Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 181: Rain of Treasures

Chapter 181: Rain of Treasures

Don saw a young girl in a red dress walking into the portal first and after a few people walked into the portal, Don and Arrora went into it without looking back.

When Arrora stepped into the portal, she was immediately met by a pleasant world. The first thing he noticed was a barrage of scents. Pleasant and calming, this world of scents was unlike any other. Any fears she had before entering the portal were now washed away by this tranquil world.

Regardless of the said dangers of the dungeon, she didn't feel a sense of dread or danger. However, she was unable to believe that this realm is just rainbows and pleasant scenarios.

Far away from her and Don, she could see the strange shapes of creatures she had never seen before. Some of the creatures seemed to have noticed them, and their interest has peaked.

"Back away"

Don warned Arrora and slowly stepped back as he knew that the time to take risks is definitely not now.

While stepping back she saw fluffy creatures, scaly creatures, and what she thought might be bulky creatures of some sort.

After putting some distance between the creatures and them, he turned to see a huge tree a few hundred meters away.

"Let's go there"

They moved cautiously without making too much noise

"What's your cultivation level now?"

Arrora closed her eyes and felt the energy running in her body

"Mid-level master"

"So the realm did suppress the cultivation level"

He said as Arrora noticed a slight excitement and relief in his voice

"Let me guess, the suppression didn't apply to you"

Don didn't answer as they finally reached the tree. He looked around and scanned the area to see if there's anyone near them.


Don put one hand on Arrora's shoulder as he touched his chest with the other hand and said.

Arrora saw the color and the style of her robes changing as their dark gray robes now turned into silver and seemed nothing like before.

After changing the robes, Don waved his hand before his face and changed his face to look like someone else.

"You too"

Arrora had already looked like a man but she didn't argue with Don as she retrieved her mask and put it on and changed her face.

"Change the magical frequency in your glimmer"

Don and Arrora closed their eyes and manipulated the glimmer to fake their magical fluctuation signature so the energy tracers like Benedict couldn't find them using the magical fluctuations.

When Arrora thought that the preparations were finished, she saw Don retrieve two skull masks from his space ring.

" I'm already wearing a mask"

She rolled her eyes and said but she took the mask and put the mask on her face.

"Oh come one"

She was shaken to see he's taking out a pair of gloves and wearing them.

"I feel like we're going to dissect people"

"We are"

Hearing Don, she raised her brows in shock as a white light appeared from his space ring.


She heard Knight's voice and the light disappeared as Knight stood there ruffling his mane.

"You know the drill"

Don took out a pill and threw it at Knight as he caught the pill with his mouth and swallowed it.

Arrora stared at Knight's body-transforming in wonder and when the transformation stopped, Knight looked like a white wolf.

"So this is the ancient dungeon, huh? I thought its an ancient ruin or some kind of building"

Knight looked at the clear blue sky, the grassland as well as the trees before him.

"So what're our codenames? We should go with the usual, I'll be Wolf, you'll be Viper and she'll be"

Arrora rubbed her chin and pondered her mind for a catchy codename

"I'll be black cat"

Arrora said with a serious face but when DOn and Knight heard her,they looked at each other with shocked faces

"That's what you've come up with, black cat?"

"It's quite catchy isn't it? Meow"

Arrora meowed and scratched the tree like a cat

"No, don't do that ever again"

Arrora let out an embarrassed smile 

"Your codename is Nightmare, it's evil, catchy and sounds cool"

"Hmm, it does sounds better than black cat"

Arrora greed with Knight with a smile and nod.

"Viper, how do you think we should do this?"

"Since the realm suppressed everyone's cultivation level to master except us, we can do whatever we like"

Arrora could see the sparkles appear in Knight's eyes as he seemed like a child who got a horde of candy.

"Oh wait, I can hear shouting, come, let's go"

Knight started to walk with an evil grin on his face as Don and Arrora followed him behind.

At the distance, people were constantly shouting and yelling as a deep explosive sound echoed through the realm. Following that, a trail of light appeared from nowhere.

A curious youth with quick hands caught the trail of light. When he found out what was in his palm, he immediately cried out in alarm, "Oh my god! It's a Red Restoration Pill! A 100% effectiveness Red Restoration Pill!"

His cry brought a great commotion to the crowds. A Red Restoration Pill had just dropped from the sky. This was like treasure falling down from the sky!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After that, numerous deep explosive sounds could be heard, and trails of lights filled the sky in an instant! No one could remain calm after witnessing this.

Following the continuous trails of light falling down, their emotions had undergone a constant simulation. Many people's eyes turned red because of this insane looting, and they simply ignored everything around them, as each trail of light was a treasure.

"Nightmare,do you know what's a Red Restoration Pill?"

Knight asked and saw Arrora looking at the scene with wide eyes as her eyes looked like it could jump out of her sockets.

"It's an extremely expensive pill used to breakthrough from one sub level of master to another sub level, you can't easily buy those and even if you can buy one,it wont give you a hundred percent effectiveness"

"So if you take the pill,you can breakthrough from low level master to mid level master?"

"Yes, just like that"

Arrora snapped her fingers and said.

Don and Knight would have ignored the pills if they were flying solo but considering they have an army of masters in Everlight,they wanted to loot the pills and make them reach the peak level.

"Oh my god, I got a Blue Restoration Pills"

Knight heard someone shouting in joy 

"Nightmare, what's that?"

"It can't be"

"Come on,tell us"

Knight couldn't hold his nerves as he wanted to leap at the crowd and rob them blind

"Blue restoration pill is used to breakthrough from peak level master to great master level"

"All the Restoration Pills belong to the Redland Academy, none of you are allowed to catch them!"

Suddenly someone sent this statement into the ears of all the people looting the pills like a sudden clap of thunder.

"Fuck you! Since when have the items from the dungeon belonged to the Redland Academy? Piss off"

"They belong to those who catch it! There are so many treasures here; if you want them, why don't you move your ass and catch them?"

"Look, more good stuff is shooting out, let's go for it!"

Looking at the scene, Knight grinned 

"Viper, put a thorn fence around them, we don't want the sheeps to escape, do we?"

"Come one, let's go"

Don said to Arrora and started to move towards the group of people while Knight jumped onto a tall tree to be the lookout.

"Here, take this"

Arrora saw Don taking out a roll of wires and handed one end to over to her

"Put the wire around them, don't get spotted, do it fast"

Even though her cultivation level was suppressed,she still had battle energy in her body to give her superhuman speed.

She had no idea what the wire would do but she was curious to see as she nodded and started to circle around the group of people where the sky was raining pills.

"We are so rich baby, come on, give me another blue restoration pill"

The crowd were acting crazy as another youth caught a blue restoration pill and instantly burst into laughter.

"hahaha, it really is a blue restoration pill! And it's raining down from the sky!"

Trails of light unceasingly shot out from the sky and filled the sky above the crowd, causing them to go crazy. They flew around everywhere in order to catch the treasures. It was a rare occurrence, and none of them could restrain their excitement.

Everyone present was incredibly excited, and the sky didn't seem to stop shooting out treasures. It started shooting out red restoration pills at first, then blue restoration pills, and then, even some golden scrolls started appearing. On these scrolls, there were all kinds of cultivation and combat spells which Don's army were currently lacking, spells.

This was a scene beyond anyone's wildest imagination. Many people were yelling as they forcibly took the treasures raining down upon them like street dogs fighting for food on the street. 

And just like Kight had thought, the situation turned into a fight among the group. Soon, many started fighting in greed ignoring Djeferson's advice of working together. 

"The fuck?! This is a Purple Restoration Pill! I just got a Purple Restoration Pill, what the fuck?!"

A youth who caught a Purple Restoration Pill shouted in surprise. 

"What? There are Purple Restoration Pills?"

"This is crazy, even Purple Restoration Pills have appeared! I need one, I can reach the grandmaster level if I get one "

"Lady luck bless your son! If I can get just one Purple Restoration Pill, I'll build a temple for you"

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