Chapter 69: Reaching Gornat Empire

Chapter 69: Reaching Gornat Empire

Ibro closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them and muttered in confusion:

"If I was able to kill them then why didn't I receive any energy at all?"

"Because I protected them, no one has died from your attack magician."

Ibro felt shocked. He turned around him to find a very beautiful girl that looked a little older than him was standing behind him.

He didn't feel her presence nor did Dronil. That wasn't the first time Dronil failed to detect someone. Ibro then widened the distance between them immediately. The girl looked at his vigilance and laughed while saying:

"Last time I checked, you Hilonarians didn't have such a coward."

Ibro heard her and understood something. He moved from the past to the near future. That meant he was still in the era where that Hilonar Empire was still present, or

"Am I at Hilonar Empire?"

That girl wasn't stupid. She sensed something looked fishy. She at once became vigilant too. She used a long spear that made her cute appearance disappear completely.

The air around her had changed too. She was like a tigress eyeing her prey. Ibro felt danger at once while Dronil words came in time:

"Don't try to arouse her suspicion. She is way stronger than you. She is even stronger than that supreme leader."

"Why do you move us to such a dangerous place from the start?"

"I told you I had no control over this technique. Your power is pathetic so if you wanted to blame someone here blame yourself."

Ibro couldn't respond while that girl seemed to be more cautious of him. Although she knew he was weak, but she learned from her training to never underestimate anyone. She raised the spear in a threatening move and ordered:

"You will come with me to see our supreme commander here. If you tried to escape I will kill you."

Ibro wasn't that fool to argue with her. He moved under her spear threat to appear outside the trees returning to plains.

There he noticed that the wart between two-sided was stopped already. Both sides were standing side by side waiting for someone. A thought appeared in his brain that made him even more fearful. Were they waiting for him?

"Dronil, can't you use that technique forcefully?"

"I can but you won't tolerate it and you will die."

"Then do you have any suggestions?"


"Do you know sometimes you are useless?"

"You are the useless one here Ibro. Get stronger and be more mature.

You aren't in that safe secure environment of the game anymore. One mistake here and you will die. Here only the strong ones are respected."

Ibro couldn't argue with that logic. He was really weak. If he was stronger, many things would change. He wouldn't be threatened by this beautiful girl.

When he reached the army he confirmed his guess. They weren't enemies but they were training. He reached a training ground of some strong nation and he tried to attack all of them. He felt how bad his situation was.

"You wanted to kill us with that pathetic power of you?"

"Magician sucks"

"Do you believe we will let you escape?"

"I will wait for the supreme commander judgment of you then I will ask for a death match with you."

"You will die at my hand."

Ibro kept hearing threats and angry comments like that while he was walking in a narrow road between them. To his surprise, he wasn't afraid, but he felt his blood boil. He asked himself in disbelief:

'What happened to me?'

'You have changed. War is truly the womb of all heroes. Although I was worried about this long journey you have to cross to reach home, but I believe you need it.

At the end of this journey, you won't be the same Ibro who set his foot in the game before.'

Dronil comment was strange to Ibro's mind.

He wasn't sure if this journey was good for him, but for now, he could hold himself inside this huge angry army. He wasn't like this before.

This change seemed good to him, as he felt excited when he thought about his future. He kept moving forward until he passed the army area.

At the end of this army, he found a few old looking group of people who reminded him of His old friend Ruliv and his men of Shonty city leaders. When he reached them that young girl behind him said:

"I doubt he is from Hilonar Empire."

One old looking guy that still had his body in perfect shape with bulging muscles and strong body asked in a loud voice:

"Are you from Hilonar Empire?"

'Don't lie to him. This man can feel my presence. I doubt he can even read your mind'

Before Ibro think about anything he noticed the surprise of that man.

"You aren't from Hilonar. Hilonar never managed to create such a tech yet. I know they have been desperately tried to create it but they didn't succeed yet. No one here in our universe can use such a tech."

Ibro felt angry. That man reminded him of Onita. That beautiful girl could read his mind too. He muttered involuntarily:

"I hate mind readers."

That man didn't comment on his reply which seemed inappropriate. Ibro felt the change in the atmosphere around him and he heard a lot of angry comment from the army behind him:

"Do you dare to insult our supreme commander? I will kill you!"

"I want to challenge him, supreme commander."

"Give me a chance, I will teach him a lesson to know how to respect you, supreme commander."

Although their voices were very loud but Ibro ignored them and said to the supreme commander:

"I mean no harm to anyone. I just passed by and appeared here by mistake. I only need two days and I will leave."

"Do you know where you are? This is a special pocket place that no one can enter without my permission. If I didn't spot you when you first appeared here I would doubt that one of my men had betrayed me. Tell me who are you really?"

Ibro felt he had no way out. Would he tell him the truth? Would he believe him?

"Are you afraid of me? To your knowledge, our Gornat Empire is an ally to Hilonar Empire."

Ibro replied with helplessness:

"I'm not from Hilonar Empire."

"That info I already know. There is no one like you there. But you used a unique rune to attack my people. No one here can use runes except for Hilonarians.

Then who are you really?"

Ibro sighed. It seems there was no exit for him here. While he was hesitating a young man suddenly appeared from the horizon. That man sudden appearance caught everyone's attention.

In less than a minute that man had reached them and then said loudly to the supreme commander after he saluted him with deep respect and reverence:

"I have an urgent message from the high commander."

"Tell me immediately."

"Huge army of Defarot Empire suddenly appeared at our doorsteps."

"Defarot Empire? They are busy fighting with Hilonar Empire right now. They don't have any effort to spare and attack us. We only helped Hilonarians with some supplies and resources. Would this enrage them? Or"

He looked at Ibro with a different look this time. He suspected the goal of this army attack. This young weakling wasn't nobody as he suspected. He made that empire shift her attention to attack here.

That was strange. Defarot Empire never enters the war with another Empire except after totally destroying the previous one. That meant this young man was far important to them than their war with Hilonar Empire.

That might be an opportunity or a curse to them. He couldn't judge what he represented. Nevertheless, he ordered in a very strong loud tone:

"Assemble all our armies. We will have war with them now."

He then gave Ibro a silent look as if he was waiting for his response. When Ibro heard of this news he felt shock. He just appeared here not a long time ago. This supreme commander told him that this place was a secret training ground.

So that meant only one fact, that hideous man was tracking his passage through time and space. That was dangerous. That meant he would run for his entire life. he would never feel safe. That man had the ability to create time loop curses.

Would he curse it here? He discovered he didn't even know that man's name or looks. He didn't even know that man info at all. That was very bad. He needed info.

Ibro's thoughts never escaped the grasp of that supreme commander who showed a shock expression on his face when he read what Ibro was thinking about. He wasn't that shock from Defarot attack. He asked Ibro at once:

"Do you know Mantier?"

Ibro woke up from his deep thoughts. He suddenly remembered that this man can actually read his mind. There was no turning back here so he asked:

"Is the man I'm running from called Mantier?"

"Yes. But as far I know that man had moved from here to another place. He can't be around here anymore."

This was a crucial info that Ibro needed to confirm so he asked with seriousness:

"Are you sure he isn't around here?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure. That man disappeared from our universe thousands of years ago. He isn't around here anymore."

Ibro thought about this new info. This man wasn't here for thousands of years. That left only one info he needed to know so he asked:

"Do you know how long the battle at Fenomeraz planet ended?"

The man looked in disbelief towards Ibro. He was reading his mind so he knew what he was thinking about.

He knew that Ibro came from this war to here directly. That meant that young weakling was jumping time and place. That man controlled himself then replied:

"It ended 500 years ago. Hilonar lost that battle badly."

"I know this already. Ok, I want to participate in killing those moleecian bastards."

The old man looked strangely to Ibro and asked:

"What is a moleecian?"

"Nothing. I just want to kill these monsters."

The man smiled and then replied:

"Any help is surely welcomed. You can come with me. you will work with Amira."

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