Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 – The Quarrel Outside The Buddha Hall

As the Heir-apparents of the Duke of Chu State and of the Duke of Qi State were winking at each other, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the stairs. Mo Huating turned around and saw that the Crown Prince Wen Tianyao was coming in. Yan Huaijing, the Heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan, and Lu Yeli, the Heir-apparent of the Duke of Lu, followed slightly behind.

Along with Mo Huating, the Fourth Prince Wen Yi accompanied Chu Fangnan, the Heir-apparent of the Duke of Chu, and Qi Yunhao, the Heir-apparent of the Duke of Qi. Seeing the crown prince coming upstairs, he stepped forward and greeted Wen Tianyao respectfully, “My brother, where have you been? When Marquis Jing Yuan and I brought the Heir-apparent of Chu and Heir-apparent of Qi over, we didn’t see you!”

With a faint smile, Wen Tianyao replied, “After waiting for you for a long time, Heir-apparent of Yan wanted to visit the hall first, so we went down.”

This side hall actually had a door to the main hall downstairs, so there was no need to go outside and enter the main hall through the main entrance.

Chu Fangnan and Qi Yunhao also came to greet the Crown Prince. After the group of people finished exchanging greetings, they sat down together.

Sitting by the window, Yan Huaijing raised his long, slanted eyes. He happened to be able to see Wei Yuewu below, and a smile came upon his lips.

This girl really surprised him. He had clearly heard the farce that took place at the entrance of the hall…

Certainly, he also found something interesting…

In front of the steps of the main hall, Yang Yurou, who was choked by the question, no longer dared to underestimate Wei Yuewu. She brought her several bosom friends to the side with some fear in her heart, not daring to provoke Wei Yuewu anymore.

Even Yang Yurou who was accustomed to being arrogant knew that today they were all the guests of the two princesses. Moreover, she knew very well that the impact of her family was by no means comparable to that of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang.

“Sixth Miss Wei, thank you!” Yang Yuyan looked at Wei Yuewu with tears in her eyes as she thanked Wei Yuewu in a low voice.

“You’re welcome. Miss Yang also helped me.” Wei Yuewu moved slightly, but her destination wasn’t another place where there was no one. Instead, she walked towards the place where Yang Yurou and her friends stood, and a trace of deep thought flashed in her eyes. How could she leave such a useful person aside!

Seeing Wei Yuewu approaching, Yang Yurou started to be wary.

However, Wei Yuewu stopped at the pillar two steps away from them and looked at the exquisite carvings on the pillar with her hands clasped behind her back.

Seeing that Wei Yuewu did not directly come to provoke her, Yang Yurou no longer stared at Wei Yuewu. She turned to talk to her bosom friends again, but her attention was still shifted to Wei Yuewu from time to time.

Yang Yuyan’s eyes were still filled with tears. She took a few steps forward and looked at Yang Yurou timidly. She reached out to pull Wei Yuewu’s sleeve and pointed to the other side. Then, she whispered, “Sixth Miss Wei, let’s go there to talk.”

With Yang Yurou around, she was very uneasy, angry and hateful, but she couldn’t do anything.

“Miss Yang, if you’re tired, please go there to have a rest. I’d like to hang around here for some time.” Wei Yuewu shook her head and shook her sleeves with a bit of alienation.

Yang Yuyan’s hand fell. She felt she was treated quite indifferently and tears of grievance immediately filled her eyes. Jin’er, her maid, glanced at Wei Yuewu angrily. However, she just handed Yang Yuyan a piece of handkerchief, not daring to say anything.

“Sixth Miss Wei…” Yang Yuyan still tried to persuade her.

“Miss Yang, the two princesses are coming.” Wei Yuewu turned around and looked in the direction of the main hall.

Over there, a group of young ladies in gorgeous silk dresses were coming slowly. The first two were the Third Princess and the Fourth Princess, both of whom were beautifully dressed and wore headpieces made of pearls and jade. People could easily tell that they were the proud daughters favored by heavens. The smart and tender lady next to the Third Princess was Wei Qiufu, the Fourth Miss Wei of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang.

Seeing the two princesses bringing such a large group of people over, Yang Yuyan moved closer to Wei Yuewu probably out of fear.

Since she behaved in this way, it was difficult for people to bear malice towards her. Wei Yuewu only glanced at her for a moment before turning her attention to Wei Qiufu.

“The Crown Prince is also coming.”

“Heir-apparent of Yan State, he … he is coming as well …”

“Wow, Heir-apparent of Yan State! He is really here!” …

People marveled in low voice one after another. These ladies were from noble families, and were the most well-behaved ones. But at this time, everyone looked shy, and stared at Yan Huaijing who was standing behind Wen Tianyao with surprise and joy.

That handsome man Yan Huaijing seemed to be filled with an unbridled magic power. The gentle smile on his face made him like a fairy living in the mundane world, and he himself was not stained with any dust. Wei Yuewu glanced around. She knew that Wei Qiufu had a crush on Wen Tianyao and dreamed of marrying the Crown Prince to become the Crown Princess. But at this moment, Wei Qiufu was also in a trance at seeing Yan Huaijing’s unparalleled appearance and temperament.

The ladies in the surroundings sighed from time to time. Yan Huaijing surely deserved the title of the Peerless Young Master.

Even though Wen Tianyao, who was standing beside him, was equally outstanding and possessed unparalleled power, everyone’s attention was still focused on Yan Huaijing at the first glance and they were charmed by his grace instantly. Only Wei Yuewu remained somewhat clear-minded and subconsciously took a step back.

What a ruthless heart he had behind such gentleness and peerless grace!

Sure enough, this gathering was not just simply for people to appreciate the plum blossom.

At the gate of the city, the two men who sat in the carriages from the State of Chu and the State of Qi should be respectively the two heir-apparents who were now walking behind the Crown Prince. Wei Yuewu had seen them from afar at the previous banquet in the palace.

Strangely enough, the four unmarried heir-apparents of the four great states appeared together.

On the other side, the Third Princess, the Fourth Princess and all the young ladies of aristocratic families brought over by them were all unmarried…

The implication of the gathering was so weird that Wei Yuewu pondered silently without stepping forward.

However, whether she was willing or not, she had to come forward to pay her respects.

As a result, Wei Yuewu followed the other young ladies of aristocratic families who had just regained their senses, and stepped forward to greet the Crown Prince and two heir-apparents.

Wei Qiufu was standing behind the Third Princess. She walked to Wei Yuewu, held her hand and asked her, “Sister, I heard that you were sick. Are you feeling alright? Do you want to have a rest first?”

Although her voice wasn’t loud, because she walked directly from behind the Third Princess, Wei Yuewu received many others’ attention.

Yang Yuyan seemed a little timid and shy. She blushed as she hid behind Wei Yuewu. She lowered her head, as if she didn’t dare to see anyone. Although she looked beautiful, she didn’t stand out amongst such a large group of beautiful ladies from aristocratic families. Almost no one noticed her.

But “almost no” didn’t mean the same as “no”.

Jin Ling, who was next to Wei Yuewu, was standing beside her. Although her eyes weren’t focused on Yang Yuyan, her attention was focused on her. As a result, she did not miss the jealousy that was totally different from her shyness and that flashed over her face…

“Sister, I’m just a little uncomfortable. Nothing serious!” Wei Yuewu shook her head and smiled brightly.

There was a trace of coldness in her eyes, and she became even warier. Wei Qiufu really had a glib tongue as to ask her whether she needed to rest. With the Crown Prince and two princesses all here, how dare she say that she wanted to rest?

“Are you really alright? I heard that you went to Miss Yang’s place to ask for medicine. If you really feel uncomfortable, just tell me. I can’t believe you became closer to Miss Yang than to me just in a while!” Wei Qiufu teased softly. Her voice suggested intimacy and a bit of blame, which sounded reasonable.

She expressed both the close relationship with her sister and her jealousy of the friendship between Wei Yuewu and Yang Yuyan. She was displaying an extremely candid image.

From their first meeting till now, Wei Qiufu’s performance had always been remarkable, and she always acted as if she was considerate to others.

“Fourth Elder Sister, you must be joking. I’m really fine.” Wei Yuewu said.

“That’s good. Come here. I will introduce you to the two princesses.” Wei Qiufu held Wei Yuewu’s hand affectionately and walked towards the Third Princess and Fourth Princess with smile.

Yang Yuyan and Jin’er naturally followed behind Wei Yuewu.

No one noticed that Yang Yurou, who had always been at odds with Yang Yuyan, rolled her eyes. After thinking for a while, she followed them quietly.

Behind the Crown Prince, Mo Huating’s gaze landed on Wei Yuewu with a bit of complexity, but it was only a quick glance. Then he lowered his head and placed his hand on his waist …

Yan Huaijing, who was originally standing in front of him, happened to turn his head at this moment. His long and narrow eyes turned to Mo Huating’s face and he smiled warmly at him. Immediately, Mo Huating’s hand stiffened on his waist pocket and he didn’t dare to take further actions! He was afraid that he would disturb this Heir-apparent of Yan State.

Wei Yuewu had saluted the two princesses with others, but at this moment she was led out by Wei Qiufu. Wei Yuewu didn’t know what was Wei Qiufu’s intention. She had fallen into Wei Qiufu’s trap the moment she was invited by the Third Princess. Fortunately, she had always been on alert…

“My greetings to Your Highnesses.” Wei Yuewu stood still and said softly.

The Third Princess asked softly, “Is Sixth Miss Wei feeling unwell? Fourth Miss Wei was worried about your health a moment ago when she talked to me.”

The Fourth Princess glanced at Wei Yuewu and didn’t say anything. She only waved her hand as an indicator for Wei Yuewu not to kneel down.

“Thank you, Your Highness. I just had a little cold.” Wei Yuewu replied respectfully.

“Fourth young lady, can you feel at ease now? Although Sixth Miss Wei looks a little thin, she doesn’t seem to be so weak as to collapse in a single breeze.” The Third Princess turned to Wei Qiufu and teased her.

From these words, it could tell that the relationship between the Third Prince and Wei Qiufu was extremely good. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Third Princess to give an extra invitation to Wei Yuewu.

“Third Princess, can I ask for a favor from Your Highness?” Wei Qiufu smiled.

“What is it?” The Third Princess asked in surprise.

Because they stopped to continue their talk, the large group of people including the Crown Prince and the four heir-apparents all stopped.

“My sixth younger sister always has a bad health. I’m still worried. I wonder if I can borrow the Third Princess’ imperial doctor to check on my sister’s health later.” Wei Qiufu smiled. Her words were reasonable, and her eyebrows were filled with worry. She looked like a perfect elder sister.

Anyone there would feel that this Fourth Miss Wei in front of them cared about Wei Yuewu sincerely.

“Alright!” The Third Princess said straightforwardly.

For royal family members like the Third Princess, if they traveled for a relatively long period of time, they would definitely be accompanied by an imperial doctor. This was also for their own safety and health.

However, it was at this moment that something unexpected suddenly occurred.

Wei Yuewu stood up silently. Suddenly, a cold glint emerged within her eyes. Before she could react to it, a strong force pulled her back a few steps…

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