgehammer.

Paige Avery was using her white cane to cast attack spells at the cube.

Greko, the youngest among Neoma’s “children,” was busy filling up his “siblings'” Mana through the strange pink flowers that the boy was controlling. Those pink flowers were attached to Jeno, Juri, and Paige’s napes.

[Xion Redgrave is not here?]

“Stop,” Nikolai ordered sternly, effectively making the children stop with their fruitless efforts. “Only divine energy could scratch a god’s territory.”

He wasn’t being mean to Neoma’s “children,”- he just stated a fact.

The children obviously knew that as well, since no matter how much they attacked the cube, it remained unscathed.

[Let me show you how to do it properly.]

When he stepped forward, the children stepped aside to give way for him.

He then placed his hand on the cube’s surface. Then he released a wave of divine energy from his hand. Just like that, the part that the wave hit exploded. Since he only created it for demonstration, it didn’t do much damage.

Even so, the fact that the part was dented seemed to have amazed the children.

Nikolai pointed at the cube. “And that’s how you destroy a god’s territory.”

Neoma’s “children” gave him a round of applause.

“Good job, Nikolai,” Mona said while rubbing his arm. “You’ve announced our arrival splendidly.”

As if on cue, the cube shook violently.

The energy it released wasn’t hostile. In fact, it was an invitation. Levi was summoning him- and only him.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“It’s alright, Nikolai,” Mona said. “It seems like Lord Levi opened a door that only descendants of gods could enter.”

Mona wasn’t wrong.

He could tell that the cube was the type of dimension that only descendants of gods like him could enter. Levi probably made it specifically for him and Neoma.

[How dare you exclude Mona, you damned god?]

“I’ll be quick, Mona,” Nikolai said, then he placed his hand on the cube. “I’ll bring Neoma back safely.”

Mona smiled and nodded. “I’ll wait for you and Neoma, my love.”


“YOU HAVE balls of steel to declare war on my Papa Boss, Lord Levi,” Neoma said, making the so-called God Among Gods almost choke on his saliva. “Are you okay?”

“How vulgar,” Lord Levi scolded her. “How could a young lady like you use such profane language right in front of a god like me?”

“Gosh, it’s just a body part.”

“It’s a MALE body part.”

“And so?” she asked, then she shook her head. “If you want to talk about vulgar, should we talk about how you became Ruto’s divine father, my lord?”

The god looked shocked by what she said.

“I heard it through the grapevine,” she said, then she crossed her arms over her chest. “Apparently, strong gods aren’t allowed to conceive children together. But you wanted a child. And so, you used your divine seed or something and split it in half. Then you chose Lady Yngrid, a devoted follower of the Sun Goddess, to become the mother of your divine son even though she was already married to Ruto’s father.”

Lord Levi scoffed. “It was an honor for Yngrid Solfrid that half of her son was born a god.”


“Excuse me?”

“You have the mindset of a scumbag, Lord Levi,” she said bluntly. “Compared to my dirty mouth, your whole personality is more vulgar.”

Lord Levi’s eyes turned glowing red, then he growled at her lowly.

She growled back at the God Among Gods.

“Ah,” Lord Levi said, surprised when she literally growled at him. Then he took a step backward. “You’re really a wild child, Neoma de Moonasterio.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, my lord,” she said, then she fixed the baby hair stuck on her forehead. “Anyway, I heard that you chose Lady Phoebe Willows to be Ruto’s fiancée.”

“Have you already met her?”

“Yes,” she said, then she scowled at the god. “Lord Levi, don’t you have a conscience?”

“Excuse me?”

“Aside from the OBVIOUS FACT that Ruto isn’t mildly interested in Lady Willows romantically, it bothers me that you chose a literal child to be Ruto’s partner.”

“I don’t want to hear that from a thirteen-year-old brat who is unofficially seeing my son.”

“This and that are entirely different matters, my lord,” she insisted, then she pointed at herself. “I am physically a child. But I’m an adult emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And Ruto is the same. How could you choose a child for your son, knowing that he’s a grown man inside?”

“Does it matter?” the god asked nonchalantly. “Phoebe Willows will be of legal age soon.”

She gasped, then she put her hands on her hips this time. “My lord, that’s called grooming and it’s WORSE! It’s wrong for an adult like Ruto to “wait” for his fiancée to be of legal age just so he could marry her. That’s wrong on so many levels.” She clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Gosh. I can’t believe you’re the de facto leaders of the gods in the Upper World, Lord Levi. If those fellows up there have the same mindset as you, then I hope you never find clean air to breathe in.”

“I’m appalled,” Lord Levi said in disbelief. “I’m appalled that my son chose a disrespectful brat like you over a decent lady like Phoebe Willows.”

“Well, you just have to get used to it, my lord,” she retorted, then she pointed at her face. “Your son will disobey you for this disrespectful and pretty brat any day.”

“How can you remain that confident when my son doesn’t remember you?”

“Ruto only lost his memories of me- not his emotions and his other senses,” she said, rolling her eyes and flipping her hair at the same time. “If Ruto could easily move on from me, he wouldn’t have ruined his life by fixing mine.”

Maybe saying that Ruto had ruined his life for her was an exaggeration.

However, he could have lived a peaceful life on the East Continent- away from her. But Ruto still chose to cross the seas just to meet her again despite the consequences.

“You said it yourself,” Lord Levi said. “You’re ruining my son’s life. Are you that thick-skinned to continue holding onto him despite all of that?”

“Yes, my lord,” she said bluntly. “As long as Ruto chooses me, I will choose him, too.”

“You already have a vague idea as to how your story with my son ended in the past.”

“It was your fault, not ours.”

The god knitted his eyebrows. “What did you say?”

“I don’t know the whole story yet, but I know that Ruto and I didn’t choose to kill each other- y’all pushed us to become each other’s enemy,” she said bravely. “The gods’ cruel schemes pushed me to insanity, while Lord Levi probably pushed Ruto to save the world that you couldn’t protect from my wrath.”

Lord Levi looked like he was in disbelief. “How can you say that when you don’t know the truth?”

“I will only believe the truth that existed between me and Ruto in the past,” she said. “You can keep your truth to yourself, Lord Levi. I will only believe and trust myself. The rest can fuck off.”

“Your arrogance pierces the sky, Neoma de Moonasterio.”

“Good,” she said. “I hope the gods up there get impaled by my arrogance.”

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” Lord Levi, who looked exhausted even though they only talked, pinched the skin between his eyes. Then he waved his hand dismissively. “Go. I’ll talk to your father alone.”

After saying that, her body began to turn translucent.


“Lord Levi, this is a friendly warning: don’t force Ruto to do things that he doesn’t want to do,” Neoma said firmly. “I’m a very petty person and I hold grudges, my lord- so please don’t test my patience.”

“Are you threatening a god now, Neoma de Moonasterio?”


“Not a threat, but a FRIENDLY warning.”

Lord Levi looked so done with her this time. “Same difference, you little brat.”

“I don’t accept you as my father-in-law yet, so please work on yourself to be deserving of that title, my lord. And please think about arguing with me again,” Neoma said, then she bowed her head to hide her smirk. “Because Neoma always wins.”


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