Chapter 71: Gornat War 2

Chapter 71: Gornat War 2

He stopped watching this madness and focused entirely on his mission. He wanted to finish the most runes he could make in the shortest time. Every 10 Even runes he made were followed by making two Odd runes.

He didn't know most of these ores but he felt they contain a lot of energy. He was excited as the more powerful the ores he got the more powerful his runes would be.

After another few hours, he felt the area around him began to become so quiet. He stopped what he was doing to see the two armies were facing each other silently.

He noticed everyone was looking at the sky. He noticed many small dots in the sky flying on a high altitude. In front of them, there was another group of small dots.

Their numbers were equal. When Ibro was about to ask Dronil about what they were talking about, he heard a sudden loud voice:

"We didn't want to get in a war with Gornat Empire. But you are hosting a refugee that we want. Deliver this man to us and we will leave in peace."

Ibro felt worried. They were really here for him. This huge war was just for forcing Gornatians to deliver him to his enemies. That nasty bastard!

He wanted to kill him with his bare hands right here right now. When he was in deep worry he heard another loud strong voice replying:

"We are in alliance treaty with Hilonarians. This battle between us is inevitable. Stop this trash talk and let's go to war."

Ibro recognized this voice. It was the supreme commander. He felt relieved and again appreciation towards this man.

"Do you want to pay the huge price of opposing us? Are your men's lives this cheap to you? All we want is just one man!"

"One man is no different from the whole army of men! We won't deliver any of our allied men. You are our enemies just like you are everyone's enemy. C'mon, let's do war."

Ibro felt that the supreme commander was dead set on war. That made him felt at ease. He noticed that everyone around him was glancing at him.

He knew they were blaming him in their souls. He didn't mind that, all he wanted was to emerge from this calamity unharmed.

Although he felt sad about those who would die here, he must keep his life. He began to suspect his role in this universe. Why everything was starting to revolve around him?

"Then be it. War you want is war you get. Start war immediately."

Ibro saw the armies of monsters started to move in union towards the Gornat army.

"Kill them all boys."

The order of supreme commander came to be followed by earth-shattering screams of valor. Ibro felt his whole body to shiver. This high spirited army wasn't destined to lose.

He watched the courageous charge of the frontlines. They were all melee attackers. Some battalions held swords while others held spears. There were some who held knives and some held axes.

There was a variety of cold weapons in front of Ibro. He felt conflicted. He knew the strategy of these monsters. Didn't the supreme commander discover that strategy too?

Or was he so confident in his men's abilities that he neglected this crucial point? The two vanguards neared each other. When there was no distance at all between them.

These monsters changed their shape and hid all their organs into that huge shield on their backs. They looked like solid rocks that stood in the way of these fighters.

No one fretted by this as they continued their charge in a very admiring way. When they reached their enemies they started working their weapons.

The first wave of the attack managed to kill many enemies, but at the same time, their charge mightiness decreased a lot. After a few minutes, Gornatians armies stopped in their place and started to move forward very slowly.

At this time Ibro predicted what would happen. These distant snakes started to open their mouths and sprayed long-range rays of destruction that killed everything it touched even their comrade turtle monsters.

Ibro felt remorse at these fallen fighters. If he had a choice here then he would try to save their lives. If he had an opinion here he would definitely use tactics versus tactics.

That attack caused great losses to Gornatians vanguard. To his surprise, a new wave of attacks moved on towards this slaughter house. Ibro felt very frustrated.

He looked at Amira to see her not focusing on the front battle. Her eyes were fixed over somewhere else. Ibro followed her line of sight and discovered a mid-twentieth young man who looked very strong and confident in himself.

He was surrounded by many warriors that looked special. Every one of them was strong enough to kill Ibro easily. Ibro felt their level of power was a notch higher than Amira's battalion.

What he didn't understand was that hatred look that appeared in Amira's eyes. That hatred was deeper even than the hatred she showed to him.

While he was thinking and watching all around him, he never stopped making runes. Although his speed decreased a lot as he was depending on Dronil's guidance, he was satisfied with this.

When his energy became depleted he then focused on creating a new Mega Omega. After few lines were deleted from existence, that guy's turn had come.

He moved heroically with his soldiers into the fray. Ibro noticed a lot of cheering that sounded from many soldiers in this huge army when that man moved.

Even some soldiers in Amira's battalion cheered as well. Ibro noticed her dark face when these sounds echoed in the battlefield.

"He is that moron who deceived our leader."

"Why are you cheering on some idiot like him?"

"This Donal is a scum who knows only to cheat ladies."

Ibro heard some exclamations from around him. He understood the general picture here. From the look of Amira, he guessed she didn't pass this setback yet.

He wasn't an expert at love issues but he felt sympathy for her. She was forced to live in a shadow on a cheater that she created by her hands. That would be a hell of a life.

When that man entered the battle, he was able to kill a lot of monsters with his men. In minutes he pushed the front line backward. His success made more cheers to echo again.

His name started to be apparent in this cheer which turned to be a cheer of his name only. Amira felt deeply frustrated. If she was able to kill this man she would, but he was really so powerful and very successful.

She lived on a dream of making a single mistake to be able to take him down. She wanted revenge. Ibro felt her deep hatred and anger as her face revealed everything to him.

Although he didn't know her, he wanted to help her. He didn't know why, but he thought he might repay some of his debts towards her father. He hated being in dept to anyone.

"Do you want to make him taste some of what you feel right now?"

She suddenly looked to her side to see Ibro was standing there.

She gave him a long look before she returned to watch that man brilliant act while she replied in a cold tone:

"I didn't reach this degree yet to ask help from a retarded weakling like you."

"This weakling here can turn you the heroine of this war."

She didn't look at him again or spoke another word. Ibro felt deeply frustrated by this female ego. This girl preferred to live in agony than asking for help from a stranger.

Ibro's move was watched by all the soldiers around him. Although he was nobody to them and his powers were really weak, they appreciated his kind gesture to their leader.

Ibro kept his silence and didn't speak while he watched that man walking in this battlefield like he was walking in the garden of his own palace.

That strange difference in the battlefield between that guy's battalion situation and other battalions developed a seed of doubt inside himself. Why was that man having his war that easier than the others?

He began to focus more on that man battle circumstances and the other battalion circumstances. He felt more suspicious. Although the number of enemies that faced him was equal to others, but those distant snakes didn't hit his battalion with a single hit!

That was weird. That man's behavior became the center of this war. Why would these monsters avoid hitting him then? While Ibro was immersed in his deep thoughts, the frontlines troops got shorter again.

This time it was their battalion turn to enter war. Ibro awoke from his deep thoughts as he heard the voice of Amira shouting out loudly:

"It's our time boys. Make sure to give these bastards the treat they deserve. To war!"

"To war!"

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