Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 525 - 525 An Invitation from Jing Wenyan

Chapter 525 An Invitation from Jing Wenyan

“Sheriff, slave girl is Great Miss Jing’s maid, our Great Miss is in the car, asking if Sheriff would like to come up to the carriage for a moment?”

Although Wei Yuewu was surprised, she still nodded graciously and brought Shufei along to Jing Wen Yan’s carriage, which slowly lifted its steps and walked casually on the street.

“Eldest Miss Jing!” As soon as Wei Yuewu got on the carriage, she saw a smiling Jing Wen Yan and greeted her with a smile as Jin Ling removed the drapery for her.

“Princess Qingde!” Jing Wenyan made a gesture to get up, Wei Yueyue busy reaching out to stop her, “Eldest Miss Jing was originally an old acquaintance, so why be so polite.”

In fact, with Jing Wen Yan’s status, she could not be required to salute Wei Yuewu, although she did not carry the name of the county princess, but in terms of her status, she was no worse than Wei Yuewu, the county princess who did not have a fiefdom.

The first daughter of the Duke of State’s house, the eldest young lady, such a status is not something that can be compared to ordinary people wherever they are placed.

“A few days ago, when I heard that County Princess Qingde had gotten sick, I originally thought of coming over to take a look, but I was afraid of disturbing her, but I couldn’t imagine that only a few days ago, she got well, what a great joy!” Jing Wenyan smiled warmly, the corners of her lips hooked up in a smile, very pleasant, just like the feeling she had always given people.

“Thank you Miss Jing, originally it was just some minor illnesses, this will use the medicine from the palace, but all of a sudden it got better!” Wei Yuewu didn’t know what Jing Wen Yan meant, and only smiled and replied.

“Tomorrow night is the banquet in the palace, looking at county princess like this, could it be that she is also picking out jewelry for the palace banquet?” Jing Wenyan smiled.

Tomorrow night is the New Year’s Eve, the palace in accordance with the customary will be set up a banquet, but this banquet is very early, held in the afternoon, the ministers and officials with their own dependents in the palace with this in the afternoon after the dinner, will be early to return home, at home and then ate a reunion dinner, is really New Year’s Day.

The capital city streets will also let people hang up lanterns, and when it comes to midnight, the palace’s main gate outside the Chongyang Building will also set off fireworks.

Because of the high ground there, and considered outside the palace, the entire capital can see the big fireworks set off there, which is considered a program for all to enjoy together.

Every year at this time Chongyang building side of the restaurant, tea house will be booked early, everyone wants to see more clearly.

As for that afternoon dinner in the palace, not many people attended it, and those who could get the banquet were the important ministers and family members valued by the Emperor.

“Although my body is fine, I can’t withstand too much hustle and bustle yet, so father has asked me to rest at home and doesn’t need to attend tomorrow night’s palace banquet.” Wei Yuewu replied softly.

“So the Sheriff is purely here to take a break today? Nothing else important?” Jing Wenyan laughed.

“Indeed there is nothing much, just a casual walk, the whole person who slept for the past few days has gotten lazy, seeing that the sunlight outside is just right, I can’t help but come down to walk around for a few steps, it’s because I’m letting Eldest Miss Jing see you and laugh.” Wei Yuewu took a handkerchief and gently wiped it on her lips, and also followed her words and smiled.

She still couldn’t figure out what Jing Wenyan meant by this until now, and letting herself get on the carriage certainly couldn’t be for nothing.

“Since that’s the case, would it be alright for County Lord to accompany me?” Sure enough, Jing Wenyan invited.

“This …” Wei Yueyue Dance hesitated for a moment, “Where is Eldest Miss Jing going?”

“It’s not that I’m going anywhere, it’s actually just that I want to meet someone, but my heart is jittery and I feel terrified.” Jing Wenyan sighed and said helplessly.

“This … I … have been timid since, I’m afraid I can’t help Eldest Miss Jing.” Wei Yuewu shook her head and said with a bitter face.

“Your Highness, in fact, just accompany me to the past but myself, I just go in to say a few words and come out immediately, let your Highness accompany me, the original is just to give yourself courage but myself, but can’t trouble your Highness with other things!”

Jing Wenyan softly and sincerely said.

“Can I ask, where is Eldest Miss Jing going?” These words made it inconvenient for Wei Yuewu to refuse, she could only smile and nod her head, her long eyelashes flickered, hiding the deepness in her eyes, this place to go that could make Jing Wen Yan so hesitant, it was bound to be no simple place, but she still didn’t understand Jing Wen Yan’s purpose for dragging herself there.

“The Crown Prince’s Mansion!” Jing Wenyan said as he looked at Wei Yuewu.

“The Crown Prince’s Mansion?” Wei Yuewu raised her eyes in consternation, “Going to the Crown Prince’s Mansion at this hour?”

The prince’s choice of consort things have not finally come to an end, how to look at this time to find Prince Wen Tianyao are not too convenient, Guatian Pear, although he has been selected, but also have to avoid suspicion is.

“This … I just lost the election before, this time to go to the crown prince’s residence …”

“County princess don’t worry, we are not going to the crown prince’s residence to look for his highness, but to look for another person, in fact, this person is not necessarily in the crown prince’s residence, or as long as the crown prince’s residence asks for it, we don’t need to go to the crown prince’s residence to meet him face-to-face, and other people won’t say anything about it either.” Jing Wen Yan could see Wei Yuewu’s concern at a glance and explained with a smile.

“Who is Miss Jing going to see?”

Wei Yuewu asked curiously.

“Master Feng He!” Jing Wenyan looked at Wei Yueyue Dance and fell to her feet.

“Master Wind and? Is that the … Master Wind and?” Wei Yuewu hesitated for a moment and said with intent.

The meaning of Master Feng He, of course, is not only Master Feng He, all the families know that the key to the Crown Prince’s choice of consort lies in this Master Feng He who was once born in the royal family.

But everyone also knew that this Master Feng He could not be bribed.

Therefore, this would be Jing Wenyan going to find Master Feng He, it would be really suspicious.

“This … is actually really coincidental, I look for the wind and master something, but not that, my father when he was young, had wind and master help, this time heard that the wind and master in the capital, the original thought to visit, but has been busy with important matters, recently is empty, but heard that the wind and master sometimes in the palace, and Sometimes in the crown prince’s residence, there are times in the king of Huai County’s residence, I happen to have the time, on behalf of my father over to ask a question.”

Jing Wenyan looked at Wei Yuewu and laughed.

“Master Feng He is not in the palace, is it because the draft is done?” Wei Yuewu blinked her watery eyes twice and asked.

“The palace should have already ordered the candidate, but this thing we outsiders are not clear, as for the results of this election out, should be announced in recent days, always the crown princess position hanging high time is also too long.” Jing wen yan slowly said, attitude leisurely, a completely irrelevant things to say the appearance.

It seemed as if she really didn’t care about the position of the Crown Princess.

It was also really only because Lord Jing and Master Feng He were close friends that he had made such a trip on his father’s behalf.

Jing Guo Gong into the capital so many days, wind and master into the capital time is also quite a lot, Jing Guo Gong lost the territory, only left a title, in fact, in the weekdays there is no other affairs, how is busy even a little time is not? Actually also let his eldest daughter this time to go out to find the world to find wind and master!

When I think of the first time I met Lord Jing, it was at the Plum Blossom Nunnery, and the first time I met Master Feng He, it was also the Plum Blossom Nunnery.

If the two people are really good friends, now say what before something has not been met? If two people friendship is average, in such a moment to find wind and master, and why?

But Jing Wenyan said this casually, and if he himself were to look deeper into it, it would seem a bit deliberate.

“County princess has nothing to do today, so why don’t you just accompany me on a trip, okay?” Jing Wenyan once again asked with a smile.

“Good!” Wei Yue Ma answered cheerfully, and since she had gotten into the car, she wanted to see why Jing Wen Yan had come!

Hearing Wei Yuewu agree, the maid of the Duke of Jing’s residence lifted the curtain and ordered the carriage to head towards the Crown Prince’s residence.

The two men in the carriage made small talk with one word or another.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Crown Prince’s mansion, the maid of the Duke of Jing’s mansion got off the carriage to ask for a letter, and in a short while ran back to the Jing Wenyan in the carriage and respectfully said, “Eldest Miss, the one on the door said that Master Wind and Master are in the Crown Prince’s mansion.”

“Then … go in and take a look?” Jing Wenyan turned her head to look at Wei Yuewu.

“Big Miss Jing go in and look at it I, but it is much inconvenience, I am … not yet well enough for this disease to be all right!” Wei Yuewu smiled and shook her head.

Sure enough, what Jing Wenyan wants to plot is Prince Wen Tianyao, right?

She did not intend to really accompany Jing Wenyan into the Crown Prince’s Residence, there were some words, some things that were good to say but not good to hear, even though they were just showing their faces.

Jing Wenyan was clearly plotting something, and he himself should happen to be the shield for her plotting.

“Sheriff Master is not going in?” Jing Wenyan couldn’t imagine that when he reached the door, Wei Yuewu actually didn’t go in, so he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“I originally thought that I could accompany Great Miss Jing inside … but this will suddenly feel a headache coming on.” Wei Yuewu’s body leaned towards Shufei’s side, and Shufei immediately carefully supported her.

“Eldest Miss Jing, our county lord is not well, today she still sneaked out, the palace’s eunuch originally said that our county lord should rest more, the marquis even pushed the palace’s banquet for the county lord for this reason.” Shu Fei explained while supporting Wei Yuewu.

This said Jing Wenyan a burst of anger and bitterness, almost can not control the birth of a few points of anger, with their own carriage all the way over, but do not go in, this is not to play themselves ah!

If Wei Yuewu said these words before, why would he bring Wei Yuewu really to the door of the Crown Prince’s residence, now not only can’t swindle Wei Yuewu into it, but also may let Wei Yuewu thing hand guessed something.

Moreover, if it wasn’t for the fact that there was Wei Yuewu in the car, he himself wouldn’t have appeared at the entrance of the Crown Prince’s residence in such a high profile.

So upside down it’s hard to ride.

“Eldest Miss Jing, I’ll take my leave first!” Not waiting for Jing Wenyan to stay much longer, Wei Yueyue supported Shufei as she headed out of the car.

Shufei jumped off the carriage first, then carefully helped Wei Yuewu down.

“Is it really the Crown Prince’s Mansion?” Wei Yuewu got off the carriage, looked at the plaque in front of her, and seemed to realize the shock for a moment, and whispered na na na na.

“County Lord, it really is the Crown Prince’s Mansion! Eldest Miss Jing is going up to the Crown Prince’s Mansion, so we’ll leave first, County Lord still has to go back to the mansion to drink her medicine!”

Shu Fei, who had long ago connected with Wei Yue Ma’s mind, immediately picked up the conversation.

This said Jing Wenyan who followed them off the carriage almost stepped out of the carriage, and when she was able to support her maid to stand still, she saw that the pair of masters and servants actually left with their help, and was so angry that she almost couldn’t control it.

Wei Yuewu not only disrupted his original plan, but also to proclaim their own meaning, but look at the passing of a few passers-by are stopped to look at their own, Jing Wenyan knows that he is not low profile up …

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