Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 215: Order of the Ghosts

Chapter 215: Order of the Ghosts


Shouted a blonde man sitting on a log facing the campfire.

"Why did you see any bugs on you, Cal?"

The woman's red air glistened in the light created by the campfire. She was brushing off the dust from the spear in her hand as she sheepishly smiled at Calderon.

 "Cut it off, Viv, I know it was your finger I felt in my hip"

Though Calderon seemed irritated, he had a smile on his face that perfectly complimented his blue eyes and his blonde hair.

"Oh come on? You are like a girl, most men would die to get teased by a beauty like me"

Vivian rolled her eyes and complained

"Well first they wouldn't and second you're not that much of a beauty, a little bit maybe"

He could swear that he saw a stream of smoke coming out of her nostrils 

"Even that was on your best day, have you ever seen your face in a mirror?"


Calderon had no time to react as she leaped at him with a reddish face.

"What did you say?"

She pinned Calderon to the ground and twisted his hand 

"You're not supposed to hit your husband"

Calderon struggled under her hold but after a few seconds, she let him sit up

"You think I'm ugly?"


Calderon saw her eyes watering and her words breaking off. He quickly crawled towards her and took her face in his hands.

"I'm just kidding, you drama queen, you're the most beautiful woman in this whole world"

He gently pinched her nose and moved his hands to her ribs to tickle

"Stop it"

She wiggled but Calderon started to tickle her until she couldn't bear it anymore and fell on the ground.

"Oh, shit"

But suddenly Vivian grabbed his hand and let out an evil grin.

Both of them tickled each other and their happy laughs reverberated through the forest before they fell asleep in each other's hands.


"I hate this dungeon already, stick closer to me"

The two of them were navigating through the dark dungeon with the help of the ball of light that Vivian conjured.

Calderon was closely walking behind her while Vivian tightly gripped the spear in one hand.

"Are you sure that this dungeon holds the key to find your chosen one?"

"Yes, I'm very sure, if we can find the artifact that supposed to be here according to the last cave we explored, we can find the chosen one"

The others knew Calderon and Vivian liked to go on adventures often but what they didn't know was Calderon's search for the Chosen One.

"No offense but I think the order of the ghosts is just a load of crap"


He quickly shushed her

"There's no one here, Cal, your secrets are safe"

Vivian frowned and kicked a bug away.

"You're not supposed to speak the name, remember. I've already broken my promise to my uncle by telling you about the order "

"You just told me the name of this cult and their purpose of finding someone who is supposed to end a war that would threaten the existence of all the lives in this world"

She stopped walking for a second and looked him straight in the eye

"Tell me the truth, Cal, Do you believe all this? Don't you want to settle down and maybe have some kids?"

A slight redness appeared in her face 

"It's bigger than all of us, Viv, I saw the signs and information the order collected till now, everything pointed to one thing, someone or something lying dormant for centuries in this world and waiting to be woken up. And when that happens, not a single one in this world can stop it except the chosen one"

"Signs and information? You mean the piece of bone and a pebble that radiates weird energy?"

"I know what I saw Viv, the piece of bone you just said could be used to destroy an entire kingdom in a second, and the stone, it was not a pebble, it radiated energy that was a hundred times more powerful than our life energy. Don't forget you're talking to the level five runemaster Viv, we know energies and believe me, it was not life energy"

Even though Vivian heard this from him at least ten times, she still couldn't believe that there's an energy out there other than the life energy.

"But do we really have to risk our lives to find the chosen one who might not be even born yet? Your uncle didn't find him, the one before your uncle didn't find him, what makes you think that you can find the chosen one?"

He gently smiled 

" do you remember four years ago the sun disappeared from the sky for two whole days?"

Vivian gradually nodded her head

"Everyone does Cal, we thought the world is going to end"

"Yes, the order believes that the sun didn't disappear but lost its energy because for two days something or someone was absorbing the sun's energy, the order believes that someone was the chosen one. My uncle traced the sun's energy to the Avelon Continent and gave me this device before he died "

He touched the complex looking circular device hanging on his chest.

"With the help of this device, we can find the ingredients needed to do the ritual, when we complete the ritual, we would know where the Chosen one was born"

"The last ingredient is in this dungeon? And those weird things you got from the other areas were the ingredients"

Vivian took a deep breath before asking another question

"Why do you want to find the chosen one so much? A year ago you didn't even know about your uncle? And don't tell me you're doing this for the greater good or crap like that"

"You know why, Viv, if my father had listened to that old man, my mother would have been alive now. If I ignore this, our whole world will pay the price and then it will be my fault, that's why I didn't take the throne and chose to follow my uncle. The order sacrificed everything to collect information about the evil one and the chosen one in the hope to stop our world from dying "

He stopped for a moment as Vivian noticed a resolution appear in his eyes

"If I fail to find the chosen one, I want my children to find him, I want them to carry my legacy, the order of the ghosts legacy"

Vivian didn't know what made Calderon trust this order so much but she trusted Calderon's judgment and went along with him as a friend and as his faithful wife.

"Now, shall we move forward?"

Calderon motioned her to lead the way.

"Viv, why are you suddenly so concerned about our safety? You know when we started adventuring, you didn't even know the meaning of safety"

Even though he was the husband and the man, it was always Vivian who protected Calderon and fought in the front while he enhanced her armor and weapon from behind.

She was the strength and power of him and without her, he wouldn't have collected the ingredients or stayed alive for this long.

"I have a bad feeling about this dungeon, Cal"

While he was thinking how much she meant to him, he heard Vivian's worried voice


"Doesn't it bother you that we still haven't come across any monsters or traps? It's awfully peaceful here"

He chuckled 

"Peace is troubling you huh? You're indeed a one of a kind woman"

She turned back and gave him a frightening stare 

"Here's she is, the woman I love"

He mustered his courage and pinched her curvy hip


She looked at him with an evil grin forgetting about this dark dungeon for a moment.

However, their happy moment was disrupted by a violent earthquake. 

"What's happening?"

"Get behind me"

Vivian showed him behind her and gripped her spear tightly.


Calderon suddenly shouted and pushed her forward and when she turned back, she saw heavy sharp spikes raining down and closing the way that they came from.

There was no doubt in her mind that if the spikes landed on them, they would be dead in a few seconds and their bodies would be torn to pieces.

The way before them was straight and there were no rooms or turns they could take. Both of them ran as fast as they could hoping they would find a safe place.

"hlaupa hlaupa uhsl mhis"

(run run little mouses)

A mocking voice echoed through the dungeon as they ran.

"Who? What?"

Calderon was startled to hear the voice but the spikes dropping down behind him didn't give him time to wonder about the origin of the voice.

"Look, there's a door!"

Vivian shouted as she pointed at a silver door before them.


The spear in Vivian's hand vibrated and let out a bright light as she threw the spear at the door.

The spear soared through the wind and shattered the door into pieces.

Without a second thought, both of them leaped into the room.

"Are you alright?"

Vivian helped Calderon to stand up and brushed away the dust off of him.

"I'm fine"

Calderon looked back and sighed as the spikes didn't follow them here.

"Are you sure about that?"

Both of their hair stood straight up when they heard the voice they heard previously appear again.

As they stood startled, a dark silhouette slowly took form before them.

Vivian reached her hand out at her spear as it flew right into her hands.

"Look at that, I have two grown human scum and a little scum"

Vivian felt a cold chill running all over her body as Calderon's mouth dried and his eyes opened wide.

"Don't come near us or I will tear you apart"

She had the courage and the power of a mid-level great master; she shielded Calderon by stepping forward before him.

"Cal, I'm pregnant"

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