Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7515 The Answer In Her Subconscious

Bai Yuexi lay on the bed, her mind involuntarily thinking of ah Luo.

Thinking back to the look in his eyes and the words he had just said, Bai Yuexi felt that there was a deeper meaning to it.

She didn't know what he meant, and she didn't know what he was thinking.

Usually, ah Luo's eyes would be extremely clear, so that she could understand what he was thinking.

However, just now, ah Luo's eyes were so deep and misty, as if they could bewitch people.

Those eyes were really magical.

The more she thought about it, the faster Bai Yuexi's heart beat.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

Bai Yuexi could even hear her rapid heartbeat.

She placed her hand on her chest and could feel her heart beating strongly.

Bai Yuexi realized that she was now like a real fifteen-year-old girl, as if she was experiencing her first awakening of love.

Her soul was already 19 years old, but why did she look like a 15-year-old girl?

She remembered that she wasn't like this when she was fifteen.

Could it be because of ah Luo?

Bai Yuexi knew that ah Luo was really special to her.

Seeing ah Luo, her mood would be better.

Just as Bai Yuexi's thoughts were running wild, ah Luo walked in again.

At this moment, a-Qing came in with porridge.

"Miss, I'll feed you some porridge!"

"I have the strength now, I can do it myself."

However, a-Qing did not place the porridge in Bai Yuexi's hands. Instead, she insisted,""Young miss, be good. I'll feed you!"

When ah Qing said this, she looked at Bai Yuexi with a deep gaze that shone with a determined light.

She didn't know why, but when she met ah Luo's eyes and heard him coaxing her, her heart skipped a beat.

Bai Yuexi could only obediently let ah Luo feed her.

After finishing the entire bowl of porridge, Bai Yuexi felt her stomach and body warm up.

Actually, she looked much better after sleeping.

His face wasn't as pale and scary as before!


For the next two to three days, Bai Yuexi did not have much energy. She did not have the energy to do anything and spent most of her time lying down and resting.

In the past two to three days, it was also ah Zhen who took care of Bai Yuexi.

Ah Qing took good care of Bai Yuexi, accompanying her in her room every day.

Afraid that Bai Yuexi would be bored, ah-Qing found some books. He would read some interesting stories to Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi actually liked to hear ah Luo's voice.

She thought that ah Luo's voice was very nice.

A mo read out some of the short stories, which were particularly interesting.

As a result, Bai Yuexi had been very relaxed for the past three days.

The food was also cooked by ah Zhen.

On this day, listening to the sound of ah MO reading, Bai Yuexi blinked and said to ah mo,""Ah Luo, you're actually very good to me. Why?"

When she said this, Bai Yuexi looked into ah Luo's eyes seriously.

In the past, it was a-Qing who had asked Bai Yuexi such questions.

Now, it was Bai Yuexi who asked ah Zhen.

A 'mo was taken aback, not expecting Bai Yuexi to ask such a question.

In truth, he had never thought about it. He just wanted to treat Bai Yuexi well out of instinct.

Perhaps there was another answer in his subconsciousness.

It was he who wanted to grab hold of his young miss, get used to his good, and let her rely on him.

There was a subconscious answer in his heart that he wanted Bai Yuexi to always belong to him.

Under Bai Yuexi's gaze, ah Zhen's eyes flashed with a dark glint."Miss, do you want to know the answer?"

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