Chapter 109

Chapter 109

"Player has chosen the Rioneed name as his grandmaster rune maker name. Name is being carved on the runes. The runes are being offered to sell on all the merchant associations.

All associations have responded with their offers. The list has been created. Player can view the list now and choose the appropriate offer to agree upon and the deal will be done immediately after."

Ibro looked at the list created by the market system. He saw a lot of names on this list. Each name represented a merchant association and besides its name, there was the offer they gave to him.

Ibro felt really shocked by the total sum of gold coins that was offered to him for his runes. He chose the highest offer rapidly in fear that they might retract their offer.

"I chose the grand merchants goflan association to make deal with."

"Is the player sure of his decision?"


"Deal is made with the goflan association. You have sold your 130 runes and got 275 million gold coins. The name of Rioneed grandmaster rune maker was heard and became famous.

You got a privilege of the system. Your runes will have the option to be sold at the grand auction event in 26 days from now. You can offer your products here till the deadline of the auction."

Ibro got rich in one moment. He didn't believe the system at first so he opened his profile to check his wealth. He had now 283.7 million gold coins. He froze in his place and his mind was trying to adapt to this wealth.

He really got rich and he had now a secret to get more gold coins if he needed to. He looked back at the market interface and said with confidence:

"Display the generals' list."

"The list has been created. Player can view it now."

Ibro looked again at this list. It was full of a lot of names. This huge list which was a distant dream for Ibro had turned out to be achievable now.

He didn't waste his time and headed for the most pricy general in the list. Ibro chose to buy him and paid 10 million gold coins. He then found the scroll in his Inventory.

Ibro took it out and observed it:

"Mamor summon scroll: commander in chief summon scroll. Tear the scroll to summon Mamor."

Ibro didn't delay and tore the scroll into half. At once a ball of light emerged from this scroll and it enlarged rapidly. When it became a person size green light ball it exploded and a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ibro.

He was a tall building man with sharp eyes and a bald head. Ibro felt tense under his gazes. This wasn't a simple man at all.

"Finally someone with enough courage to summon me. Tell me, kid, what is your name?"

"Kid? This kid is the one who summoned you here!"

"Hahaha, yes I know that you summoned me here. But I know you must have paid a lot of prices to collect the toll of my summon. So I'm your only hope for a better future. Tell me your name, little kid."

Ibro felt angry but he didn't show it on his face. He simply opened the market interface in front of this general. He then said:

"Display the generals' list for me."

"List has been created. Player can view it now."

The list appeared again in front of Ibro. This time the highest general cost 9 million gold coins. Ibro looked at this general and said in mockery:

"Do you believe that I can only buy you? If I want I can have all these generals to work for me."

The general looked at Ibro who was so calm and steady then asked:

"What do you plan to do kid?"

"Nothing. I will buy 100 top generals here in this list and then I will summon them all. I will ask them to beat you till you swear your allegiance to me.

if your stubborn bald head of yours kept refusing my kind gesture then I will make them kill you."

Ibro was about to do his threats without any hesitation. Mamor rushed up and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm already under your command. You are the one that summoned me so I'm forced by the game to be loyal to you."

"Loyalty is something and your respect for me is something else. Since you appeared here you kept saying kid kid kid. I don't need such a bad tongue general in my army."

Ibro looked again towards the market interface and was ready to buy the strongest generals here. Mamor interrupted him by saying:

"I'm sorry my lord."

Ibro glanced at him with cold eyes. Mamor knelt on one knee and said loudly:

"Mamor salutes my lord. I'm under your service."

Ibro smiled. If he didn't manage to tame this wild general then he should eliminate him. A loose cannon like him would create more trouble than benefit. Now Ibro was satisfied.

Although he could buy whatever he wanted, he didn't want to spend money aimlessly. He needed to understand the full situation first.

"Rise up Mamor. You are now the first general of my village. my name is Ibro and I'm the lord of Hepatia village. I want to know some info about the general ranking.

You are commander in chief rank general. What does it mean? There are many commander in chief out there, why are you the most expensive one?"

Mamor stood up and looked straight into Ibro's eyes. He asked in a serious tone:

"You seem to come from outside this game's main universe. Tell me my lord, how much info do you know about the main universe of the game?"

Ibro thought for a second before saying:

"I pretty know nothing about anything here."

"I suspected that. Let me ask you, do you really have enough money to buy a lot of generals? Or you were bluffing me?"

Ibro smiled and said in big confidence:

"I really have a lot of money. I planned to buy all the soldiers tokens here but I found the generals section and was curious about these strange rankings."

"Then you decided to summon me, why?"

"Because you are the highest rank and the most expensive one out there.

I thought you might know many secrets about this game and the world behind it. I also wanted your advice about who I should buy."

Mamor smiled and then said:

"You may have a point here, but I have another question. Why do you want to buy soldier tokens?"

"Because I want to have a very big army. I want to accumulate tokens and prevent others from getting any good ones."

"I know that would be your intention but why do you focus on soldiers only?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand your question."

"I mean there are many other war units out there in the market which are much stronger than the soldier units. Yes, there are some strong soldier units but there are also weak ones. Why do you focus on soldiers then?"

Ibro felt surprised by what he heard. He asked trying to make sure he understood him perfectly:

"Do you mean there are other war units out there in the market?"

"Sure. There are all units from every civilized way. You have different cultivation units, natural powers units, body power units, and even monsters units. There are normal soldiers units and generals units like me.

the only thing that was right in your words was that I'm really the most expensive commander in all these units."

Ibro didn't believe there was such a wide variety of units out there so he asked in doubt:

"I searched once about tokens and all the tokens I found were about soldiers units. How can I find these other units?"

"It's normal for you not to find anything. Each civilization has its own terms. Try this out and you will understand. Search for cultivators and you will know what I'm talking about."

Ibro didn't wait and tried:

"Display the cultivators' list."

"List has been created. Player can view it now."

A long list appeared suddenly in front of Ibro. He looked at these strange names with different gold values. Ibro looked at Mamor and said in astonishment:

"If there were such a variety of units then my initial plan wouldn't succeed."

"That's right."

Ibro looked at him then asked:

"Why are you the most expensive commander in all the lists?"

A strange smile appeared on Mamor face as he answered:

"It's because I'm the most crazy commander out there."

"Most crazy?!"

"Yes. I don't know if you have discovered it yet or not, but everything in the game came from reality and isn't some digital representation.

For example, I was a very capable commander in chief in my previous civilization. When my civilization got destroyed, I was captured and put in this game. My value was very high so no one dared to take the risk to release me before you."

Ibro smiled and teased him:

"If you are really that great then why was your civilization destroyed?"

"That's because I had a very foolish lord. That lord destroyed every hard effort I did and wasted all my boys' hard sacrifices." He said with a serious look.

He was like someone who was lost in the time and didn't know his way. Ibro felt sad for him. He was right, a fool lord might destroy all the efforts of his genius subordinates.

As a genius lord would fail to build a mighty empire alone. Both factors must be together. Ibro looked at him then asked:

"What advice do you want to give to me?"

"Any empire is built by the taste of its lord. What is your taste, my lord?"

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