Chapter 83: Building the first village in the game part 1

Chapter 83: Building the first village in the game part 1

Ibro's plan was completely formed in his mind. But now he had to pass this magic type monster. What this monster didn't know that Ibro's Magic Defense value was really high enough to take this monster head-on without any fear on his HP.

Ibro moves rapidly evading a lot of these fast pace bolts, but he failed in more than one time. That monster kept retreating with strange flexibility that was very strange on its huge body.

The highest damage Ibro took till he reached that monster was due to one AOE skill that nearly took from Ibro 5000 HP till he managed to finish that monster.

Although he had a high Magic Defense, that nasty AOE skill made him lose HP continuously. This monster also didn't stop hitting Ibro with several bolts which was nearly impossible to dodge in this narrow area.

Like the previous transformations, Ibro was sent flying many meters backward. This time the monster's body decreased in size but its muscles bulged to become uglier.

That horn in the middle of his head turned to more six horns that emerged from each elbow joint location. Ibro knew that his previous guess was right. That made him started his plan immediately.

He only needed to choose a location to implement this plan. He didn't wait in his place for even a second and kept moving in a zigzag line and the monster was hot on his tail.

Ibro knew his Defense value was embarrassingly low as it was a big zero. If he got one hit from this monster then his HP would be emptied out. This time he played hit and run tactic.

More than once he would be hit by this monster but he used an Ore to scare it. After a few times like this, the monster didn't afraid from these rocks as it noticed it didn't cause any damage once it hit the ground.

When Ibro noticed when that monster received these rocks directly on its body, he immediately used one rune to hit it. That monster was really super strong but its defense wasn't on par with its strength.

It suffered a lot of damage with Ibro's addition of many sword attacks without stop. Ibro was evading all the attacks of this monster during his tornado of attacks.

This monster HP was very high, nearly 80k HP. It took Ibro some time to manage finally to kill this monster. Just as the last drop of its HP was emptied, he said loudly to Dronil:

'Upgrade them all!'

'As you wish.'

Suddenly, around that huge monster body, which started to generate its usual shock wave, appeared a ring of small rocks that glistened in the dirt.

Ibro had previously scattered four of his runes in a square shape that surrounded the monster inside it. When Ibro's body was shocked backward he didn't bother about his body but watched the effect of his runes mixed with Dronil's ability.

'I managed to upgrade them all. As I told you before, this action made my ability CD to be over 10 minutes.'

'No problem, I hope this would be enough.'

He planned to cause a rebound on this monster. He didn't wait for it to begin its transformation to throw his tunes as he was afraid they got scattered under the effect of the shock wave.

He kept watching that monster struggle against the effect of his four runes. Four didn't seem enough or he wasn't ready to gamble so he added another two to the mix.

These additional two were normal runes, but their addition made a huge difference. That monster screamed in agony while its body stopped its transformation.

'It stopped its transformation. It will be subjected to huge rebound. It's now in a weak state. This battle win is ours.'

'Don't celebrate too soon. Be ready to use your seal function at any moment.'

Dronil didn't speak as he scouted the area again.

That monster was suffering from its evolution failure rebound and the effect of its six runes. It was obvious that its small HP liter was depleting at a rapid rate.

Dronil inspected Ibro to see his HP was low but not dangerously low. While it was in a daze from Ibro's behavior, Ibro moved slowly and steadily towards that monster to deliver it the final blow.

While he was just less than five meters from that monster which had a long string of red three number figures kept appearing without stop on its face, he said in his mind with decisiveness:


Although Dronil didn't know what Ibro afraid of was, he used his sealability at once. All around Ibro turned to a very weak zone to any living thing. At this moment, around all Ibro's body appeared long thin like needle white projectiles that reached more than 1000 in number.

Their speed was very fast, with their small size that made it difficult for Dronil to discover them at first. When they appeared, Ibro didn't hesitate and used his sword to kill these lethal sharp objects.

In less than a minute, he managed to kill all these projectiles as he divided each one into two pieces with its swords.

With the last hit, he heard a great scream from that monster which had his HP depleted by a big chunk suddenly. Ibro looked at this monster and neared it in a slow confident motion saying:

"Did you imagine I wouldn't guard against your limbs?"

Ibro wasn't shy and hacked that monster with his sword a couple of times. The last card of this monster was burned successfully by him. In just two minutes that monster lied dead on the ground with a sound followed by a small panel that appeared in front of his eyes.

"System: Player killed Mythic monster. This monster was the highest rank monster in this testing ground. Player gained 5 levels for his accomplishment.

This accomplishment was added to personal accomplishment as a title 'Mythic Slayer '. Player gained village establishing stele of Mythic grade. Player gained secret class token.

Player gained 500 gold coins. Player gained one monster egg. Player gained three chances to draw three different equipment of growth type gold grade equipment that suits his class.

Player gained the chance to draw five skills randomly belonged to his class. Player gained the chance to draw one lifestyle class randomly.

Player gained the chance to draw two lifestyle skills that belonged to the player's lifestyle class. Player gained the chance to draw two basic skills randomly.

Player gained two chances to draw two scrolls of AOE or Defense type of second rate scrolls. Player finished his test perfectly. The player will be teleported in one minute.

After one week, the game will announce the ranking results at the forums. All top ten in the rank in the three lists: highest score player, highest grade village and fastest to end the test player; will have corresponding rewards regarding their ranks."

Ibro felt weird. Was this game so stingy in the drops? The drops weren't scattered in the ground, but it was given by the system. It was really weird. The second cause that made Ibro felt weird was that these drops were selected randomly by the system.

That was really weird. He didn't have enough time to adapt to these weird rules as he was teleported finally outside from this test grounds. When he appeared again he was in the middle of a poorly made road that had many holes and a lot of ground elevation.

That road extended from the horizon to the horizon. On the sides of this road, there were two wide grassy plains. There was nothing in the two fields except for grass. He didn't see anything that would guide him on his way so he asked Dronil:

'Can you find anything with your scout ability?'

'No, all this place is the same, grass, grass and more grass.'

Ibro felt confused. Why would the game send him in the middle of nowhere? He decided to ask for s help from his assistance.

"Sefiera, are you there?"

"I'm here player Ibro. You did brilliantly back then. You killed a five-stage evolution mythic monster. If you aren't in the top five in the final score I will be astonished."

"Top five? My performance didn't grant me the first place?"

"First place? No, there were two others who killed six evolution mythic monsters and were faster than you."

"How come?! Six evolution mythic monsters? The game told me that I killed the highest monster in my test!"

"The game creates every test area based on the player's stats. Those two players were higher than you in stats. As far as I know, there are nearly 100 players that had six evolutions mythic monsters in their test areas."

"100 stronger players than me? That number is bigger than I expected."

"Not only them, there are a lot more who exceeded your stats by a few points. That made them technically stronger than you."

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