Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Once he entered the underground area, he took out the tokens to use them. He tried to throw them on the ground, but nothing happened. He tried to observe them but no available info came about how to use them.

He then used the same way he used before to establish the village and link the underground world, blood. Once a drop of blood fell on the token, it flashed in light and then vanished to be replaced by 10 shield warriors.

He looked at them. They were largely built classic shield warriors. They looked at Ibro and then knelt down saying in one unified tone:

"We salute our lord."

Ibro looked at them with fiery eyes. Although they were only level 0, but they could be leveled up rapidly and easily in this war. What made him this excited was their equipment.

Each one of them had 6 unifies equipment. Their shape was really majestic. They looked pretty strong. Ibro then entered a fever state of using tokens.

After half an hour he managed to obtain his army. He now had 11k level 0 soldiers. No power came without headaches. The first problem he faced was the organization of such an army.

He wanted to fight in the frontlines but all the soldiers he gained didn't have single general. That caused some headache to him. The second problem was about food.

Normal soldiers used 2 units of food daily. These used 5 food units daily each. That meant he needed to provide a constant supply of food to them.

He wasn't worry about getting food for them now as he was going to kill massive amounts of monsters. He was worried about how to cook these monsters' meat.

He didn't have any cook at all! He decided to ask for Mony's help. He wanted to send one of cavalry soldiers to the village, but he feared his appearance would cause problems and chaos there.

There was no known flag or sign for the village. this was another problem he needed to solve. He then decided to go with one heavy cavalry soldier. Both reached the village in minutes.

as Ibro feared, the appearance of this cavalry caused a ruckus in the village. his appearance there worked out perfectly to control the situation. He met Mony and got some villagers who can cook.

He instructed her to put the underground area in her plans too. He wanted to transform the place into a military base for his army. He moved back after leaving this heavy cavalry here under the request of Mony.

Mony told him that this soldier would provide the necessary feeling of power to the villagers. He would help her raise people's spirits and gave them a sense of security.

Ibro took nearly half an hour to get back. He came with 25 villagers who can cook plus some workers and a lot of supplies. The supply line was continuous as Mony understood Ibro's vision for the future.

She began to adapt to his way of thinking. Ibro then was ready to solve his biggest problem now. He had 6500 different types of cavalry, 500 shield warriors 2000 archers and 2000 magicians.

He had different approaches to solve this problem. He either let them attack at will and risk the poor connection with them in the fight. If he was fighting poorly intelligent monsters, he would tend to use this way.

But his enemy is a very intelligent and he wouldn't let go of such a weakness. If he wanted the perfect approach then he would establish a full military system of command.

The problem was this system although it was perfect and very powerful but it was complicated. If there were no enough leaders and their subordinated that got enough training, then this system would become a curse instead of a blessing.

Ibro didn't have any leaders now, so he couldn't implement this system. He then had only two available options. One was to take command himself.

He wasn't a commander before but he was in the commanding squad of 205 in his previous life. so he had some insights about how to lead an army.

The other option was to divide the army into small units and then group some units together to form bigger units. It was based on reforming a big army into some smaller armies which fought separately to decrease the hardships of leading such a big army.

It was also a good solution but it would deprive Ibro from one of his biggest weapons which was the big numbers and different units in his army.

he didn't find any other option, so he arranged his army as follows: the 500 shield warriors were in the forefront. Behind them, he put 1000 light cavalry on both sides of them.

Behind them, he put his 500 archer cavalry. He then was in the gap between these four units surrounded by 500 magicians and 500 archers. Behind the 500 archer cavalry, he put 1500 magicians and 1500 archers and they were surrounded by heavy cavalry.

This wasn't the best arrangement but he was afraid of something so he tried to make a flexible formation. He didn't have an established orders relay system.

So he had selected few light cavalry soldiers and used some of the white armors he had and made them use these armors. They became strangely obvious in this sea of soldiers. He then gave loud orders to everyone:

"These soldiers will relay my orders to everyone. If you see one of them then follow their orders at once."

He then gave the order to march forward. He didn't know the simple map of this place, so he chose a direction and went straight to it. Through the way he tried more than once to change the formation using his messenger cavalry.

The effect was somewhat not very good but they were improving one time after another. Those trials made their marching speed to decrease a lot. He needed 4 hours to cross the distance outside the limits of his territory.

He noticed a thin flashing circular line the extended circling around his territory. That seemed a line the demarcate his domain. Once he stepped one step outside his territory he felt sudden danger.

He ordered the army to stop in his tracks. The place outside was exactly like the place he came from, they were all wide open plains with no limits. He remembered the stratification of these areas.

This area ground color was pure purple. He looked to the horizon on all directions. These areas were all pure purple. If he recalled it right then this meant this was grade 6.

His territory was supposed to be grade 4. Megedy told him before that the next areas would be grade 5 at maximum. Ibro felt his worry deepened. He wasn't alone now so he ordered to send one unit of ten light cavalry to go and scout these areas.

He ordered them to move in separate directions. Although he couldn't see anything except emptiness, he felt something was terribly wrong. When he entered the underground area he met many patrol squads.

There was not even a single shadow of a monster here. That meant either there was no monsters here, or they didn't need any patrol teams at all. They were ready to meet him.

'Dronil, did you finish your upgrade yet?'

'No, I still need some time. Give me day or two.'

Ibro felt more frustrated. Dronil didn't tell him anything about its upgrade.

He coincidently discovered it on his way here when he wanted to scout the road ahead. Although every time Dronil got an upgrade Ibro got an amazing function, he now was in a need for this god-like scouting.

He kept his eyes on these ten cavalrymen. Before they reach more than 2 kilometers away from him, all of them were killed immediately by a rain on arrows. Ibro looked in the direction where these arrows came from.

From the horizon, a very huge army appeared. That army was made entirely of archer monsters. Their numbers were really huge. He estimated their numbers to be over 100k monsters.

That was weird. this number was much bigger than the last army he faced. Was the difficulty raised because of the grade of this area? Why would he be so unlucky to appear in this purple area?

Or were all the areas around him like that? Or was he monitored without his knowledge? Whatever the reason he had now a difficult battle he had to enter. He looked at this slowly approaching army.

Their speed of movement weren't matched with Ibro's memories about these archers. Any archer was famous for his high agility. Were they discovered earlier than they expected so they were trying to stall for time?

Ibro looked around him, every place his eyes fell on were full of these archers. If he was in the shoes of this cunning enemy, he then would attract his attention to these archers. These archers weren't the real enemy, they were the decoy.

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