Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 118

Chapter 118 – She Was Supposed To Share The Neighboring Courtyard With…

As the gauze scarf in her hand changed its color in the sunlight, Wei Yuewu realized that the scarf was made of soft brocade. How could she retain the usual composure on her face?

This gauze scarf that was casually left behind was actually made of precious soft brocade. Then, this so-called old lady was definitely not an ordinary person.

Although the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang was powerful, people would still feel startled by the fact that the Madam Dowager owned a piece of soft brocade.

Although Jin Ling did not know about soft brocade, she could feel the seriousness on Wei Yuewu’s expression. She asked, “Miss, this is….”

“Precious soft brocade!” Wei Yuewu whispered as she placed the scarf on the table at the window.

It could be seen that this piece of soft brocade was new. Judging from the threads on its edges, the scarf hadn’t been washed. That exactly meant that this was a newly-made scarf….

“Miss, do you want me to find out who this old lady is?” Jin Ling asked.

Wei Yuewu shook her hand and said softly, “There’s no need. She purposely left this scarf behind to attract our attention. This is in the nunnery. Investigation will only attract others’ attention.”

Plum Blossom Nunnery was different from the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang. To find out the truth meant one had to interact with the nuns in the nunnery. As a result, they would be easily exposed. It was better to wait and see what would happen next.

“Miss, are you saying that this scarf was deliberately left behind by that old lady?” Shufei’s eyes widened in surprise.

“If it wasn’t left behind intentionally, how could there be no other traces than such a conspicuous new scarf? And it remained at such an eye-catching spot.” Wei Yuewu turned around and looked at the spotless room, her eyes flashing with a trace of deep thought.

The room was clean and free from dust. If it weren’t for the special explanation of the nun, she wouldn’t know that someone lived here.

Jin Ling was concerned about Wei Yuewu’s safety, so she asked anxiously. “Miss, what is the intention of that old lady?”

“I don’t know, but… maybe it has something to do with the nun I met last time!” Wei Yuewu sat down on a chair at the side and sighed in her heart. Her mind was in a mess too. Inexplicable things propped up one after another. She was clearly trapped in a plot, but she didn’t know why.

Countless thoughts surged into her mind, but she couldn’t find the crux.

Nevertheless, Wei Yuewu was sure that she was the last one to be invited by Third Princess, and therefore no courtyard was arranged for her. It should be Wei Qiufu’s intention to cram her into another young lady’s courtyard. Unexpectedly, this old lady who had appeared out of nowhere ruined Wei Qiufu’s plan.

Thanks to the sudden leave of the old lady, there was one extra courtyard. Wei Qiufu had not expected this turn of event.

“Is Sixth Young Lady here?” Just as she was pondering, a voice suddenly came from the courtyard gate.

Through the window, she saw an old maidservant dressed in an outfit worn by servants of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang. She was standing at the gate with a smile instead of rushing in rashly.

Wei Yuewu nodded at Shufei, who immediately went out of the room.

Shufei looked at the old maidservant at the door and asked in surprise, “Yes, our mistress is here. And you are….”

“I’m Fourth Young Lady’s servant. Fourth Young Lady heard that Sixth Young Lady is here and is very happy. She originally wanted to come here but was called away by the Third Princess. She can’t come for a while, so she asked me to see if there was anything Sixth Young Lady needed. Just tell my mistress whatever it is and she will think of a way to get it.”

The old maidservant said smilingly and with a friendly expression that was similar to Wei Qiufu’s usual appearance. This easily made people feel good about her.

“Please say thanks to the Fourth Young Lady. The Sixth Young Lady doesn’t lack anything for the time being. If my mistress wants anything later, she will tell the Fourth Young Lady.” Shufei thanked Wei Qiufu on behalf of Wei Yuewu.

“There’s no need to thank. The Fourth Young Lady is the elder sister, and the Sixth Young Lady is new here. Who else will say such words to Sixth Young Lady except her own elder sister?” The old maidservant spoke in a very skillful way, as if what she said was a matter of course. Her manners were affectionate and pleasing.

“If the Sixth Young Lady doesn’t need anything now, I’m going back to report to my mistress.” The old maidservant finished her words and was about to take leave.

“Wait a moment.” Jin Ling came out of the room and stopped her with a smile, “Our mistress has something to ask you. Come in.”

The old maidservant was not surprised to hear that Wei Yuewu wanted to ask her something. She followed Jin Ling in and saw Wei Yuewu sitting inside. She curtsied respectfully to Wei Yuewu and stood to the side. “Sixth Young Lady, my mistress is so excited to hear that you also came to the Plum Blossom Nunnery. She couldn’t wait to come to see you if she hadn’t been delayed by something at the Third Princess’ courtyard.”

“Why is Fourth Elder Sister here too? I heard that she went to a different place than…. the Plum Blossom Nunnery. Right?” Wei Yuewu cast a casual glance at the old maidservant in front of her.

It was obvious that the old maidservant was a shrewd and experienced person. Her face always carried a smile.

“Sixth Young Lady, you’re right. My mistress didn’t come to Plum Blossom Nunnery at first. She was about to return to the mansion when she received the invitation from the Third Princess. She had to come here. Sixth Young Lady, as you know, my mistress likes quietness. She doesn’t like to stay with many people. But the Third Princess invited her, so she had no choice but to come.”

The old maidservant explained with a smile.

“I have never traveled with the princesses. I don’t know how to wait on them. Does Fourth Elder Sister have any words on that?” Wei Yuewu’s long eyelashes fluttered as she asked calmly.

“My mistress said that if Sixth Young Lady asked about this, I should tell the Sixth Young Lady that she didn’t have to worry too much about it. The two princesses are very good-natured and won’t be angry with young ladies for no reason. Besides, the young ladies are gathering here this time to see plum blossoms and have fun. It’s not like in the Palace, so there’s no need to be overcautious.”

Hearing Wei Yuewu’s question, the old maidservant immediately poured out the words she had prepared.

The princesses wouldn’t get angry with young ladies for no reason? But what if there was a reason? The previous incident in which Wei Yan was pushed into the water was just an example. In cases like that, who would really think that the Fourth Princess was to blame?

Wei Yuewu’s long eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes flashed with a hint of darkness. Wei Qiufu was so well-prepared that she could even guess what Wei Yuewu wanted to ask.

“Is the courtyard where Fourth Elder Sister lives far from here?”

“My mistress’s courtyard lives right next to the Third Princess’ courtyard. There is quite a distance from here. Actually, my mistress originally wanted to live with you, Sixth Young Lady, but the Third Princess rejected. She said that she had something to discuss with my mistress, so she arranged my mistress to live in the courtyard next to hers.” The old maidservant replied.

“Did Fourth Elder Sister get the Third Princess’ invitation much earlier than other young ladies?” Wei Yuewu seemed to ask carelessly.

“My mistress did receive the Third Princess’ invitation earlier than others, that’s why her courtyard is also in the front.” Seeing Wei Yuewu asking casually, the old maidservant also answered without thinking too much.

“It’s truly a blessing for Fourth Elder Sister to be highly thought of by the Third Princess. I wonder if there are any other young ladies who are also favored by the Third Princess and Fourth Princess?” Wei Yuewu asked curiously.

Those words made the old maidservant very proud. She straightened her neck and said, “My mistress has always had a good reputation. She has a good relationship with the two princesses in the palace. Her courtyard is next to the Third Princess’ courtyard because the Third Princess thought of my mistress first when sending out the invitations. The one she wanted to invite first was also my mistress.”

Wei Qiufu was the first one to be invited, so she was arranged to live right next to the two princesses. Wei Yuewu was the last one to be invited, so she lived in the last courtyard. According to this order, if there was no courtyard available for Wei Yuewu, she would have to live with the young lady in the neighboring courtyard.…

Wei Yuewu took a deep breath. A faint coldness appeared on the corner of her lips. So the young lady in the neighboring courtyard was the one whom she was supposed to live with. She wondered what was unusual with that young lady….

After asking a few more questions, Wei Yuewu let the old maidservant go back and expressed her thanks to Wei Qiufu.

After the old maidservant left, Wei Yuewu leaned back, her face slightly cold.

“Miss, what should we do next?” Seeing Wei Yuewu pursing her cherry lips tightly without saying anything, Jin Ling couldn’t help but ask.

“Go to the courtyard next door and ask if there is any medicine for the cold. Just say that I caught a cold, but I forgot to bring the medicine. See who lives there by the way.”

Wei Yuewu’s face gradually calmed down.

“Yes, I will go now and take a look.” Jin Ling respectfully retreated.

“Miss, why are you investigating the young lady next to our courtyard?” Shufei asked in surprise as she tidied up Wei Yuewu’s room.

Wei Yuewu stood up and walked to the mirror. She looked at the cool-faced figure in the mirror and slowly said, “That courtyard should be the place which I had been arranged to share with someone else.”

If she had to live in the same courtyard with another young lady, Wei Qiufu would definitely take a move against her. She had to find out the reason quickly so that she could remain undefeated in the confrontation with Wei Qiufu and even have a chance to fight back.

The move she had prepared for Wei Qiufu should be activated by now.…

Apparently, Wei Qiufu had plotted against her. Ever since she knew that Wei Qiufu’s target was the position of the Crown Princess, Wei Yuewu knew that she was a stumbling block to Wei Qiufu. Wei Qiufu wanted to be the most respected first daughter in the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang. Only in this way would Wei Qiufu have a greater chance of becoming the Crown Princess.

The background of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang was enough to make her a promising candidate for the Crown Princess.

Shufei thought for a moment but still couldn’t hold back her curiosity. She finally asked the question that lingered on her mind, “Miss, why does Fourth Miss want to hurt you? There doesn’t seem to be any clash of interests between you two.”

“If she wants to be the most respected first daughter in the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang, the big branch and the second branch will be regarded as a barrier by her. Her status must be enhanced. Otherwise, how can she be worthy of the Crown Prince?! For this reason, it’s better that both Wei Yan and I are ruined!” Wei Yuewu smiled faintly and the corners of her lips curled into a mocking smile.

Wei Qiufu’s selfishness had reached an alarming level. Even though she didn’t attack directly in the same way as Wei Yan, she was more cunning and sinister!

Wei Qiufu wanted the support of the first and second branches. Such an ambition meant that her target must be higher than the Crown Princess!

However, who exactly lived in the neighboring courtyard? How could Wei Qiufu be certain that the young lady living there could do harm to her.…

Jin Ling lifted the curtain and smiled. She said to Wei Yuewu who was in the room, “Miss, look, I’ve brought you a servant!”

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