Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Ibro didn't feel despair, instead, he felt more firm about his previous decision. If just a single supreme energy could make the empire very strong then if he succeeded in building his empire on the five supreme energies it would be a very unique empire.

All it took was for him to suffer more. He didn't mind suffering more for a better future for him and his people. His previous life wasn't a classic comfortable life though. He was used to hardships. At least he knew his hardships this time had a precious result. He smiled and then asked:

"Then can you tell me how I can start learning these five supreme energies?"

He didn't answer his question but kept looking at him like he was looking at a mad dead man. Ibro didn't mind his looks but he really wanted to know more about these future steps of his.

"I won't talk to a mad man. You can ask your assistant. By the way, who is your assistant? What world is he or she from?"

Ibro didn't like being ignored by him so he replied coldly:

"That is an answer I can't tell you for now."

"Really? You can't tell or you don't know?"

"I told you already I can't tell you."

"I don't believe you, most assistants won't tell any info about themselves to those who came from outside the game world like you."

"Really? But my assistant told me."

Ibro was lying. He was really a terrible liar. But he had something else he wanted to ask about. Although he hesitated, he finally decided to speak.

"I have a question regarding you, assistants. Aren't you from destroyed civilizations?"

"Who? We? No way. I guessed it right. You are really a terrible liar.

Anyway, when you meet your assistant next time then tell him or her about my identity. My name is well known and my empire is called 'Drojan Empire'. Tell your assistant to call me. I want to make an alliance with him."

Ibro noted that empire name and then he asked again:

"What about my question?"

"Isn't it obvious? Of course not. We are still held high positions in our empires. Some of us like me are even the heirs to old empires."

Ibro was confused so he asked again:

"Why would someone like you accept to work as our newbie assistants?"

"There are many reasons for that. Some of us like me will try to help one of the family or friends. Some may think about creating new branches in new worlds or make new bases in these green fresh worlds.

Some may be just bored. Once I heard that some heir to a throne of empire had worked as an assistant to a new player because of a bet he lost. There are many reasons for this. So you can know the reason behind your assistant's decision to help you by asking him."

Ibro knew that his speech with Sefiera would be difficult. He knew that she had experienced a tough life from Kreedol's words. But he got a lot of things to talk about with her so he must try his luck and see if she would answer him.

The good news was that she tried once to help him and she did a splendid job at that. That meant she cared even a little about him.

"I have another question. Being our new players' assistant would affect you in any way?"

"Well, that depended on the goal and motive behind that assistant decision to help some new players like you. In most cases, there would be no losses at all. All the losses will come from the loss of the opportunity of establishing new bases or gaining new allies."

Ibro felt this wasn't the case with Sefiera. He recalled Hoden and Mamor's reactions when they saw her. She must be a celebrity. That made him think about his next question. While he was about to ask Moran, Moran raised his hand to stop him while saying:

"You gained a lot of answers to your many questions. Don't be greedy and be patient. You need to know about a huge reality. You won't be able to learn everything in just one meeting and I also have limited time here with you.

So I will go now to do my business. I will wait for your success in helping my sister in upgrading her village."

"I also will wait for your way to make me return home again."

"Good luck to you crazy fool. Good luck to you my sweet little sister."

He then disappeared with the window. Ibro looked at the place where Moran was at just now. That man was the heir to a strong empire in a very old world. What would life in that world be like? Ibro felt excited and wanted to reach one day to such a level.

"Don't think much about his mean words. He didn't mean any harm to you. This is always his own way to speak with those he cared about."

Ibro looked to Noda and then said:

"I'm not angry at him. I really benefited from this chat with him. I admire your brother. He looked a courageous man and a wise leader."

"Yes, he really is like that."

Ibro felt like she remembered some painful memories so he tried to change the subject by asking:

"Why didn't you stay with him? Why would you appear here?"

He failed in his attempt as he felt her sink deeper in these painful displeasing memories of her. He was about to say another thing when she replied:

"Actually my brother isn't the only heir to my family's throne. There are 5 other legitimate heirs to my family's empire."

"You mean your brother sent you here to protect you?"

Ibro wasn't dumb as he understood the situation at once. Her brother was in a hard situation indeed. If he were in his shoes then he would send her away to protect her. To his surprise, the sad look on her face became even more ashen as she said:

"Unfortunately he couldn't send me to safety. We were judged by the supreme council of our empire to enter a challenge. Whoever succeeds in this challenge will win the throne at the end."

"What is this challenge?"

Although he guessed the nature of this challenge he asked her to confirm his guess. She replied after a few moments of silence:

"This challenge is to send one of the direct family members related to those 6 throne contenders to the new world here. Our test is the first to establish his empire will win the right to get the throne."

Ibro knew that his guess was right, so he said his full conclusion about her situation to confirm everything:

"Then there are other 5 lords out there in this world who are trying to be one step ahead of you. Those monsters were trying to help one of those lords by removing his other contenders, right?"

"Well, that is partly right. The true goal of these monsters is to weaken our empire. Our empire is really a thorn in their side as we had a very strong army.

They are trying their best to delay us all and not let any of us reach that stage of empire establishment."

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