Rise of The Demon General

154 Chapter 154

Soon, the others also heard it. They then saw a large group of people walking over. They had been relaxed because they thought Amon would choose the easy way and ignore their demand and let Lin Anwen rot here. But now that Amon showed up, they hurriedly stood up and gathered to put on an intimidating display.

Yan Long looked back at his members, their number was almost twice the opponents. There was no need for concern.

Yan Long looked to the front again and found that the enemy not only had one of his most hated people in this academy but two. That brute, Wu Di, was walking beside Amon.

'Fine then, I will embarrass them both at the same time,' Yan Long thought.

Yan Long waited for them to come nearer. He just stood there with an arrogant expression. Yan Dose stood at the side quietly.

Amon arrived and stopped in front of Yan Long. They only had three meters of space in between them. The ones he had come with stood behind him. Some had worried expressions, the fire that they felt when they departed had diminished by a little. But many still wore determined looks. The march had instead further reinforced them, making them feel like they were together in this. They felt like a family. It gave them a feeling that they could take on these people even if they were less in number.

"Where is Anwen?" Amon asked. He stood tall and folded his arms.

'Heh, let's see how long you can continue to act tough,' Yan Long said in his mind. He then made a wave. Two students dragged Lin Anwen out.

"Bro… brother Lin Mo…," Lin Anwen said weakly. He was touched that Amon had shown up for him.

Amon didn't show any expression upon seeing Lin Anwen's battered body. He had expected as much. His underlings, though, felt anger built up within. Especially those who had started viewing this faction as their new family. One of their families had been beaten, how could they be calm about it?

However, it was an outsider of either side who spoke first. "You bunch of degenerates! Who do you think you are to beat a fellow student?!" Wu Di yelled.

"Shut up, you brute!" Yan Long shot back. "So, are you formally with the Vicious faction now? Good, we will just deal with you together, but now is not your turn to speak up."

"I will speak when I want, you twat! If you want me to shut up then come and make me!" Wu Di didn't relent.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? Have you gotten a good look at your surrounding?"

The members of the Nobles faction spread out. With more people, they could afford to surround the smaller group.

"You think you can win with more people? Bring it on! I will show you what it meant to cross me," Wu Di uttered and assumed a fighting stance. The others from both sides were also getting ready for a fight due to Wu Di's provocation.

"Halt!" Yan Dose, who had been quiet beside Yan Long, ordered. Stopping the Nobles members from lunging forward.

Amon didn't do anything to stop his underling, but they were not rash enough to attack a force stronger than them. Wu Di also stayed in his position. He might have talked big but he knew their chance wasn't good.

"Freshman Lin Mo, did that man just now spoke on your behalf," Yan Dose asked, referring to Wu Di.

"And who are you?" Amon asked back. The person who had just spoken was older than them. Amon also hadn't seen him among those who had passed the entrance exam.

"He is our superior in the Nobles faction, one of our seniors in the Junior class. Show respect!" Yan Long announced.

"What's a junior student like you doing here anyway?" Amon asked.

Yan Dose chuckled, "My name is Yan Dose. I'm here to make sure that our freshman members uphold the promise. You can rest assured that once you concede to our demands, we won't trouble you anymore. We are, after all, not savages. As long as everyone acted appropriately, we should all be able to get along."

The Vicious members were irked. They had kidnapped one of their friends and this guy was talking as if he had the moral high ground. As if he was doing them a favor."

"And what are your demands?" Amon asked.

"Just a simple apology and one thousand aer stones for compensation for your transgression two weeks ago. A few of our members were injured by you. We have to give them something to appease them, you see? Your donation of aer stones will smooth things over."

"Those people were beating us. They deserved Boss Lin Mo's beating!" One of the students that followed Amon exclaimed.

"Freshman Lin Mo, you might need to teach your underlings some manners. They just keep on interrupting when they should be silent. If you want, I can help you teach them some lessons."

"Won't you get into trouble if you lay a hand on a freshman student inside the freshman section," Amon asked.

"Hehe. It should be all right if I just give a few pointers. With your permission, of course. This way, I believe your underlings won't report it to the tutors," Yan Dose replied.

"Now, why would I do that?" Amon asked.

Yan Dose shrugged. "I'm just offering to help discipline your underlings. If you don't appreciate it, I won't force it."

"Stop stalling! Are you going to apologize and pay the compensation or not?" Yan Long asked.

Amon grinned. "You are right," he said.

"About what?" Yan Long was confused.

"I am stalling, but the wait is over now," Amon replied, which puzzled Yan Long even more.

Despite having a conversation, Amon's eyes had been paying attention to the surrounding. He had instructed Xin Wuming to bring the rest of their members here. Ones that were instructed to stay away from their territory.

The reason Amon had limited the number of students hanging out inside their territory to forty people was to create the illusion that their faction growth had stuck on that number. The real number of members they had gained was actually close to eighty, the same number as the Nobles and Virtuous.

Amon had predicted a confrontation would happen sooner or later. Previously, the five factions had been caught unaware. They at first thought they were only dealing with a rogue student, only to find out that this rogue student had manpower behind him. After that, the five factions chose to observe this new adversary before taking action. Amon knew all five factions would be sending people to take a close watch on their territory, so he used this to his advantage.

The Nobles thought that the Vicious faction only had forty members, that's why they had dared to go ahead with this plan. Perhaps if Amon didn't mask their number, all five factions would still act reserved and leave his faction alone for a while more, but that was not what Amon wanted. Amon wanted to give them an impression. An incident that told them if they come to bite Vicious, they would be the ones that got bitten back.

Although his current members' numbers were similar to the top factions, his members mostly came from poor clans. They might be talented but their development, as well as their arts, were most likely weaker than those top clans' descendants. Thus, in a direct confrontation, his faction would be at a disadvantage even if they had an even number.

However, it would be different if they got a jump on their opponents, which was where Xin Wuming came in. Amon had seen him and the rest of his underling sneaking from behind while the Nobles had their attention on them.

"Attack!" Amon immediately gave the command. At the same time, his fist punched out with Bone Shattering Shadow Fist.

The energy from the fist rushed at Yan Long. Yan Long was taken aback but he was deft enough to put his two arms up for a guard. Even then, he was blasted back by the impact.

"What…?!" Yan Dose was similarly flabbergasted. Never for a second that he believed the current talk would devolve into physical fights. They clearly outnumbered the opponents, after all.

When Yan Dose wanted to warn Amon of the stupidity of his action, Amon vanished from sight. He appeared again mystically where Lin Anwen was held. Trails of shooting stars followed his wake. These shooting stars slammed into the ones who were holding Anwen as well as the others nearby, causing them to fall back.

Amon grabbed Lin Anwen and threw him back to where Vicious members were. Many Vicious members were still frozen in place, similar to their opponents. During the march, Amon reminded them to act once he gave the order. But still, Amon's action had been too abrupt. Amon not only caught the opponents off guard but also his own underlings.

Wu Di and Tuang Yin were the first to react, they struck without hesitation at the nearest enemies. The others soon followed their leads. The Nobles members weren't going to just let themselves be punching back, they were also retaliating.

"Don't touch that Yan guy from the Junior class!" Amon reminded. If they hit him first, Yan Dose might use the excuse of self-defense. But if Yan Dose hit first, he could be reported to violate the rule of making trouble in the freshman section.

"How absurd!" Yan Dose said after watching the scene. "Are they so eager to get a beating?!"

Yan Dose then heard a commotion from the back. He turned and found a large group of students wearing face masks ambushing them from behind.

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