Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 141

Chapter 141 – Great Undertakings, And A Strange Game Of Go

“Fourth Elder Sister, you’re joking. I don’t understand what you’re saying. I’m injured myself, so I could only stay in the hall for a while. How can I compare to Fourth Elder Sister in terms of filial piety towards my mother?” Wei Yuewu only smiled, as if she didn’t understand what Wei Qiufu meant.

Wei Qiufu’s eyes burned with rage. She now thought that seeing Jin Ling meant that Wei Yuewu was also in the main hall. After that, she was knocked unconscious for no reason. However, the vague conversation between Wei Yan and her made it impossible for her to judge whether what she had seen before was real or an illusion.

However, this did not prevent her from suspecting Wei Yuewu.

“Good for you, Sixth Younger Sister. I hope you can also laugh so happily next time.” Wei Qiufu said coldly.

“Fourth Elder Sister is joking. Since you are unwilling to be on friendly terms with me, then return my qin. After having a walk around today, I feel that I have recovered some strength. I might need to use it myself. I heard that the two princesses like listening to the qin. Maybe I can win favour of the two princesses.”

Wei Yuewu narrowed her eyes and asked for the qin she had lent out.

“Playing the qin requires quite a bit of arm strength. Sixth Younger Sister, your wound will be stretched if you move your arm. So, take good care of yourself and there’s no need to think too much about other matters.” How would Wei Qiufu allow Wei Yuewu to get back the qin? She coldly replied and walked past Wei Yuewu, intending to return to her courtyard to rest.

“Fourth Elder Sister, will the Crown Prince choose a wife at this banquet?” Wei Yuewu whispered, but Wei Qiufu was so scared that she staggered and almost fell down.

She suppressed her desire to turn around and see Wei Yuewu. She snorted coldly and quickly left.

Only a few people knew about the Crown Prince’s plan to choose a wife. She was secretly told by the Third Princess, but this only represented the Crown Prince’s personal preferences and might not be the final result.

After all, there were a lot of other factors to be considered, such as family background. The young lady that the Crown Prince liked might not necessarily be suitable to be the Crown Princess, who would become the future empress.

However, there was one thing that was certain. This time, the Crown Prince would pick out a few women that he liked, so that the empress could find the most suitable person.

If she couldn’t even pass this trial, she wouldn’t be able to become a candidate for the Crown Princess at all.

Wei Qiufu even knew that this secret selection process was not limited to this banquet. Next, more young ladies of aristocratic families would be invited to banquets in various names. Of course, the purpose wasn’t just to choose a Crown Princess…

In the past, she had the help of the Third Princess. Even if the Fourth Princess did not say anything in favor of her, the two of them were considered to be familiar. So basically, the Fourth Princess would also stand on her side. Therefore, it was not a big problem for her to obtain the Crown Prince’s appreciation. However, the situation was different now, and she could only rely on herself.

She made up her mind that she must give an outstanding performance and use the qin score at the banquet! Then, she left Wei Yuewu in a hurry.

Wei Yuewu did not expect that at this time, she would see Yan Huaijing. What was even more surprising was that this heir-apparent, who had always been as noble and pure as a white cloud in the eyes of the others, was actually wearing a black brocade robe. In such a night, he wore this dark brocade robe embroidered with dark patterns, causing people to immediately feel that he had transformed from an exiled immortal from the sky into an enchanting Asura.

The room was very dark. Luckily, the moonlight tonight was pretty bright, faintly penetrating through the half-open window.

What surprised Wei Yuewu even more was that this enchanting heir-apparent was currently rotating a palace flower in his hand. This was the palace flower Wei Qiufu had sent over.

Yan Huaijing sat on the edge of the bed with his back to her. As if he knew that she had woken up, he turned his head to look at her, his handsome face revealing an enchanting look that he had never shown before, “Do you like this flower?”

“I don’t like it!” Wei Yuewu shook her head decisively.

“So you are not going to wear it?” Yan Huaijing seemed to have thought of something interesting. He leaned against the edge of the bed behind him and looked at Wei Yuewu with his pair of eyes that looked strangely beautiful tonight.

“I am going to wear a palace flower, but not this one.” Wei Yuewu answered honestly.

“Huh?” Yan Huaijing raised his eyebrows and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He casually asked, “Tell me the reason.”

Wei Yuewu looked left and right. This was her bedroom, and it was such a dark night. As a young master of an aristocratic family who had always appeared to be gentle and elegant in front of others, it was impossible for him to do such an indiscreet thing. However, not only did he do it, he also did it so comfortably that he did not see himself as an unsuitable intruder at all.

“This is intended for concubine candidates at the banquet. I’m not going to be a concubine!” Wei Yuewu raised her eyes and said as she stared at the glittering and handsome pair of eyes.

Yan Feng had verified that the two princesses had distributed some palace flowers to the young ladies of the aristocratic families attending the banquet. However, different young ladies had different palace flowers.

Palace flowers come in two colors, bright red and rosy red.

The colors had two meanings.

The statuses of the young ladies of the aristocratic families who were given bright red palace flowers were relatively higher. Basically, they were all candidates out of whom the Crown Prince would choose the future Crown Princess. As for the other women who had obtained the rosy red palace flowers, it was obvious that they were candidates for concubines. Wei Yuewu had found out that the princesses’ study companions were all given rosy red palace flowers.

Yan Huaijing suddenly felt very satisfied. With a flick of his slender fingers, he was about to crush the palace flower in his hand. After all, this was a little fox raised by him. How could she be fooled by others so easily?

“Your Heir-apparent, wait!” Seeing his movements, Wei Yuewu hurriedly propped herself up and said.

“You want to keep it?” Yan Huaijing lazily raised his eyebrows, glanced sideways at her and asked.

“Yes, I want to keep it!” Wei Yuewu answered honestly. “Third Princess and Fourth Princess has given us a fixed number of palace flowers. People with different identities were given palace flowers of different colors.”

“Considering Marquis Hua Yang’s position and power, you should be given a bright red palace flower, right?” Yan Huaijing asked calmly. He lowered his head slightly and had a smile on his face. However, Wei Yuewu’s heart skipped a beat for some reason, and she felt a sense of danger.

“It was supposed to be like this.” Wei Yuewu took courage and answered bravely.

“Actually, it can be changed. As long as I make a request, I believe Marquis Hua Yang won’t be reluctant to part with an abandoned daughter.” Yan Huaijing’s words became gentler and gentler, and his handsome eyebrows lifted with an obvious threatening intention.

“Yes!” Wei Yuewu felt annoyed in her heart, but she didn’t dare to reveal it at all. This graceful, ruthless and extremely powerful heir-apparent was not easy to deal with.

“What do you think if I asked His Majesty to confer you to me?” Yan Huaijing seemed to be unsatisfied with Wei Yuewu’s answer and he asked softly.

“You Heir-apparent, don’t you think it would be better if there is someone secretly helping you?” Wei Yuewu lowered her eyes and smiled.

“That’s true, but that depends on whether this hidden agent of mine is as effective as I expect.” Yan Huaijing said lazily, his tone carrying a faint smile. Seeing that he was in a good mood, Wei Yuewu stealthily heaved a sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry, Your Heir-apparent. I will investigate the matter concerning Mo Huating and my second uncle immediately after going down the mountain.” Wei Yuewu said sincerely.

Because of Wen Tianyao’s order, the Madam Dowager was busy investigating this matter with great care. It was easy for her to discover something. This was not because the Madam Dowager attached importance to Wei Yuewu. Most importantly, it was because of the Crown Prince Wen Tianyao. Wen Tianyao’s current unshakable status was an indicator that he was bound to become the next emperor.

The Madam Dowager did not dare to ignore his orders no matter what.

Yan Huaijing stopped asking further questions. He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed her slender hand and said gently, “Come, let’s go out for a walk.”

“Where… where are we going now?” Wei Yuewu was pulled up in a daze and stared blankly at him as he took the mink cloak from the screen and put it on her.

The black mink cloak looked exactly the same as Yan Huaijing’s.

“To admire plum blossoms in the darkness is not very charming. But when faint fragrance fluctuates in the air, it is extremely pleasant.” Yan Huaijing gently helped her put on the cloak, and before Wei Yuewu realized it, he leapt out with Wei Yuewu in his arms.

The cold wind immediately poured in. Although Wei Yuewu was wrapped tightly in the cloak, she was still shivering due to the cold. She subconsciously hugged Yan Huaijing’s sturdy waist and tightly shrunk her head into the mink cloak.

Seeing her fear of the cold, Yan Huaijing stopped and smiled. He tucked the mink cloak in for her before raising his foot again. Behind him, several black shadows followed closely.

They quickly passed by several Buddha halls. In the end, Yan Huaijing landed in front of a vihara. Wei Yuewu also landed on the ground with her feet. Before she could stand firmly, she heard Yan Huaijing whispering softly in her ear, “Don’t speak, and don’t move!”

Wei Yuewu didn’t know what he was going to do, but she still pulled his clothes tightly to stabilize herself.

Yan Huaijing suddenly chuckled and stretched out his hand to hug her thin body. He whispered in her ear, “This place is interesting. I’ll show you around.”

Before Wei Yuewu could figure out what Yan Huaijing meant, she heard an old man’s voice. “Which distinguished guest has come to pay a visit to me, an old monk?”

Old monk? Wei Yuewu was slightly shocked. She didn’t dare to move casually, but her mind worked rapidly. Wasn’t this Plum Blossom Nunnery resided all by nuns? When had a monk appeared here?

“Master Fenghe, sorry to bother you!” Yan Huaijing held Wei Yuewu who was tightly wrapped in her cloak and slowly walked in.

The large black mink cloak wrapped Wei Yuewu tightly, revealing only the top of head with long and dark hair. Anyone could see that wrapped inside the cloak was a woman.

“Heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan?” Master Fenghe stood at the door of his meditation room and looked at the peerlessly beautiful young master slowly approaching. His dim yellow eyes twitched as he asked.

“Master, have you seen me before?” Yan Huaijing raised his eyebrows.

“Everyone in the world knows that the Heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan is an exiled immortal from the sky. Anyone who sees him will admit that he is unique.” At this time, Master Fenghe had regained his calm. He extended his hand and made a gesture to invite them in. Then, he raised his foot and walked towards the depth of the room. Yan Huaijing entered the room holding Wei Yuewu in his arm.

“Master, you’re too polite. I heard that Master is temporarily living in Plum Blossom Nunnery, so I came to visit you. Master, please be kind to give me some advice.” Yan Huaijing walked into the meditation room and saw a huge Go board placed in the middle of the room. He smiled elegantly and leisurely.

“Your Heir-apparent is known all over the country. I might not win if I play Go with you.” Master Fenghe said humbly.

“Master, you’re too polite. Everyone knows that you are a real master Go player. I am really fortunate to meet you here today.” Yan Huaijing said politely, but he already sat down at the guest seat opposite Master Fenghe, holding Wei Yuewu in his arm.

Wei Yuewu was now sitting on her knees beside Yan Huaijing. But she was still tightly hugged by him.

At this moment, she couldn’t see anything. All of her senses were gathered on her ears. She was shocked that the person in front of her was Master Fenghe.

It was said that Master Fenghe was once a member of the royal family. He was the son of a prefecture prince. However, he was interested in Buddhism since he was a child, and in the end he became a monk against his parents’ will. Not only was he proficient in Buddhism, he was also skilled in Go. So far, he had not been defeated in a single set of game.

Thus, all the Go players in the world wanted to face this Master Fenghe and were proud of being able to play a set of Go with him.

However, Master Fenghe never lived in a fixed place. He kept traveling all the time, and people would not think that the common monk before them was Master Fenghe even if they had the luck to meet him.

What was unexpected was that he was actually temporarily staying in Plum Blossom Nunnery at this time. No wonder Yan Huaijing rushed over to pay him a visit after receiving the news.

However, Wei Yuewu vaguely felt that something was wrong, so she concentrated her mind and paid attention to the conversation between them.

At this time, Master Fenghe was already sitting on his knees on the mat. He pointed at the Go pieces on the Go board and asked with a smile, “Who will move first?”

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