Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 321: The Discovery

Chapter 321

Li Ting and Chen Shi got married. On their wedding day, Chen Shi got drunk and had sex with Li Ting, but after that, he never touched her again.

At first, Li Ting didn't think much of it, but after several months passed without her husband touching her, she started to worry.

She tried various methods, bought all sorts of sexy lingerie, and tried to seduce him, but Chen Shi didn't even spare her a glance. Instead, he went to sleep in the guest room.

This made her so upset that she cried every day.

She couldn't understand why her husband treated her this way.

She may not be a goddess, but she wasn't bad-looking either. It shouldn't be enough to turn a man off.

This was a huge blow to her.

Especially when she visited her mother-in-law's house, her mother-in-law would eagerly ask if she was pregnant. Li Ting felt even more frustrated because her husband wouldn't touch her, so how could she have a child?

Do they fall from the sky or grow from the ground?

Why wouldn't her husband touch her? Li Ting just couldn't understand.

She suspected that Chen Shi might be gay and married her to hide it.

But after observing him for some time, she found that Chen Shi didn't have any intimate behavior with men, nor did he go out with them alone.

Not just men, he didn't have any relationships with women either.

If it's not men and there are no other women, why wouldn't her husband touch her?

Could he be sexually indifferent?

Because of this, Li Ting consulted a doctor.

The doctor said it might be due to too much stress and suggested taking her husband on a trip to relax and strengthen their relationship.

The doctor also gave her some recipes for nourishing the body and asked her to cook them for her husband.

Li Ting followed the recipes and Chen Shi ate them, but they had no effect.

Li Ting suggested going on a trip, but Chen Shi immediately refused.

Li Ting didn't give up and tried to win Chen Shi over with her sincerity.

Every day after work, she would go buy groceries and cook, taking care of all his daily needs and household chores.

She thought that even if he was an iceberg, she would warm him up.

Li Ting persisted like this for two years, but she couldn't continue in the third year.

Because she realized that this thousand-year iceberg couldn't be warmed up.

After finishing his meal every day, Chen Shi would retreat to his study and didn't want to spend even a minute with her.

The study door was always locked, and in all the years of their marriage, Li Ting had never been inside.

Because she didn't have the key to the study.

This made Li Ting very curious, and she even had a ridiculous idea—could her husband be hiding a woman in the study?

As time went by, this idea became stronger.

One day, she couldn't resist anymore. When Chen Shi went to work, she found a locksmith and forcefully opened the study door.

At the moment the door was opened, she was nervous, afraid that there really would be a woman in the study.

But the study was empty, there was no one inside.

Li Ting couldn't describe her feelings at that moment—she felt both disappointed and relieved.

She was disappointed that there was no woman in the study.

But she was relieved that there was really no woman in the study.

The study was simple, with a bookshelf covering one wall and a desk next to it.

She walked to the desk and found that the drawers were locked.

Without hesitation, since she had already forced open the door, she didn't care about the lock on the drawer either.

Li Ting managed to pick the lock of the drawer.

That's when she discovered the collection of letters that Chen Shi had cherished for many years.

She took them out and flipped through them, one by one.

There were still many letters that Chen Shi had never sent.

It wasn't until then that Li Ting realized her husband's heart belonged to someone else, which was why he refused to touch her.

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