Chapter 73: Gornat War 4

Chapter 73: Gornat War 4

She was busy killing another monster. When she looked at him within all this death, he felt her like those legendary females he heard about and watched in the movies. He remembered Oya.

He wanted Oya to be like her, a tigress that no one could face. But each one of them had their own taste. Each one of them had their own style. Her eyes looked in admiration to him but he didn't notice that.

That man who she hated turned and gave her a hand in one of her darkest moments. She didn't know why, but she saw her father in him. Her father was always like that.

She didn't hesitate to copy his style as she jumped high in the air. Her jump was so high that she crosses the shell of one monster by it. When she was in the air, she raised her long heavy sword and screamed:

"All battalions near me head to my command, follow my lead and let's kill those bastards For Gornat!"

Her sudden appearance in the air attracted everyone's attention. She was already a celebrity in her Empire. Everyone knew about her. Her appearance on the stage raised everyone's morale at once.

In seconds, all the men around her moved spontaneously trying to gather under her lead. The battlefield seemed to change miraculously to the degree that it would affect the whole war.

High in the air, her father watched everything that happened closely. From there he and everyone around him could see their soldiers to move like small tiny dots that gathered together to form a mighty tsunami that started to wipe everything in its way.

Its center was like a tip of a long divine spear that was formed by his daughter and that man who caused this war.

That young weakling man who wasn't able to scratch his daughter's soldiers back then had turned to be such a lion who hunted his enemies with no mercy at all.

He felt deep admiration towards him, and also strong curiosity. Were these monsters afraid of that man's power right now or were they afraid of his potential?

He looked to the leaders of the monsters' armies. If they tried to hit this man then he would intervene at once. This war is their win if this situation kept escalating like that.

Deep down at the battlefield, the situation kept escalating in an unstoppable manner. Although those distant monsters ignored everyone and focused their attacks on Ibro's lead, he was shielded strongly with Amira's veterans.

Ibro didn't stop his tracks for even a second. He knew from the start that his real enemy wasn't these pathetic turtles but those nasty snakes. He wanted to cross this battlefield so rapidly to reach the main battle grounds.

Around him more and more veterans started to gather. Although they headed here responding to Amira's call, but when they got there they noticed the truth immediately.

The whole battlefield was moved by this weak man lead. None the less they followed Amira's footsteps and shielded this man. They felt if he was dead then all of this lead would be lost.

Although they gained certain momentum now, they weren't such a newbie to feel that winning was in the grasp of their hands. There was still a long way for them to cross until they could win for sure.

Ibro's movement befuddled his enemies' smooth plans. That traitor tried to struggle but it was futile. Ibro didn't give him any chance at all when he instructed Amira to gather the surrounding battalions.

He was unlucky to be in the same area as her, so the first momentum that she gathered affected his futile attempts badly and crushed them.

'I have gathered enough energy to upgrade myself to the next level. Do you need me to upgrade now?'

In the middle of all of this, Dronil voice came to Ibro's mind. Ibro felt ecstatic and said without hesitation:

'Upgrade now'

'give me half an hour.'

Ibro continued his forward charge with higher spirit. He was eager to the next function of Dronil since he was bound to it.

This change in Ibro was perceived by those who were shielding him. They noticed his increase in speed and the increase in the strength of his hits.

They then changed their pace to keep up with him. Every monster they pass near them from the back of their enemies.

They didn't know the goal of Ibro from the start, but through their long war experiences, they guessed what he intended to do. That made their coordination to be more flawless.

At this moment the leaders of the monsters army knew if they didn't do something, then this week seedling would grow in no time to be a poisonous thorn that would take all their lives.

They didn't think about participating directly in the fight, as their powers were nearly equal to the powers of those Gornat leaders in front of them.

"Let the Hekay army join the fight."

These simple words were heard on the whole battlefield. Ibro looked suspiciously towards those tiny dots in the sky.

He didn't expect his enemies to sit tight and watch him kill them. What he was worried about was this change occurred at this critical moment.

His momentum was taking shape in the whole battlefields and his charge became the tip of this spear that was crushing towards his enemies' heart, but he didn't crush it yet.

As long as this heart kept beating, those enemies were still alive. He looked up in front of him on the horizon. There was still a significant distance that separated him from these snakes.

The new enemies would arrive at any moment now and he was blind. He lost his biggest aid in this battle, Dronil. There was still another 15 minutes left till he reappeared again.

Was he rash in his decision when he allowed Dronil to upgrade? He dropped thinking in this matter. That was a passive type of character that he wanted to erase.

Difficulties were just difficulties, why should he always worry about them instead of overcoming them? He held his fists tightly and firmed his resolve. Whatever these monsters threw on his road he would kill them all.

"Let the Mognor army joins the battle."

This was the response of one of the supreme commanders in the sky.

They knew the nature of this hekay army and thus they choose the best counter to it. Ibro felt more confident, he wasn't fighting alone here.

He kept his charge speed but he said to the surrounding fighters:

"Anyone knows any info about those new monsters?"

"They are flying legion of Defarot armies."

"They are flying monsters that looked like a strange mix between eagles and snakes. They had the head, wings, and tail of the eagle. Their bodies are formed by scaly thick long snakes.

They can release far attacks of fire and ice. Some rare monsters can release lightning. They are really a nuisance."

Ibro felt relieved when he heard this info. An unknown enemy is your worst enemy regardless of its power. The long detailed info came from Amira herself.

As the supreme commander daughter, she had access to a higher level of information than anyone here. They intended to use an air strike. That was a brilliant move.

"Then what about our legion?"

"Our Mognor legion is formed of brave warriors from the best of us that used flying Mognors to fight. These Mognors are huge owls that fly very fast and have deadly claws.

They can also release rays of sound attacks that cause the enemy to petrify and turn into statues of rocks immediately."

Ibro wasn't relieved this time. He knew where the issue lied. This was a fight for reaction speed. His enemies' reaction speed and their ability to change direction were far superior to his allies.

He needed to guard against this point and try to minimize his enemies' lead. If these new enemies managed to kill most of those Mognors, that would leave without any air cover.

This would be the result Ibro didn't want to see. He thought a bit. His loss of Dronil was a really massive blow to him. He could use his sealing ability to hinder these monsters' movements.

Now all he had was these runes of his. He hoped that Mognors would stall enough time for him. Suddenly he had an idea.

"Amira, can you contact one of those Mognors?"

"Sure I can, but why do you want me to contact them?"

"I want you to deliver something to them."

Amira looked strangely at this man. Every move of his wasn't without a good reason.

She again decided o trust him and was about to call one of them but Ibro gave her a sign to stop.

"Why do you stop me? Don't you want to contact them?"

"Yes I want that, but I don't want me to deliver these things to them. I need you to do so."

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