Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 753 Sea of Black Flames

Chapter 753 Sea of Black Flames

Og'tharoz didn't know Fryft, but given her efforts to get Bloody Lily through the door, she was someone worth protecting. However, protecting her while fighting someone as strong as Belial was an extremely difficult task, because the demon who commands the first circle of hell is a wizard and not having much mobility in the face of such a powerful wizard is almost a death sentence.

Even so, Og'tharoz never thought of letting go of Fryft. 'If I promised to protect her, that's what I'll do. He thought.

For Belial, the agility with which Og'tharoz dodged his spells was irritating. He was so fast that it was as if he was dancing between the waves of energy Belial threw at him. Frustrated by Og'tharoz's resistance, Belial stepped up his offensive. He knew that the flames were useless against Og'tharoz for a reason, but making him absorb them was part of his strategy.

However, instead of trying to absorb the flames again, Og'tharoz chose a different approach. With his amazing agility, he dodged the flames, firmly protecting Fryft in his arms. His every move was thought out and he didn't just jump in.

Even so, Og'tharoz was beginning to sweat. And then, like a stroke of fate, a voice suddenly echoed across the devastated battlefield.

"Hey, Og'tharoz, leave her here with me!"

Og'tharoz looked back out of the corner of his eye to see none other than Andrew, a colleague from the newly formed Guild.

'I know I'm nowhere near as strong as these guys, but I'll help in any way I can. Andrew thought to himself and then shouted as loud as he could again: "Here! She'll be safe with me, I promise!"

At that moment, Belial gritted his teeth and grumbled: "And they keep appearing one after the other, looking like insects... Die, you useless worm!"

Belial formed a spear from the black flames and threw it in Andrew's direction.

The young player with the coppery brown hair saw it coming towards him and knew right away that there was nothing he could do.

Og'tharoz, with the agility of a feline and in one fluid movement, ran as fast as he could and, stretching his hand forward, managed to absorb the spear a few centimeters before the tip of it went through Andrew's head, who in turn could only take a deep breath as he saw the spear disappear and said:

"Thank you... you saved my life."

Og'tharoz shook his long black hair a little to one side, getting it out of front of his eyes, smiled and left Fryft gently in Andrew's arms. "Get away from here and the other demons as fast as you can."

"But I can help more, I'm practically a Paladin."

"You want to fight a demon as a Paladin? Fine, but not against Belial, his powers wouldn't affect you any more than the sun's rays." Og'tharoz stood up and looked at Belial over his right shoulder. "Thanks for your help, Andrew. Keep her safe," said Og'tharoz.

Andrew nodded, wearing a serious expression. He knew that Belial was too strong, so he couldn't even retort to Og'tharoz's argument. However, the task of protecting Fryft, an Evolved, was just as exciting as defeating a demon.

For his part, Belial, frustrated by his opponents' continued resistance, focused even more on his magic. He summoned a torrent of black flames around him, turning the battlefield into a sea of fiery darkness. The flames danced to the rhythm of the demon's fury, creating a suffocating atmosphere, like a realm of black flames.

Og'tharoz, now facing a greater challenge, remained alert. He realized that Belial's strategy was clear: to suffocate him with a sea of uncontrollable flames. The demon was determined not to give in, but the difficulty of the fight was beginning to show on his sweaty body. He hadn't fought for a long, long time, and having a battle as intense as this and without any preparation was exhausting.

Fryft, watching the scene as he slipped away in Andrew's arms, felt a wave of gratitude and concern.

However, even the sea of flames wouldn't be enough to make Og'tharoz give up. He began to walk through the flames and with every step he took, the black flames around him went out.

Belial, furious at this, launched a torrent of black flames towards Og'tharoz once again. This time, however, Og'tharoz, like an agile spectre, leapt into the air, avoiding the flames that licked the ground. The intense heat wouldn't stop him.

At the height of his leap, Og'tharoz unleashed a downward blow, like a blade that cut through the air with impressive speed. Belial, seeing it flying towards him, tried to block it with a barrier of darkness, and Og'tharoz's impact with the wall created magical sparks, an explosion of opposing forces colliding, and made everything shake.

The two of them stepped back, measuring each other. Belial raised his hand, summoning a sphere of black flame, and threw it towards Og'tharoz.

'If these things aren't effective against you, at least I'll distract you with them. Belial thought, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Og'tharoz, wasting no time, reached forward and absorbed the sphere with ease and when he saw Belial approaching with a dagger in each hand, he smiled too and decided it was time. Og'tharoz decided to release everything he had absorbed since the beginning of the battle. Suddenly, his palm was enveloped in the black flame that only Belial had been able to manipulate until now and an even larger sphere than Belial had created appeared, shadowing the face of the demon protector of the first circle of hell. It was as if the abyss of Muspelheim had found a channel in Og'tharoz to express its own fury.

Og'tharoz's hands immediately felt the overwhelming power of this and, with a gesture, he redirected the black flames back towards Belial.

An explosion of energy enveloped the demon, who roared in response to the unexpected counterattack.

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