Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 3531: 【3531】timing

   Chapter 3531 [3531] Timing

  After her words hit the ground, those who didn’t understand were stunned.

  Those who understand, just look at Mr. Zhang's squinted eyes and know that they will be surprised by her words.

  Mr. Mai Hui blinked his eyelids, and his eyes were full of surprise. I saw this Dr. Xie looked young, but her words almost made him mistaken for a senior engineer in his company or a competitor's company.

   After all, her words hit the nail on the head.

  Du Yeqing touched the frame of the glasses with his fingertips, thinking: "Is this the reason why the previous introduction failed for the first time?"

   Director Wang became worried and asked: "Didn't you say that the process of weaning the patient from the machine is difficult? Doesn't it take a long time?"

  She didn't say it would take a long time. In fact, after she learned that the current ecmo can't support the patient for a long time, she redesigned the timetable a long time ago. What she emphasized to Director Wang before was to carefully prepare for each withdrawal before withdrawing the machine.

   "What if the patient can't turn off the machine? What should I do if the machine needs to support the patient for a long time?" Director Wang asked again nervously.

  If the patient needs the machine for a long time and can’t turn it off, isn’t it because the machine is not very useful, and if it’s dead, it’s because the previous application failed again.

  Other doctors felt that Director Wang's concerns were justified. Du Yeqing and the others couldn't help showing a strong sense of anxiety.

  Big brother Zhang sharply scanned the corner of his eyes again, onto the faces of the people from Company M.

  Among all the people at the scene, it is estimated that the most panicked ones are not the doctors but Mr. Mai Hui, who is in charge of selling the products.

  After the product is promoted, customers always fail to use it, which also belongs to the failure of their company's products. Because they are not easy to use and cannot be used, they will never buy their machines.

   As a result, the chances of their company's machine creating the first case in this country have once again become slim, and it is difficult to sell the product again.

   "Timing." Xie Wanying told Director Wang and Brother Zhang.

  This is why she strongly recommended Mr. Zhang that night to put the patient on the plane without hesitation.

  The best time to use ecmo is as soon as possible, the sooner it is given to the patient, the better.

  The working principle of the membrane lung is to replace part of the patient's heart and lung function so that the patient can rest in the heart and lung. If the patient's heart and lungs are too weak due to disease, the use of membrane lungs is of little use. Because the patient's own heart and lungs are so bad that they can't recover by themselves, after the membrane lung is installed, they will never wait until the patient's own heart and lung function recovers, and they can only wait for death.

  So, sometimes the family members of the patients complain that it is useless after spending huge sums of money, not because the machine is not good, but in the final analysis, it is a missed opportunity. There may be reasons for the doctor's technical misjudgment, or it may be that the doctor has said that the family members want to try again.

  Clinically, for cases where the membrane lung can be successfully applied, the doctor must be courageous without hesitation, dare to judge accurately, and dare to treat the right patient at the first time. Secondly, the patient's family members must cooperate and have the courage not to cover their wallets and dare to spend money after the doctor speaks.

  After listening to her words, Mr. Mai Hui was the first to let out a sigh of relief, and looked at her with excited eyes: this Dr. Xie really understands their products. It is difficult to find a doctor who understands their products. The high-tech products made have advantages and disadvantages. High-tech things contain a lot of knowledge, and the threshold for accurately understanding the technological content in products is high. How can it be easy to find such people.

  (end of this chapter)

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