Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 3507: 【3507】pursuit

  Chapter 3507【3507】Pursuit of victory

   It is simply not something that the other two artifacts can replace. As I said before, how to cooperate with several life-saving artifacts is a technical test for doctors.

  Boss Zhang will test the students again on the spot.

  The country is like the National Association, there is no shortage of people, but every year the key talents in the circle are bound to be recruited, and competitors will never be threatened by the opportunity to accept them.

  Because of Xie's technical reputation, people who pay attention to Xie will definitely pay attention to Xie's classmates.

  As for the strength of the students in the same class as Xie, Mr. Zhang should take this opportunity to find out. It is safest for other teachers to personally inspect whether there is any deviation in the grades of students.

   Now that we are in the ICU, the focus of the inspection should be the performance of the internal medicine students.

  For this day, it should be said that several internal medicine students have already prepared and are gearing up.

Not to mention student bully Zhang Desheng, chubby Zhao Zhaowei can answer Mr. Zhang’s question with eloquence: “There are three commonly used lung recruitment methods in clinical practice, controlled lung expansion method, positive end-expiratory pressure incremental method and pressure control."

  The students memorized well. Zhang Huayao lowered his head, and said yes, no need to say yes, but when he flipped through the bill and the small note attached to the medical record with his fingers, his eyes took a hard look.

Director Wang, who was standing next to Mr. Zhang, was the first to notice the change in the leader's expression. He followed the probe and looked down at the small note, thinking: Wow, "Mr. Keep your passion for medicine undiminished and continue to donate.

  The corner of Zhang Huayao's mouth is almost narrowed into an old wolf. If all the people under him are like classmate Xie, there is no need for him to fight so hard to raise investment alone.

  It should be said that the more you look at this classmate Xie, the more he looks like Mr. Zhang, which is pleasing.

  Medicine itself costs a lot of money. The more advanced the medicine, the more money it costs. It is too naive for doctors to be too high-minded and just want to stay out of money. In this regard, Xie Wanying is a big boss. Doctors should get out of the silt without getting stained, that is, they must take the initiative to step into the silt of money.

   Tsk, Zhang Huayao touched the stubble on his chin with his fingertips, and when his eyes scanned the words in the negative pressure ward, he seemed to think of a certain news in the circle that he received recently.

  Someone in another hospital is also suggesting a negative pressure ward. Is this a coincidence?

  Zhao Zhaowei finished memorizing the information he found in a swipe, and found that Mr. Zhang seemed to be wandering, and immediately blushed in embarrassment: Does his memorization of this book make Mr. Zhang doze off?

   "Are you finished?" Brother Zhang looked around, only to hear the sound stop, and immediately raised his head to ask again, "Then which method do you say this patient should be treated now?"

  Boy, you can use it after memorizing the book. It can be seen that the boss is like a master in the examination room, only focusing on the key points, no matter how well you memorize it, it is just waiting for you to use it. Zhao Zhaowei swallowed, this question was beyond his outline, even if he found any information, he didn't know how to apply it to this patient. It should be said that he has never seen a clinical teacher do it before, and has never actually studied it. How can he know how to use the materials.

   "Tell me, the rest of you." Zhang Huayao raised his wrist to look at his watch, telling people to hurry up.

  A group of students suddenly became nervous, especially Feng Yicong, because they heard the door ring.

  (end of this chapter)

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