Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 297: Beaten to a pulp

Chapter 297: Beaten to a pulp

"Oh gods, what's happening?!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Why is he attacking our Majesty?!"

The people were extremely terrified at the sight of the giant fist that was approaching Don. It reminded him of the fight he had with Robert Ariel who also used a giant fist made of wind.

However, unlike that time, Don couldnt directly stop the flame fist by controlling the fire element as it might raise suspicions. Therefore, he decided to stop the fire fist of Sears with another trick.

When the fist was a few meters away from Don, he reached his hands out as the ground beneath them started to tremble.

"What the?!" Sears was almost thrown off the stage. As he steadied himself, he saw a gigantic wall erupting between the fire fist and Don.

Then Don controlled the metal around the area like steel beams and construction materials and reinforced the wall with them.

"Woah" Philea exclaimed in surprise standing beside Audrey. The sudden appearance of a shield wall surprised not only Philea but also Ashby and Princess Audrey.


The giant fire fist collided with the wall. The energy ripples created from the impact were three times stronger than the previous ones. Under the pressure of such a massive amount of energy, Rosaline who was standing far away, face turned pale. With her combat strength, if she were to join the fight right now, she would have gotten herself killed in an instant.

Even though the Fire fist was a human level modern era spell, it became mighty with the few changes to the spell by Sears and it could be even compared to the Super level spells. But, the wall of shield Don erupted was powered with Battle Energy and a thin layer of Black Energy that multiplied the Battle Energy's power by many folds. The Black Energy could be only seen by Don and no one else.

When the dust created by the collision cleared, the flame fist completely disappeared but the wall stood firm with only a few cracks on its surface.

"How?" Before the wall blocked his sight of Don's body, he was able to sense his magical fluctuations, he was a Peak level Heavenly Mage.

"Teacher!" Obviously, Rosaline also noticed this and she screamed at her teacher because she realized that her teacher had no chance of winning this fight. Besides, on the other side of the wall, she saw Don's figure blur, just like the time when he fought with Rodrigo.

After the massive energy collision, everyone saw who had the upper hand. Don's combat strength was strong as hell and combined with powerful Battle energy, he could actually fight not one but a couple of Mid Heavenly mages at the same time.

In other words, the current Don was not someone Sears could kill as he wished. 

"How could this brat be so strong? The spell he used just now, what kind of spell was that?"

Sears was extremely shocked. The Great Fist of Holy fire was one of his strongest spells, he thought he could use it to defeat Don. But, Sears never expected him would use a stronger Defensive spell to disperse his fire fist.

"I'm gonna break you brat!" 


Suddenly something pierced through the wall and hammered Sears with the speed of lightning before he could defend himself.


"Teacher!" Ignoring his student's cry, Sears coughed up some blood and looked at the black shield in front of them. He felt like he was hit by a giant boulder but seeing the shield, he realized it was not a boulder but this black shield.

"This again!" In his blind anger, he failed to locate Don but walked towards the shield. When he reached closer, he tried to lift the shield up to crush it with his force but to his shock, the shield didn't even budge a little.

"Good luck lifting that" Reghys sighed. She knew that except Don, no one could lift that shield.

"Trying to take what's mine"

Swoosh swoosh swoosh

In an instant, Sears heard Don's cold voice and looked up to see several Don's appear at the same time. 

"What a strange movement spell! How does he unleash so many identical phantoms at the same time?"

Right now, facing a powerful Peak Heavenly level mage, he started to lose his previous arrogance and confidence. The appearance of seven identical Dons had made him confused, and he couldn't find out which one the real Don.

Cold sweat appeared on Rodrigo's face. He felt nostalgic seeing Don's phantoms. He thought that soon he would be able to defeat Don but now, he realized that with his current power, Don would kill him like crushing an ant. He had never felt this inferior to someone before and he couldn't help but admire and respect Don.

"Let's dance, shall we?" The seven phantoms then blurred again. Sears, who was confused by so many Dons in front of him counter-attacked with a quick spell that enhanced his body strength and attack power, instantly three Dons with just one strike.

He destroyed three but in an instance, six more Dons appeared around him. Sears could only fight a few of them and his punches and attacks hit nothing but phantoms, not the real Don.

From afar, Arrora felt very proud and happy. This was the man she fell in love with. Sears could not even touch Don's one single hair.


"Hhrgg" Sears grumbled as Don's punch just broke one of his ribs.

"AHHHHH!" He punched in the air violently hoping to hit the real Don but he hit nothing but the air.

Crack! Crack!

Don knew very well that the longer he dragged out the fight, the longer the chance of Sears to pull out his ace card and turn the table. Therefore, he conjured the black energy infused battle energy into his fists and punched Sears as hard and fast as he could.

Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop!

The sound of rapid punches reverberated the area as Sears slowly started to lose his consciousness and a lot of his blood.

"Who did you call filthy abominations?" he asked coldly and continued to treat Sears as a human punching bag.

Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop!

"Who did you call barking dogs?"

Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop! Thop!

Many people's faces turned pale but they were proud of seeing their king's true power deep down.

"He's... powerful" Philea and Ashby couldn't believe what they had just heard from their princess for a moment. 

"Your Royal Highness, you can surely beat him. You just said that cultivation level is not everything when it comes to battle" 

"Yes," Audrey nodded but deep down, she doubted that she could really defeat him because she could tell that Don is not using his full strength.

On the stage, Sears was barely able to stand as most of his bones were broken by Don.

"Now, get out of my kingdom!" Don's shout sounded like a thunder clap as he raised his leg and kicked Sears on the chest.

The kick broke the remaining ribs and sent Sears flying off the stage.


Sears flew in the air for a couple of seconds and fell on the snowbank. In an instance, the white snow dyed red in his blood.

"You lost, leave!" he looked at Rosaline and said.

"YOU!" but Rosaline was not as calm as Don. Seeing her teacher lying in his own pool of blood, her anger exploded within like a volcano. She immediately took out her staff and closed her eyes to conjure a spell.

"Rosaline!" the twins shouted at Rosaline, not to stop her from casting the spell but warn her about the girl in white.

"Don't even think about it" Rosaline felt the staff in her hand grabbed by someone else and opened her eyes to see the half-elf girl staring at her coldly.

Instantly Arrora released her aura of Mid Heavenly level and put immense pressure on Rosaline.

"What?!" Rodrigo and most of the people screamed looking at Arrora's cultivation level.

Not only the King was a Peak Heavenly level mage but also his follower was a Mid Heavenly level mage, Rodrigo thought.

"How does it feel to be so powerless and weak?" Arrora snickered and raised her hand. A small wave of wind blasted Rosaline before she could do anything and sent Rosaline flying to the twins.

Although she was mad at Rosaline and her friends for caging and not helping her at Bryan's mansion, she was not as mad as before because if they had helped her, she wouldn't have met Don and the people of Everlight.

One of the twins helped Rosaline steady herself and the other quickly rushed towards Sears to give him a healing potion.

"No, Rosaline" when Rosaline tried to take a step forward towards Arrora, Willian stopped her and shook his head.

"Let's leave and save ourselves of more embarrassment" he could clearly see Rosaline had no chance of winning against Arrora. The twins were not as angry as Rosaline for Don beating Sears because they knew that Sears respected the king in his own kingdom. As far as the twins were concerned, Sears was clearly in the wrong to disrespect Don as he did during their conversation.

Although Sears was their teacher, the twins didn't take his side. For now, they wanted to get back to the Cold Moon Palace and search for someone else to go to the Devil's triangle.

They knew that Cold Moon Palace couldn't directly involve in this matter as this was a duel between Sears and Don which ended up Sears losing. If Sears had died, there may have been some consequences, but it was not the case, and the Cold Moon Palace will not involve in this matter unless Sears decided to use his utmost influence to pursue this matter.

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