Rise of the Devourer

Chapter 45: Practice Battle

Chapter 45: Practice Battle

Noah walked into the shop with Aurelia, although his mind still kept lingering on Aurelia’s words. The shopkeeper, Josiah, greeted the two of them, walking up.

“Ah, firebird, you were gone for a while. Here for your gauntlets I take it?” Josiah said.

“Yup. I hope they’re ready?” Aurelia asked.

“Indeed they are, and dare I say it, this one’s one of my best works yet. Let me bring it out for you,” Josiah said, before walking into the back chamber.

A moment later, the man walked back out with two fiery red gauntlets in his hand, which he set down on the counter, before shaking his hand. “They’re quite hot. Take a look for yourself!”

A searing wave of heat spread through the shop, rising from the gauntlets. The carvings on them had flame patterns that seemed to dance and flicker in the light, with small red gemstones embedded within the engravings.

Noah watched Aurelia inspecting the gauntlet, and he used inspect on the items as well.

[Pyreclash Gauntlets (Epic)]

A pair of Epic grade magical gauntlets crafted from an alloy of volcanic steel, imbued with the essence of flame gemstones. The gauntlets can store fire within themselves, before releasing it in an explosive burst.

Picking up the gauntlets, Aurelia inspected them. One by one, she slid them on her hands, clenching her fingers on both fists. Sparks flew as she struck her fists together, the carvings on the gauntlets lighting up with flames.

“This is amazing, Josiah!” Aurelia exclaimed.

“Only the best for you, firebird,” Josiah said, bowing gracefully.

“But can I afford them? This has to cost quite a bit,” Aurelia asked.

“Less than your friend’s spear did,” Josiah said with a chuckle, before turning towards Noah. “Speaking of which, what happened to your eye?”

Noah broke out of his thoughts at Josiah’s words. “Ah, that. Just an injury,” Noah replied.

“Doesn’t look like a normal injury to me. You should get that looked at,” Josiah said.

Noah nodded, but did not respond further.

Aurelia ran her hand over the counter. “Alright, I’ve transferred the mana stones. Thanks a lot again, Josiah.”

“Anytime, my dear,” the man said with a wink. “Hope they serve you well.”

A few more minutes of talking later, the two took their leave from the shop.

“You turned quiet,” Aurelia said, glancing at Noah.

“I guess,” Noah replied, looking back at him. “Just thinking about some stuff.”

“About what I said?” Aurelia asked.

Noah nodded.

“Well, thinking is good. But we can also get lost in it. And I must say, I don’t like you this quiet. Where’s my annoying and boisterous guy who loves to hear himself talk way too much, hmm?”

Noah shrugged. “Sometimes he likes to just watch quietly.”

“Bah. You’re just being moody,” Aurelia said. “I know something that’ll cheer you up though.”

Noah raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her words. “And what may that be?”

“I just got my gauntlets, and you just got a new spear. There’s only really one thing to do,” Aurelia said.

Noah hummed. “I do like the sound of that,” Noah said, glancing at Aurelia. “But are you sure? My spear has Crimson Rot, wouldn’t that be really bad?”

“Only if you can hit me. But I doubt your spear has potent enough Rot to break through my natural resistance entirely,” Aurelia said.

“Well, as long as you’re sure,” Noah said.

Following Aurelia, he walked into the guild. After talking for a few minutes at the reception, they managed to get a training room for themselves for the day. Feeling surprised at how easy that was, the two walked inside the chamber, and Noah summoned the spear in his hand.

Aurelia took off her shirt, standing with just her chest covered. Her tanned skin was visible with marked scars, with muscles bulging on both arms. Her abs glimmered in the light and Noah stared for a moment, feeling surprised. She had a lot more muscles than he had thought.

“Ah, this feels good. I obviously won’t use my saved up flames, and we’ll avoid lethal attacks, and using the edges of our sharp weapons, but otherwise no holding back. How does that sound?” Aurelia asked.

“Sounds good to me,” Noah said, taking off his own shirt as well, as he stood with his top bare. He wasn’t about to be overshadowed by Aurelia. Spinning the spear once, Noah took his position, spreading his feet apart and bending his knees.

Aurelia rolled her shoulder, before raising her fist. Flames danced across her fists, as she smiled a predatory grin.

“Alright, ready?” Aurelia asked.

Noah let Obliterate cover his spear, before nodding. “Ready.”

Aurelia leapt forward, blurring as she moved. Noah used his shaft to block her strike, finding himself pushed back as his arms ached from the impact.


Aurelia did not give him a moment, as a fist covered in flame shot towards him from below. Noah ducked, letting his spear spin as he blinked away. Reappearing nearby, Noah shot his spear outwards. Aurelia dodged, her gauntlet parrying the strike as sparks flew from the impact. Rushing in close, she swung, flames swirling towards Noah alongside her fist.

Noah felt the searing heat as he blinked once more behind her, swinging his spear from at her. Aurelia turned, using her palm to take the blow.

“Slow!” Aurelia screamed, grabbing Noah’s staff as she pulled.

Noah felt himself being pulled off balance, he moved to blink away but Aurelia grabbed his arm, and the aura suppression from her grip was enough to throw off his ability. Moving in, her fist hit his gut, as Noah flew from the impact.

The world spun around Noah as he crashed into the wall. Pain coursed through his gut, as he pulled himself up, glaring at Aurelia, feeling lifeblood repairing his injuries already.

“Oh now you’ve done it,” Noah said with a growl.

Aurelia smirked, beckoning him closer.

Not giving in to the obvious taunt, Noah threw his spear towards Aurelia. The weapon flew and Aurelia moved to dodge, but Noah created a dimensional pocket, teleporting the weapon in the direction she had dodged in.

Aurelia’s eyes widened in surprise, as she parried the spear with her gauntlets, but the blade still nicked her face. Noah watched the Crimson Rot set in, and rushed ahead. Using blink, he moved in close, teleporting the spear back into his hand, as he swung the weapon downwards at her with obliterate reinforcing the blade’s impact.

Raising her fists, Aurelia blocked with both her gauntlets as fire erupted around her. Noah beared through the pain. He did not wait, forming Dimensional Pockets all around Aurelia. Blink whirred in a frenzy as he appeared and reappeared from all directions, striking at Aurelia. Sparks flew as metal struck metal. Little by little, cuts and scratches began to cover Aurelia, each strike setting in more of the Crimson Rot, which slowly ate at her total health pool.

Noah used blood drain, finding his injuries healing faster and faster. With each strike he grew faster, whirring like a wind as he struck at Aurelia over and over, landing hits.

With one final hit, Aurelia’s defense collapsed at last, as a gap peeked in through her defences. Jumping on the opportunity, Noah leapt in, striking to end the battle.


Fire erupted around Aurelia, exploding in an inferno. Noah shouted as flames engulfed him. He tried to blink but Aurelia grabbed him, as her fist struck true. Noah moved, blocking her fist with his spear and found himself pushed back.

Punch after punch came from the woman, each strike heavier than the last, and Noah found his muscles screaming in protest at having to bear the weight of the force. His body screamed at him to stop, but Noah pushed, tanking blow after blow, as he swung, using the back end of his spear to strike at Aurelia’s gut.

Grabbing his spear, Aurelia leaned in. Noah let blink run with full power, pulling her along with him as he teleported the two of them into the air. For a moment they hung midair, before Noah used his weight to push down upon Aurelia as they fell.

Warning. Low Mana.

Aurelia swung, wrapping her legs around Noah’s midsection as she tossed him around, using him to cushion her fall.

Feeling the air push itself out of his chest as his body finally caved in, another punch rushed towards Noah’s face and he closed his eyes on instinct.

A moment later, upon not feeling a strike, he opened his eyes, finding an open palm towards him. Grabbing Aurelia’s hand, Noah pulled himself on his feet, realizing just how sore his body was. Bruises covered him at every inch, and he was sure he’d fractured at least a few ribs. Thankfully, pain tolerance made it so he barely felt most of it.

“Good spar,” Aurelia said, smiling. “You’re really strong, you know that?”

“Says the winner,” Noah said, but he couldn’t help the smile rising to his face.

“I’m almost 40 levels above you Noah. And you almost won. That is ridiculous,” Aurelia said, before frowning. “I’m not sure if I’ll necessarily win against you in a serious fight.”

“I’m sure you would win if you use your Berserker thing,” Noah said.

“That’s a last resort. I can’t move after the ability ends, so if I don’t end the fight then and there, I’m dead. Your teleport, then this damned Crimson Rot are all so annoying to deal with as well. And you heal fast. I would hate to fight you.”

Noah smirked. “Being annoying is my strong suit.”

Aurelia laughed at his words. “That’s for sure.”

Feeling a lot better, Noah watched Aurelia standing in front of him, the two of them both battered with injuries. “This feels so silly, but I’m grateful that you did this. I feel better.”

“Anytime. A party looks after each other,” Aurelia, said, patting Noah’s shoulder. “I’m going to go and get someone to purify the Crimson Rot. Then we should rest up for tomorrow.”

Noah nodded, before slowly walking to a corner of the chamber and taking a seat. His heart was racing in his chest, skin burning from bruises and breath quick from the exertion of the fight.

Closing his eyes, Noah took in each sensation.

He was alive here. In a new world, unexplored and magical, and with many things to see. It didn’t matter if he was still running from his past. This was a new start, and he was going to make the most of it.

Opening his eyes, Noah looked at his notification folder, and a grin took over his face. It seems his spar had shown results.

Level notifications: 3

Skill notifications: 5

Sub-attribute notifications: 3

Noah reached out to open the notifications when a different pop-up stopped him, and made his heart drop.

[Pain Tolerance] has ended.

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