Reversed Parallel World‘s Messiah

Book 9: Chapter 6: Negotiations with the Queen

Book 9: Chapter 6: Negotiations with the Queen

Irene, who had taken a step forward, took off her mask, and I followed suit.

Then, in a volume thatll make sure to pass beyond the curtains,

My name is Irene Barbaton. Im the mayor of a city called Blossom.

Irene took a small breath and said in a clear voice.

It is a sudden request, but I would like you to recognize our city, Blossom.


Behind the curtain, I could hear that the Queens voice had changed slightly in tone.

The silhouette seemed to have stopped moving and was trying to peer at us.

From this side, I cant see Queen Isabelles figure. I wonder what it is like from the other side.

Maybe she is visible through some special fabric or magic. Or maybe shes curious and will try to look in.

Blossom is a city of people who have lost their homes and their place in the world because of appearance discrimination. Its just that its recently built, so it hasnt been properly recognized as a city by the state yet.

Yes, Ive heard of it. So, youre the mayor.

The Queen nodded as if she understood.

Our city will never be recognized by the current government that promotes discrimination in appearance. But if we dont, we dont know when we will be kicked out again. For us, its the only place we belong.

Irene cut off her words there, and this time she took a deep breath.

So please, I would like to ask for your help, Your Majesty, the Queen. To bring down the current majority faction, and to abolish the discrimination in appearance and to have our city recognized.

Irene bowed deeply. I quickly imitated her and bowed my head as well.

So, thats what it is. Well, I understand your pleas.

The silhouette moved slightly. The words that followed seemed to have Isabelles feelings riding on them, and not just as a queen.

I think I know a little about the hardships of appearance discrimination. I know how the lord and others feel.

Her words, which seemed to show understanding, made me clench my fists as if in a gut pose.

Thats right, Isabelle is also Ediths mother.

If thats the case, then shell help us too


There was zero temperature in Isabelles voice that was uttered immediately afterwards.

It was a cold-hearted, positional statement.

The current government is very powerful. It is not something that I can overthrow by myself. What will happen to the people if we do that? If we lose our current government, the country could be in a mess. The minority trying to end appearance discrimination is not necessarily capable of bringing the country together and running it properly.

The Queens shadow shakes her head.

I, as queen, cannot easily take such a gamble. I understand the Lords feelings, but to agree with them with just sympathy is

Oh geez, this is so annoying!

KATAN. Throwing off the mask, Edith stepped forward and ripped off the curtain.

Dont sneak around like that and come out properly.

What are you doing? Im the wait, Edith?

Its been a long time, Mother.

It was an unnatural call, given Ediths language and behavior. But because of that, the last dialogue got the feeling that wasnt a queen and a princess, but just a mother and her daughter.

Yes, its me. Edith.

Isabelle, who was about to say something, noticed us behind her and hurriedly hid her face. Then she tried to chant something.

There is no need. Both Lady Irene and master are residents of Blossom, you know. Mother doesnt have to disguise herself, either.

So, thats what it is

After a nod, Edith removed the hands that covered Isabelles face.

I was surprised just now, but when I looked at it again, I was still surprised.

Her Majesty Isabels hair is the same gold color as Ediths. Im convinced of that.

Their faces have different emphasis, Edith in cuteness and Isabelle in beauty, but they still had a striking resemblance with each other that even I could understand.

What surprised me was Isabelles youth.

She doesnt look like her mother. If anything, shes closer to a sister.

After all, it is most convincing to be called an older sister when you look just about ten years older.

And like all women in this country, Isabelles clothes are very revealing.

The skin peeking out from it seemed supple and firm, and the large breasts that emphasize the cleavage also gave off a bewitching charm.

I have been mesmerized with Isabelles figure for too long, so I hurriedly returned my attention to her face. Then I realized she seemed to be looking at me intently as well, until our eyes met. Isabelle hastily averted her gaze from me.

But with a glance, Isabelle seemed to be looking at my whole body. Im not sure if dark eyes and black hair are unusual, even for a queens position.

No, maybe it was unusual for a man to be gazing at her as she was. In the first place, it was already odd for a man to sneak in the queens very own sleeping quarters. Was it too impudent of me?


At the sound of Ediths voice, all eyes shifted to her.

Lady Irenes city Blossom is the last place for us to be. So please, will you at least acknowledge the city? Even if its just a place for those who have lost their place elsewhere to take refuge

uh, hmmm

Despite her tone, Edith, who was staring at her, met her gaze with a resolute attitude. This caused hesitation in Isabelles voice.

Edith, youve grown up.

The voice that murmured sullenly was Isabelles, not in her position as queen, but as a mother.


Yes, Your Majesty.

At the call, Irene steps forward.

As Ediths mother, really. I thank you very much.

Seeing Irene nodding and Isabelle bowing, Edith squirmed in place.

I, too, would like to recognize the city, at least. However, the current government is based on thorough discrimination against peoples appearance, making it difficult to do so.

Isabelles eyes, which seemed to be lost, had a mixture of her thoughts as an individual and her position as a queen.

After all, she was someone who sacrificed even her own appearances, all in order to make her country reach to what it is now. However,


Irene called out to me, in which I nodded.

I remember what she said to me right after I promised to marry her.

I want you to love a woman other than me.

The people in this city dont know love Yesterday, Tomo loved me, and I learned the beauty of it.

Isabelle is not in Blossom. But she felt the same way.

She could hide her appearance to her advantage, but she wont be able to act as she pleased. Much more if youre royalty, where marriage is a matter of power and politics. But that doesnt mean they dont have the right to be happy.

In Isabelles case, it should have been nothing but a false relationship.

Therefore, I want her, who has been hiding her true form and pushing herself away, to regain her real self.

And there is only one thing I can do.

Your Majesty, would you allow me to have sex with you?

Hm!? gulp. Can you say that again?

I want to fuck you, Isabelle.

I said as I stared straight at her.

Master Tomo has been saving the women of Blossom with sex. He loves us and sets us free.

So thats how it is. Umu.

Isabelle seemed skeptical, but when she saw me once more, she couldnt help but swallow her spit.

Women are more sexually active in this world, and men are less aggressive, as I have been told. And based on her reactions, I could already guess shes not really happy with her current sex life.

Edith approached Isabelle and whispered to her.

Besides, Master Tomo has a huge cock and is a great lover. Hes not like other men. Hes so.

I-I seegulp.

There goes the second gulp. Then, Isabelles gaze went from my eyes down to my crotch.

Her cheeks are already red, and she is breathing a little hard. Seeing a beautiful woman looking at my crotch like that, I couldnt help but react a little as well.

Isabelle clears her throat with a sound like shes trying to maintain her dignity.

Very well. I will allow you to have sex with me. Then maybe I will understand from there the feelings of the Blossom citizens.

Though her words were firm, Isabelle was rubbing her thighs together slightly. Looking at her at that state already wants to make me live up to my expectations and make her feel a whole lot better.

Its settled then. So, Lady Irene. Shall we go outside for a while?

Ah. Yes. Your Majesty, if youll excuse me.


Isabelle nods to Irenes farewell.

As they leave the room, Isabelle looks straight at me.

Well then, Your Majesty. Lets go to bed, shall we?

Yeah, with pleasure.

As an escort assisting a lady as she goes out of the carriage, I took her hand.

Here are the characters of Book 3 (Volume 7-9 of the Webnovel)

From Left to right: Irene, Tomoaki, Edith, Queen Isabelle, Clarice and Lady Anette.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.