Returning From Level 900

Chapter 138 - The Flood

Chapter 138: The Flood

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 138: The Flood

The person in charge of the trap on the other side gave them a crooked look.

He was already fed up with being told what to do by strangers.

There was no movement when they reached the ground and finished looking.

It was a complete waste of time!

The man in charge of the trap was furious.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and ask a half-mocking, half-doubting question…

“Is that so?” Wang Wen asked, turning his head. “First and foremost, it’s not that I don’t want to set that trap. I simply have some technical data that I would like to test first. Do you have any idea how to shoot an arrow?”

Disdainfully, the person snorted. That kind of question was an insult to warriors who had spent years on the battlefield.

He casually summoned a soldier and took the bow and arrow from his back. He reached out to pull the bowstring and fired an arrow that landed dozens of meters away on a stone.

Then he fired another arrow, hitting the same stone from a greater distance.

“That is excellent.” Wang Wen nodded, relieved. He took out his mechanical crossbow and loaded it with a special arrow retrieved from the speed shifting mechanism, then handed the crossbow to the person and said, “I need to bother you for a trip. Join us on the battlefield for a test. To see the effect, shoot an enemy with that crossbow.”

The person had no idea what was happening, but that did not stop him from decisively rejecting it. “During the war, the division of labor is clear. My current assignment is to oversee the trap’s production. I am not going to the battlefield with you to mess around.”

Wang Wen was not upset.

With a smile, he dragged that person slowly toward the battlefield. “We’ll talk about the trap!” he said as they walked.

“Look at that arrow.” Wang Wen patiently explained, pointing to the special arrow in the crossbow. “I need to know how powerful it is and how many arrows it takes to kill an enemy. Only then can I calculate the exact number of traps used in the trap. Otherwise, putting too much of it in will waste valuable space. If I use too little, it will not be enough to kill the target. Don’t you think such a test is absolutely necessary? Who will bear the consequences if the data is unclear? Won’t I be lying to you then?”

The person in charge of the trap twitched his brow when he heard the last part.

“There was a certain logic to it,” he said in a relaxed tone, turning his head to look at Wang Wen, who had a harmless look on his face. “Then, hurry up and try to collect all of the information you require before dawn. Otherwise, you will blame me for not cooperating.”

“Of course,” Wang Wen said as he smiled warmly.

The three crept to the back of the main battleground. That location was only a few hundred meters from the epicenter of the fiercest battle.

Hundreds of people dashed here and there, transporting supplies or injured people. All communication was done through shouting.

When a patrolling officer saw them, he checked their documents, bowed, and left.

The person in charge of the trap clearly held a high position.

He guided Wang Wen and Zhu Xing to the area guarded by the massive shieldbearers. On that side, there were fewer enemies.

The tallest half-man creatures might have found those metal lumps too bothersome and refused to go there.

The trapper stepped through a gap, aimed his crossbow at a close-range, tall half-man creature, and fired an arrow.

Like a whistle, the special arrow whistled through the target’s head.

The creature fell stiffly to the ground and was quickly devoured by its companions.

Then the companions around them covered their throats and fell to the ground, spitting black foam. More companions devoured them.

The group of creatures who had finished eating at that time was nothing out of the ordinary. They just smacked their lips as if perplexed. The flavor appeared to be a little different than usual.

Wang Wen kept an eye on the drone’s progress until the creature had been eaten to the bone. The rate of progress remained unchanged.

He was a little ecstatic.

He took out a special arrow and handed it to the person in charge of the trap.

The person gave him an impatient look. He kept his cool and shot the arrow again. Another half-man-sized creature collapsed.

The checkpoint’s progress remained static.

Wang Wen and Zhu Xingguo exchanged glances.

Zhu Xingguo’s eyes were wide with bewilderment.

Wang Wen was unconcerned about him. He excitedly waved his hand. He removed a Shear Water Bead and attached it to the arrowhead. He stuffed the arrow into the person in charge of the trap after ensuring it could be torn. “Shoot it far away,” he instructed.

The person in charge of the trap kept his cool and fired the arrow into the sky.

The small arrow flew into the night sky and vanished.

Just as the person was about to ask Wang Wen how many times he needed to test it…

Suddenly, chaos erupted in front of them.

The person in charge of the trap looked on in disbelief as many soldiers retreated from the front in shambles. His entire body was drenched in the rain, and the torches used for lighting had gone out.

He grabbed a soldier and demanded to know what had happened.

“I don’t know where the flood came from, but it flooded half of the battlefield,” the other party said, looking at his clothes.

Those who were slower could not recover.

The person let go of the soldier and allowed them to flee with the rest of the team.

He returned to Wang Wen’s side like a puppet, calmly looking at him. “Was it just that arrow?”

Wang Wen fixed his gaze on the drone and replied, “Yes.” He did not even turn around.

The person in charge paused for a moment before asking again, “Was it water magic? How much water will be there?”

“Probably…” Wang Wen paused for a moment before reaching out and drawing a circle. “Perhaps as much as a lake.”

“Is it as much as a lake? So much water…” the person said again.

The examination was completed.

The test’s progress did not improve at all.

Such a firm and stable number did not allow Wang Wen to breathe a sigh of relief but instead made him even more concerned.

He was not concerned about the trap, but he was worried about Mo Ran’s situation.

He was testing, but he did not make any progress.

That guy would not die, would he?

Wang Wen made a bad guess. He led the dazed person in charge and the perplexed Zhu Xingguo back to the trap.

He boldly began teaching the engineers how to set traps more efficiently.

Many locations did not need to be filled because a chain trigger could activate a large number of traps at once.

That was far more efficient, and the effect would be far superior.

Under the supervision of his master, Zhu Xingguo would occasionally go down and set traps with the engineers.

Surprisingly, the person in charge of the traps no longer objected to Wang Wen’s instructions.

On the other hand, he took the initiative to request assistance from the engineers.


The massive project that had taken five days to complete was completed in one night under Wang Wen’s direction.

The original goal was not only met, but there were a few extra parts that worked together to make the trap even scarier.

The trap even considered escaped enemies, and a ground trap was specially designed for that purpose.

It ensured that none of the enemies who entered the range escaped death.

He looked at the gradually brightening sky.

Then he looked at the ground, which had perfectly concealed their mechanisms. The person in charge of the trap appeared dazed.

What happened that night had shifted his perspective somewhat.

He made arrangements for the airship to return to headquarters. Wang Wen was led to the commander’s room for a report.

The commander appeared to have just woken up and was drinking water in an exhausted state.

His drowsiness dissipated when he learned that the trap had been completed and could be activated at any time. He stood up and walked around the sand table to the trap’s operator and Wang Wen. “Are you sure?” he asked, his face surprised. “Is it really possible to activate it now? Will it minimize the effect?”

The person in charge of the trap opened his mouth. He wanted to say that if all the traps worked smoothly, the effect might be doubled.

But he did not have time to say anything.

There was a commotion outside the door.

After breaking open the newly repaired door, a few adjutants rushed into the room. Their faces were flushed with excitement as they looked at the commander.

They held the battle report and exclaimed loudly, “The main battlefield suddenly flooded. Our losses are minimal. Most of them successfully retreated, but the enemy suffered significant losses! According to preliminary estimates, at least 100,000 creatures would perish when the flood receded. According to witnesses at the battle site, that was because they were too short and could not swim!”

The commander was taken aback. He took the battle report and carefully read it. “The main battlefield was dry. Where did the water come from?”

The adjutants’ gazes were drawn to the person in charge of the trap, Zhu Xingguo, and Wang Wen, who was looking for someone else. They appeared to be a group of exports. “The closest water hole was the area where the giant soldiers were,” he said, his face flushed with excitement. “According to witnesses, those three must have used large-scale water magic to catch the enemy off guard!”

“Large-scale water magic?” In shock, the commander turned to face Wang Wen. “How did your magical power cover such a large area, Sir Mage? A hundred thousand enemies—that power level was not inferior to Darbus’ attack! Are you already—”

Wang Wen had no idea who he was talking to when he mentioned Sir Mage.

He had nearly forgotten he was a mage.

He noticed someone talking to him while he was looking for someone else.

“Where’s the Archmage?” he inquired. “Where has he gone? Isn’t it time for him to show me how to make the Magnificent Divine Stone?”

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