Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 981 Tian Guisha

Lin Wu had heard the name Ghost of Tian a long time ago and didn't expect to hear it now. The first time he had heard about it was from none other than the Slim Arm Ape king.

The topic had rose out of the weapons Lin Wu had confiscated from Tian Han, one of the branch members of the Tian clan. More specifically, it was on a short sword that held the power of a Dao Shell realm cultivator within it.

'But according to the Slim Arm Ape King, the existence of Ghost Of Tian is very old… older than the Long Clan.' Lin Wu recalled. 'Does this mean he really is older than ten thousand years?' he wondered.

Normally the lifespan of an immortal Ascension was about six thousand years. But the old man had already lived longer than that. Even if he had used some rare pills or methods to extend his lifespan, reaching more than ten thousand years was already several times more than the limit.

"The Ghost of Tian? You?" Lin Wu looked at the man. "From what I know, the Ghost Of Tian originally appeared over ten thousand years ago. Even before the existence of the Long clan. How can you still be alive?" he questioned.

"You certainly are quite knowledgeable. You know even this…" The one eyed old man said with a hint of melancholy. "But that is true. I am more than ten thousand years old…" he confirmed.

Lin Wu watched the man, observing if he was speaking lies, but the system confirmed that all he said was truth.

"You're really speaking the truth." Lin Wu muttered.

"Of course. I, Tian Guisha, have no need for lies after all these years." The One eyed old man stated.

"So your name is Tian Guisha? Ghost of Tian… how accurate.." Lin Wu said feeling a little amazed. "Still for you to be alive even after all this time… what did you consume to extend your life this far?" he asked.

"I… made mistake… it was the inheritance of the Shadow Calamity that I wrongly comprehended…" Tian Guisha spoke with slightly hesitance.

"Tell me from the start." Lin Wu ordered, wanting to know more.

The old man would serve as a good reference point for all that had happened and he might even be able to find out what happened to the Long Clan back then. Additionally, the system might also be able to gain a lot of data.

"You already know that I was one of the talented members of the Tian clan. Or more accurately the thirty-sixth heir. But despite that, I didn't want to follow the rules of my clan.

I found them to be rather… obsolete." Tian Guisha spoke before taking a pause, his expression of frustration.

"The Tian clan is a strange existence… our founder was a madman who believed in prophesies and decided that the Tian clan will be a great clan in the future as long as we stayed in the Ming Dao world.

He made rules that forced our clan to stay hidden and still asked us to pursue strength.

What use was the strength when we couldn't even show it to others? Why did we need to stay hidden all the time?" Tian Guisha voiced out in anger.

Lin Wu could tell that the man had really been holding it back for long. But also realized his old assumption was accurate.

'The Tian clan founder really was a bit crazy. Talented but crazy…' Lin Wu thought.

"I couldn't take it… I reached the Dao Shell realm at the age of two hundred and was the most talented member of the Tian clan. There was no way I would stay at the Immortal ascension realm for all my life." Tian Guisha stated.

"But wait, doesn't the Tian clan have immortals too? I've heard about that." Lin Wu asked, feeling doubtful.

"It does. But do you know how they became immortal?

They were either forcibly taken away by expert's from other worlds, or ascended automatically due to the conditions being right.

This went against the rules of the Tian clan, thus they eventually developed methods to prevent that from happening. This occurred just a few years before I was born. They had made a bloodline seal that would prevent all Tian clan members from becoming immortals." Tian Guisha revealed.

"A seal that can prevent one from becoming immortal?" Lin Wu found it rather absurd.

After all, ideally no cultivator would want their cultivation path to be restricted. Especially one that had great talent. The work of the Tian clan seemingly went against the common sense of the entire cultivation world.

"What did you do then? Other than the rebellion of course." Lin Wu asked.

"I left the clan and sought out a way to break the seal. I wandered the lands, searching old tombs, inheritance grounds and anything of similar importance. This did lead to a great harvest, allowing me to find cultivation techniques better than many others from my clan.

There were some left behind by traveling immortals and some that had ended up on the Ming Dao world by sheer accident.

But none of these were good enough to overcome the seal on my bloodline. I continued wandering across the land, even crossing the continent and going to the Hu and Gui continents.

It was finally on the Hu continent that I found a clue to overcome the seal. I found a small relic that had some information stored in it. From that I learned that there were beacons of some great beasts spread around the Ming Dao world.

They had come from other worlds and were left for fortunate people to find. As long as one managed to awaken the beasts in them, they would have the opportunity to gain their bloodline.

This would effectively solve the bloodline seal I had. There would be no reason to care for the seal if I simply replaced the entire bloodline." Tian Guisha said.

"The beacons of the four guardian beasts…" Lin Wu recognized.

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