Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Ibro sat down and was surprised by the amount and the diversity of these dishes. Mony seemed to know his thoughts so she explained:

"The monsters you killed before were used to make food for the villagers. These monsters' meat are very rich in nutrients and they helped to relieve a lot of food pressure for now."

Ibro tasted some of the dishes and felt deep heat in his body. His body was striving to eat these dishes. Ibro asked while eating with pleasure:

"Did you find a cook?"

"Actually I cooked these dishes myself to you, my lord."

Ibro looked at her deeply. Was she trying to get close to him? He smiled and said while eating from another dish:

"You know I have a GF back home."

"That's not a problem, our aristocratic young people always have uncountable girls."

She said that with a laugh. Ibro didn't know if she was telling the truth or she was joking. He didn't dig deep in this matter, as her cook was really superb.

Although he didn't feel a lot of hunger before, once he started to eat these delicious dishes he couldn't stop. He also felt a strange energy that emerged from these monsters' meat into his body.

Most of these energies entered his muscles and skin. Some entered his joints but none entered his brain. He kept eating till he finished all the dishes. He felt vigorous.

He looked at Mony and smiled:

"From now on you need to remind me of my meals. I rarely feel hunger though my body needs nutrients."

"Don't worry my lord, I will make sure you come here to eat three times a day."

Ibro smiled then remembered the market. He moved to wash his hands with the help of Mony then he instructed:

"The market should be built by now. Let's go and check it."

"As you wish my lord."

Ibro then followed her into the village. Although there were few buildings out there, the village was full to the brim with new villagers. They were sitting in their places with absent looks on their faces.

Ibro knew their psychic trauma would take some time to heal. The most important issue now was to build houses that can accommodate all these people.

He moved towards the location of the market. It wasn't that far from the lord's manor. that made Ibro feel satisfied. The market was about to finish.

Only a few minutes and it would be ready for use. Ibro kept checking the new villagers while he asked Mony:

"Have they eaten?"

"Yes my lord. When they came here, we made a simple dish of meat and soup for them. They ate then we asked them to sit in their place till we finished registering their basic info."

Ibro noticed three young men who were moving around with scrolls in their hands. Ibro knew that he lacked the needed manpower to finish this task anytime soon.

"I want you to move and see the registered persons. If there is anyone who can help you and your little team in registration, then take him to your team temporarily."

Mony understood his meaning, so she said at once:

"I will do that right now my lord."

She then retreated to join her men. Ibro knew she was a very energetic person but she needed some time to adapt to his thinking. He then waited for additional minutes till his villagers finished building the market.

There were 20 villagers in this place. Ibro felt Mony had moved all the workers to build this market. He wasn't upset but he was glad that she didn't take this task lightly. This market was supposed to solve all their urgent problems, or that was his hope.

"Wait for me here till I finish my business inside."

Although they had other buildings to build, they couldn't disobey their lord. So they stopped in their place and watched Ibro while he entered the market.

The market was a very simple building which resembled a small wooden house. There was nothing at all inside when Ibro entered it. But once he reached the center of it, a window popped up in front of him.

"Welcome to the market player Ibro. What do you need to do?"

Ibro felt strange. What did he want to do here? He wanted to buy a lot of merchandise of course!

"I want to see all the available goods to buy here."

"The player is an owner of a village. The player has built a Mythic grade village. the player has a privilege. Player can use the market functions as follows:

1.explore all the goods from all the system towns in this world.

2. explore all the goods from the nearest 1000 system city to the village.

3. explore all the goods from the nearest 500 players' villages.

4. can put goods to sell.

5. can sell goods directly to the NPCs merchant companies."Privilege"

6. can apply to join the first grand auction in this world. This auction will start in one month from now. Player needs to apply to receive an invitation letter to the auction. Without the invitation letter, the player can't join the auction."

Ibro didn't think the functions of this grade 0 market would be this big. He was now more sure about getting what he want. He also felt anticipation for that auction. One month is a good period for him to prepare. He immediately said:

"I want to apply to the auction."

"Player has the right to apply to join the auction. The player has privilege. To apply for the auction, the player needs to pay 100 gold coins. Do players agree?"

Ibro felt this auction was very dark; just application to it needed 100 gold coins? That was very expensive but not for him. He immediately agreed so he felt the movement of 100 gold coins towards that window.

"Congratulations player has already applied for the auction. The invitation letter was sent to the player. The player can check it from his Inventory."

Although Ibro was curious about this auction, there was nearly a month till it occurred. So he didn't check the invitation yet. He then said:

"Show me the list of goods."

"Do you want the list of goods to be organized by their seller, place, value, type, rarity or amount?"

Ibro thought for a moment then he said:

"Show me the goods of resources type."

"List has been created. Player can view it now."

A long detailed list appeared in front of him. He wanted to buy wood and food. But if he can get stone too that would be nice. He then scrolled down the list. He found an obvious disparity.

Some goods were sold in huge quantities that seemed endless. While others were sold in minute amounts. He even saw 1 food unit on the list. He guessed these small amounts came from players like him.

That meant he wasn't the only one trying to raise his powers. He needed to increase his preparations and fasten his plans. He checked the prices for food and wood and stone till he felt satisfied.

The prices of them were nearly close. The price of one unit of food was ranging from 10 copper to 20 copper coins. The price of one wood unit ranged from 50 copper to 75 copper coins.

The price of stone ranged from 1 silver to 1.5 silver coins. He also found another resource that he didn't have. One iron unit was sold at a price of 50 to 60 silver coins.

One derine unit was sold at a price of 2 gold coins. He found a long list of ores that ranged in their prices. He didn't know about their specifications or any use for them.

The most expensive one was called Diaronem ore. A single unit of it was sold in 1000 gold coins. He had a deep desire to buy all of these. He knew that the market prices were determined on the power of demand.

These goods were now at their lowest possible price. If he let this chance go from him then he might regret it in the future. He decided to fill the needs of food and wood first.

He bought a 500k wood unit in one shot that cost him nearly 3k gold coins. He didn't flinch to buy one million food units in one go. It only cost him 1500 gold coins.

Suddenly he noticed the slight changes in the prices of food and wood units. Each rose by 2 copper coins and 5 copper coins respectively. That alarmed Ibro.

He wanted to buy his needs continuously from here. It seemed every time a certain amount was sold, the prices would rise. Now he didn't care, but in the future, that would be disastrous.

He didn't hesitate to spend 10k gold coins each on food and wood units to gain massive amounts from them. He knew these would only relieve the current needs for his village for one or two months at maximum. He wasn't calculating the needs based on the current state of the village.

he was considering the large number of people he intended to rescue. Food can be relieved temporarily by monsters' meat.

Wood production can be set on the right track when enough logging camps been built and operated with full power. He needed to solve the food problem in the long run.

The only solution that could contribute massively to solve this was the farmlands. The problem only in the lack of seeds. They needed seeds to grow them in the farmlands.

That was the reason why Mony didn't focus on farmlands in the beginning. Ibro then used 5k gold coins to buy stones. Another ore he also bought was iron.

He knew iron was needed to make weapons, armors, helmets and other arms. He spent over 30k gold coins to buy enough iron for the future uses.

When he finished his buying storm, the prices of all these goods rose with nearly 50%. He didn't mind putting some obstacles in the road of other lords. He then said:

"Show me the goods of daily life tools."

"List has been created. Player can view it now."

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