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Chapter 111: Curse of Sanke (7)

Chapter 111: Curse of Sanke (7)

Within a quiet room, Jisa calmly made her way through Zayden's bedroom as she stood in front of his bed. Soon after, her eyes turned to her brother who was soundly asleep in dreamland.

"...Zay. Wake up..." Jisa helplessly sighed.

However, despite her wake up call, Zayden remained asleep without a care in the world for the time.


Continuing to give a wake-up call to her brother, Jisa slowly grew impatient as she scurried over towards his bathroom. Moments later, she came out of the room with a wet towel in hand.

"Zayden... Wake up..." she glared at Zayden who knew nothing of what was about to happen next.

"..." Though, just the same as beforeThere was no reply from Zayden who was sound asleep.

" asked for it," Jisa muttered in a defeated voice as she walked up close to the sleeping Zayden. Soon after, with the towel in her hand which was drenched in cold water, she wiped it onto her brother's face.

"...!!!" With the sudden chilly cold feeling that was enhanced by the aircon's coldness, Zayden instantly woke up. "Huh?!"

"You're finally awake!" Jisa cheered. "Do you know what time it is?"

"...yawn, what time?" Wiping off the drips of water on his face, Zayden rubbed his eyes as he lazily turned towards Jisa. "I told you to wake me up at two right?"

"...yes, you did," Jisa mumbled. "But uh, due to some problems... It's now three..."

"Come again...?" Zayden stopped rubbing his eyes upon hearing Jisa's statement. "'s now three?"

"Ahem. Not my fault that you didn't wake up for the past twenty minutes," Jisa coughed. "I had to resort to the towel tactic to finally get you to wake up..."

Blankly staring at Jisa, his mind suddenly clicked to him as he hurriedly jumped out of bed. "Huh?! Why didn't you do that earlier?!"

"Well, the last time I did it, you complained that the bed ended up getting wet..."

"Even a loud alarm didn't work?" he tilted his head as he undressed whilst grabbing onto a clean set of clothing within his cabinet.

"Nope. You were in deep sleep today," she shrugged in reply.

"...well, at that point, I guess using that tactic would be okay..." he sighed as he headed into the bathroom. "At least it's not her unsanitary tactic..."

"I guess. In any case, since you woke up and seem to be in a rush," Jisa questioned. "No lunch?"

"Just cook me up a noodle or something!"

"Ugh... noodles, can't you just eat rice?"

"Do you even have it freshly cooked?"

"Well, I cooked it for you around the time you were supposed to wake up, so it's still hot."

"Then whatever, anything is fine," his voice resounded through the door of the bathroom. "And also... thanks."

"Yeah, yeah," Jisa said. "You're lucky I had nothing planned for today!"


[ Logging into the game... ]

[ Player 'Shinto' has come online. ]

After Shinto had finished up with his daily necessities in real life, he hurriedly made his way to his capsule as he logged into the game.

"Sigh..." Upon feeling the grounds of the catacombs; Shinto let out a deep sigh as he looked at his friend's list, quickly taking note that Frey, Ethaniel and Raina were online. "I'm way too late to log on..."

Shaking his head helplessly, his eyes then turned towards his profile.

[ Player Profile ]

Player Name: Shinto

Level: 29

Rank: N/A

Class: Shadow Diviner (???-Unknown Rarity)

-Class Attribute-





HP: 270/270 | MP: 392/392 (+20)

Strength: 1 | Stamina: 22 (+4)

Intelligence: 46 (+21) | Agility: 58 (+8)

Shadow: 30 | Divinity: 19

Wisdom: 1

Stats Point: 200


For the past few days, Shinto had steadily levelled up to level 29. Although his growth was quite slow compared to those who played for around the same time as him, it was still an above-average growth when taking into account that he had to share most of his experience points with his partyEspecially Kon.

With the way he unconventionally grinded, it was a no brainer that he'd earn fewer experience points than those who grind as a solo player. With him being a support, there were many sorts of problems that prevented him from being able to level up if he were to do it alone.

"In any case... now that I'm logged on with a clear mind," he thought to himself. "I should put my stat points to use now."

Shinto had been putting off his stat points due to wanting to test the waters around his character in terms of the situation and how he fairs without using much of his points. He hadn't used any since starting the dungeon. But, from the looks of it; it seems he needs to raise his strength and stamina in order to keep up with the party whose stats has gradually been growing.

"With my strength at one... I guess I should put in around 30 into it and another 30 into Stamina," he pondered to himself. With thirty strength, it meant that he could carry more items without regards to the weight limit and with more stamina, he could last much longer in battle. "As for the rest... 40 in intelligence and 20 in agility."

Nodding his head in confirmation, he now turned to his newly invested stats.



HP: 810/810 | MP: 712/712 (+20)

Strength: 31 | Stamina: 52 (+4)

Intelligence: 86 (+21) | Agility: 58 (+8)

Shadow: 30 | Divinity: 19

Wisdom: 1

Stats Point: 80


"Good. This should make battles a little easier now," he nodded his head. With the bosses of the dungeon not yet defeated, he had to make preparations now before the inevitable came. "Though... It's sad that I can't raise that lonely one in Wisdom..."

There wasn't much help in it. The only way to raise the wisdom stat was to indulge in plenty of books to raise one's knowledge of the world. But, Shinto hadn't had the time to do it.

"Well, whatever. That can be for later, It's not like Wisdom is giving me anything special yet..." Turning to the description, it was mentioned that he'd gain a special passive when he equipped a certain type of weapon within his class scope, which was a staff or a book. However, he hadn't yet gained any benefits from it even with his current weapon, which was classified as a staff.

"So much thing's blocked out at my level," he shook his head helplessly. "Well... at least my Divinity is one stat away from 20. So that helps."

It was a shame. Divinity raised by one for every one to two stat gained on Shadow, thus the distribution rate was extremely slow.

"The next fight that I get into should finally make Divinity hit 20," he nodded his head. "Now then, enough of that. I've idling been around too long. Ethan and Frey should be in town."

Turning towards the direction of the town, his leg stepped forward as he began moving to the slime's retreat. However, his footsteps suddenly stopped as he cautiously glanced around the area.

"Were there always this many rats here?"




While deep in thought, Shinto hadn't realized much of his surroundings; thus he didn't manage to notice the upsurge of rats till he started moving. The rats didn't make much noise, nor did they go out of their way to attack him, so it made Shinto forgot that he was currently in a monster area.

"..." Scrutinizing the area, he noted that the rats were eyeing him; As if they were watching his every move. Moments after, he noticed the black smoke that slowly became prevalent the more he stayed within the area. " ominous aura..."

Clicking his tongue, his pace soon quickened as he rushed towards the slime's retreat.


The closer Shinto reached towards the slime's town, the rats that were only watching by the distance slowly chased after him. Though, unlike the previous situation, the rats weren't madly running, more or so, it seemed to be that they were just following him.

"Kiikk!!" The rat jumped back from Shinto's mana spark.

"Tch... the closer I reach to towards the town, the more rats appear..." Shinto frowned at the sight whilst continuing to run. "Just what's going on?"

Continuing to hurry along the hallways, the black smoke continued to grow thicker and thicker and, upon finally exiting out of the catacombs, Shinto's eyes opened wide in shock.

Greeted by the sight of a foggy smoked town, the slimes within the area seemed to be fighting against the rats that were frantically grouping together. However, upon a closer look, it seemed to be that the slimes were fighting among themselves as well.

"What the heck...?" Dumbfoundedly staring at the scene before him, Shinto shook his head as he hurried through the town. "Where's everyone else?"

Passing by the fights that were occurring throughout the area, he stopped at the town's center where the black smoke became more prevalent than before. At a glance around, he spotted two familiar figures that seemed to be in combat.

"Argh...! This is annoying!" A blonde-haired man was seen struggling against the countless rats and slimes that surrounded him.

"Why are there suddenly so many monsters?!" The woman beside him cried out.



"Tch..." Watching from the distance, Shinto clicked his tongue as he quickly held up his staff, soon beginning to cast a spell. "There's no time to waste."

Wavering his staff, a purple cloud then protruded out.

[ Shadow Fields ].

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