Rise of the Strongest War God

Chapter 48 Leaving the city [4]

Chapter 48  Leaving the city [4]

The duo exchanged a glance but decided not to comment on it.

Shadow, however, grinned at Luke as he glanced at Julia and then at Lori. "You sure have some charisma, group leader."

Lori, who noticed his meaningful gaze, frowned, and then suddenly her eyes widened.

'He… heard us last night?'

As she realized this, she couldn't help but blush and feel worry at the same time.

'Who else heard us? Alice? Professor Nina? Or did Julia also… no, no.' She became frantic and cursed herself for not keeping her voice down but,

'How could I have? He was so forceful and so… good.'

She gave Luke a bitter look and scurried over to Alice's side to kill the zombie.

Luke watched her run away and then turned to Shadow. "You heard us?"

"With how noisy you guys were, everyone must have heard you. Especially that cold beauty, Alice. I'm sure she heard you guys or she wouldn't have been so salty with you." Shadow chuckled. It seemed he was having fun teasing him.

Luke looked at Alice. Indeed, she wasn't behaving normally around him, but he thought it was because she was angry at him for not keeping his word and worrying everyone. However, it seemed his late-night escapades with Lori also contributed.

Suddenly, he glanced at professor Nina, and his expression changed as he cursed in his mind, 'Fuck!'

Shadow noticed him looking at professor Nina and shook his head, "I don't think she or Julia heard you guys because there is no change in their behavior."

"Aren't you an observant fellow?" Luke snorted sullenly. Although he knew he didn't do anything wrong, he didn't want everyone to know about it, but it seems he had advertised it already.

'At least professor Nina doesn't know.' He thought, feeling relieved.

Just as Ben had said, she was his crush, even though he didn't have the courage to confess to her. So, he didn't want her to know about it in case she started to view him as a perverted guy.

'I'll need to be careful from now on.'

Shadow chuckled, "It's necessary to be observant."

"Alright. Now you watch over Kean and his mother. I'll make sure those four don't get hurt." Luke said and moved over to Alice's side and looked at Rio and others.

"Are you guys ready?"

"Yes." The squad nodded, gripping their sword even more tightly. Luke could see only Rio and Lori were in the right mindset, while Professor Nina and Julia were very nervous.

Sighing, he glanced at Alice. "Spread these zombies apart so they can fight them one on one."

Alice nodded and then kicked the four zombies in their gut, sending them flying in different directions.

"Go. Choose one and kill it. Be careful so you won't get bitten or grazed by their sharp claws." Luke ordered the squad.

"Yes." Lori was the first to charge at a zombie on the side. Then next was Rio.

Lori didn't face the zombie directly, but focused on moving around it and whenever she got a chance, she would slash at it, drawing the greenish blood.

Of course, this method was excruciatingly slow and almost useless, since the zombie wouldn't be weakened by bleeding. However, it also had its own benefits. She wouldn't be at the risk of getting injured, would gain some fighting experience, and her fear of zombie would decrease.

Rio, on the other hand was more forceful with his approach. He went up the zombie directly, which prompted it to lunge at him and claw at his head.

Rio, however, didn't flinch. Just when the zombie's claws were about to connect to his head, he tilted his body sideways, narrowly dodging it. Right after, he raised his leg and kicked it in the gut, sending it stumbling backwards.

Taking this opportunity when the zombie was off balance, he closed the distance, raised his sword, and swung it at its neck.


The sword went through the zombie's neck cleanly, killing it immediately.

(A/N: If you are wondering why the normal zombie can be killed just by severing their necks but the high leveled zombies need their heads to be stabbed, it's because the life force of high leveled zombies is more tenacious than normal zombies who immediately dies upon getting their necks severed.)


The dead zombie swayed and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Immediately, a globe of white light flew out of the dead body and entered Rio's body and then he heard the evolution announcement.

Bang! Bang!

Luke kicked away the two zombies that were charging back toward them because professor Nina and Julia had frozen up when it was their time to engage.

Luke pointed at Rio and spoke to them. "See, it's not too difficult. They are just low-level zombies and doesn't know how to fight. Go, kill them."


Julia took a deep breath and ran toward one of the two remaining zombies.

Seeing this, Luke glanced at Alice, who understood what he wanted without him saying it, and followed her.

"Professor, you—" Just as he started to say something to encourage her, she also took a deep breath and ran toward the last zombie.

As he watched her trembling but determined figure move toward the zombie, a smile appeared on his face. It was imperative that she became an evolver, as only that could ensure her true safety.

He then followed her to ensure she was safe. If she couldn't kill it or was in danger, he would step in.

However, it seemed he had underestimated professor Nina quite a lot.

She used the same method as Rio and approached the zombie directly. However, unlike him, she didn't wait for it to attack her and moved closer to it instead.


The zombie growled when he saw her appear less than two feet away from it and lunged at her, biting toward her neck while its hands moved to grab her body.

This gave Luke a fright, and he hurried to step in. However, before he could,


A crisp sound of bones and flesh being torn apart entered his ears.


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